Freedom and Solution-Based Groups and Resources

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    Groups working on solutions are forming all over the world. Find those that resonate with you, get involved, and start making a difference.

  • Daylight Rising Media - Pathway To Freedom now features free, printable, uncensorable media from Daylight Rising Media. Share online, or download, print, cut, and share cards, flyers, and stickers to help spread truth in this era of misinformation and censorship.

  • The White Rose - Get free sticker designs and join a community of activists on the Telegram app with The White Rose.

  • Freedom Cells - Thousands of people all over the world are joining together to form local groups working on solutions to today's problems. Sign up, find the cell closest to you, and begin working with others by going to

  • Freedom Meetup - Another website connecting freedom-minded individuals is Freedom Meetup. See if there's a group or create a group near you by going to

  • The Greater Reset - From its website, "The Greater Reset is the world’s collective response to the World Economic Forum’s Initiative: The Great Reset. We offer an alternative to the WEF’s top-down, centralized, authoritarian vision. Our desire is to help all people find community and liberty by providing practical steps and knowledge for co-creating a world that respects individual liberty, bodily autonomy, and choice. We invite you to join us for 5 days of discussion [January 25th-29th] about the diverse opportunities available for those who seek to live in harmony with humanity and the planet, while respecting our innate freedom." Sign up, join the discussions, and get involved by going to

  • Make Americans Free Again - Join Make Americans Free Again, get involved, and help file and support the lawsuits that will be striking at the root of the problem: a falsely declared emergency: Watch Dr. Pam Popper's interview with Spiro Skouras to learn how this might turn into the solution that takes down the entire pandemic scam.

  • The Healthy American - Peggy Hall at offers information, documents, and solutions for individuals and businesses who wish to protect their rights. Watch Peggy's videos at her Bitchute channel.

  • Stand For Health Freedom - Stand For Health Freedom is a non-profit organization and community dedicated to protecting human rights against medical tyranny. See what they're about and get involved by going to

  • Health Freedom Defense - Health Freedom Defense aids individuals and families whose health rights are being violated while also supporting legal challenges to laws that undermine health and freedom. Learn more by visiting

  • Freedom Angels - Freedom Angels is a new group that promises to fight against the encroaching forces of tyranny. Join their mailing list and connect with them on social media by visiting

  • World Freedom Alliance - World Freedom Alliance promises to "provide a worldwide platform linking with various associations and organizations offering access to justice, true dialogue for health science and politics, while holding worldwide officials to account under the law. We will offer transparent evidence-based solutions and encourage robust debate with media, scientists and governments to ensure our fundamental freedoms of the people of the world are restored and maintained." Get involved by signing up to receive their newsletter, or making a donation at

  • World Doctors Alliance - World Doctors Alliance describes itself as "an independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity." Visit to sign their open letter, and sign up for their mailing list.

  • Citizens For Free Speech - Citizens For Free Speech is a group focusing on the restrictions placed upon government by the U.S. Constitution to combat unlawful mask and social distancing mandates. Sign up and get involved by going to

  • People's Rights - People's Rights is a group "actively working hard to build a strong legal, political and physical defense system in your area". Visit them at

  • Hugs Over Masks (Canada) - Hugs Over Masks is a Canadian group that calls itself "a community of concerned independent and non-partisan individuals, families, and businesses that formed from the need to work together in pursuit of restoring our civil liberties, democracy, and way of life during these unprecedented times." Visit them by going to

  • Us For Them (UK) - Us For Them is a group based out of the United Kingdom that is concentrating on the health and well-being of children. Visit them at

  • Keep Britain Free (UK) - Keep Britain Free is a group and a campaign working to stop the tyranny being rolled out in the United Kingdom. Join forces with them by going to

  • James Corbett's #SolutionsWatch Series - Esteemed researcher James Corbett is shifting some of his focus from analyzing the propaganda and tactics being used against us in favor of solutions with his new #SolutionsWatch series. Watch his introductory video by going to, and then find James' solution-based information by clicking here.

  • Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance - Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance (FAFTA) is building a freedom-oriented travel business, which will allow travel for business or pleasure without any of the restrictions currently being applied to travel today. Learn more by visiting

  • U.S. Freedom Flyers - Our right to travel freely is under attack, and U.S. Freedom Flyers is responding. According to their website, they "are a group of transportation professionals representing the air, rail, and trucking industries who are spearheading efforts to protect medical health freedom. Our goal is to push back against the US government’s threats of vaccine mandates for private businesses. We know this effort is not simply a matter of employees versus companies, but citizens opposing illegal and tyranical mandates by the US government." Learn more and get involved by visiting

  • UnMaskPA - "Founded in 2021, UnMaskPA is a group that is for change and will think outside the box. Our dedicated members are working to hold leaders and decision-makers accountable for their actions, moving them to rethink what is possible."

  • Free PA - Join local American patriots fighting for freedom in Pennsylvania by visiting

  • Stop The Lockdown - "The purpose of is to create an organization whose mission it is to restore the US Bill of Rights and the the US Constitution." Visit them by going to

  • National Action Task Force (N.A.T.F) - "The N.A.T.F. is not only a national organization of specialists and volunteers, but it is a 'Movement' which is gaining momentum every day. Everyone can play a role. Our ultimate objective is to support and defend the Constitution by attaining the 'Rule of Law' and putting tyrants back in their place which enables us to have 'Freedom'!" Become a part of this growing organization by going to

  • Health Freedom for Humanity - "Health Freedom for Humanity unites people from all walks of life under one common purpose: the reclamation and defense of health freedom." Learn more by visiting

  • Students Against Mandates - Founded by student activist Cait Corrigan, "Students Against Mandates educates, supports, and helps to organize students, parents, and citizens to protect their rights within the United States Constitution." Visit to learn more.

  • Operation Sunlight & Pilled.Net - Had enough of our rights being violated? Robert Beadle's Operation Sunlight is a collective of individuals, ideas, and action plans driving peacefully toward solutions. Go to to learn more, and sign up with Pilled.Net to get involved.

  • Millions Against Medical Mandates (MAMM) - Millions Against Medical Mandates describes itself as a coalition of doctors, scientists, organizations, and activists working together to prevent medical mandates. Visit to learn more and get involved.

  • Vaccine Control Group - a Worldwide Scientific Study - The Vaccine Control Group is a worldwide independent long-term study seeking to provide a baseline of data from unvaccinated individuals for comparative analysis with the vaccinated population, to evaluate the success of the Covid-19 mass vaccination programme and assist future research projects. Learn more and become a member by visiting

  • Freedom in Action - Freedom in Action's goal is "to develop a unified front in peacefully but tenaciously taking down the Globalist Cabal that has infiltrated our schools, banks, media, medical and food industries, corporations and every facet of government and our lives." Visit to learn more and get involved.

  • Banners 4 Freedom - Banners 4 Freedom is purchasing billboards and sharing messages of truth and freedom, all over the United States. Donate, volunteer, or get involved in other ways by visiting

  • Freedom Medical - Freedom Medical is "a private healthcare system that puts the health and welfare of patients above the profits and desires of pharmaceutical companies." Learn more and sign up by visiting

  • Global Walkout - Global Walkout describes itself as "a unified pushback against the globalist agenda." Join the movement by following the steps shared at

  • Door to Freedom - Door to Freedom is Dr. Meryl Nass' site wherein she attempts to educate and warn people of the coming totalitarian future that's right around the corner. Visit, learn, and share by going to

  • Local Groups, Practitioners, and Networks - To access an ever-growing list of individuals and groups working in solution-based fields on a local level, click here.


     Can you help us fill this page with additional groups that are actively working on solutions? Email us at pathwaytofreedom (at) protonmail dot com, and if we like your suggestion, we'll add it to the list.

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