The War On Human Health - Poisons In The Home and Elsewhere

Note: The information contained within the War on Human Health sections is merely a glance at some of the ways by which human health is under attack. It is by no means complete or comprehensive, and is only provided as a rough guide to promote further inquiry and study into these and other related topics. Please do not believe anything until you’ve confirmed its veracity for yourself, and please do not limit your research to that which I’ve presented here.

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One of the biggest health secrets that those in control of our world have hidden from humanity is that germs and viruses don't make people sick; poison makes people sick.

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The ruling class and government use every avenue available in order to poison humanity, and personal care and home products are no exception.

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While the makers of toxic products may or may not have an agenda themselves, what’s clear is there is blatant disregard for human health and well-being in favor of profit. But profit is not the only motive. As stated previously, higher in the chain of command exists a desire to disrupt the natural healthy state of humanity, and chemical contamination (i.e. poisoning people) through everyday products is an important part of that agenda.

Anything that’s artificial or contains artificial ingredients or fragrances is poisonous on some level. These include almost all perfumes, colognes, moisturizers, air fresheners, cleaning sprays, shampoos, soaps, scented candles, deodorizers, laundry detergent, and the list goes on. If it's not something that we would be able to safely eat, then it can do nothing but add to the chemical contamination within our body.

For example, petroleum jelly is a toxic by-product of the oil industry. Would you eat petroleum jelly?

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"Skin protectant"? Not exactly.

If you’re rubbing petroleum jelly into your skin, it’s going directly into your bloodstream, and is worse than eating it. Petroleum jelly is toxic sludge, a byproduct of the oil industry.

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Another commonly used personal care product is talcum powder, which has been linked to cancer.

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If a product lists “fragrance” as one of its ingredients or gives off a fragrance that’s not listed as coming from natural sources, it’s almost guaranteed to be a dangerous synthetic fragrance. Perfumes, colognes, deodorants, body sprays, and other scented body care products are almost always made with synthetic fragrances. Synthetic fragrances rank among the most poisonous of substances.

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Candles are often a triple source of toxins, with petroleum or GMO soy waxes, lead-containing wicks, and synthetic fragrances.

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Burning a petroleum-based candle with a toxic fragrance and a lead wick is similar to allowing diesel truck exhaust in your house.

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Makeup is another source of toxins, which are absorbed through the skin and nails.

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Gillian Deacon offers a cheat sheet that can help women choose safer alternatives.

Other feminine product have also been contaminated...

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...or were never safe to begin with.

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Chemicals used in the manufacturing of rubber for items such as condoms and baby pacifiers have also been linked to cancer.

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Most mattresses are made with toxic chemicals that give off a variety of harmful fumes, slowly poisoning us while we sleep.

Many products advertised as safe and gentle are anything but.

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Johnson & Johnson's "gentle" Baby Shampoo registers at a 10 out of 10 in terms of toxicity, and is linked to cancer, developmental and reproductive harm, allergies, and more.

Poisons are absolutely everywhere.

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Plastics leech toxic chemicals into both food and drink.

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Paper receipts are covered in toxic BPA and/or BPS, which are absorbed into the bloodstream through simple skin contact, ensuring practically everyone is contaminated with these poisons.

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BPA is practically everywhere, and is one of the chemicals being used to target human fertility.

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Aluminum is added to antiperspirants, and to some food products like bread, baking soda, and even pickles, sometimes disguised as ‘alum’. Aluminum contamination has been linked to mental impairment, autism, and Alzheimer's Disease.

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Deodorants and antiperspirants are a troubling source of contamination, as many of the chemicals go directly into the bloodstream. Deodorants and antiperspirants provide a double whammy of harm, as they not only contaminate the bloodstream with poisons, but they prevent the body from excreting poisonous waste.

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Sunscreen, touted as a product that protects the skin, is actually another source of poisons that make their way into people’s bloodstreams, disrupting hormones and causing cell death.

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While mainstream propagandists blame the sun for skin cancers, science shows that sun exposure actually has a protective effect, and that avoidance of the sun, combined with toxic commercial sunscreens and a toxic lifestyle are more likely the culprits.

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Another source of poisons in the home and in restaurants is non-stick cookware. Teflon, the main ingredient producing the non-stick effect, happens to offgass dangerous fumes when heated above a certain temperature. Not only are these fumes dangerous to inhale, but they also poison the food.

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The gases contain fluoride, a substance that’s more poisonous than lead, and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic. Note that Teflon is an invention of the DuPont corporation, with the DuPonts being one of the financially wealthiest families in the world.

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For years, people have been led to believe that Glyphosate (Roundup) is a safe way of killing unwanted weeds. What hasn’t been disclosed is its extreme level of toxicity.

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Roundup is effective at killing weeds, but it also happens to be harmful to all lifeforms.

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The list of poisons harming us and other innocent lifeforms goes on and on...

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4 Reasons You Need To Stop Using Hand Sanitizer Right Now

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What’s mentioned here is just the tip of the poison product iceberg. If we wish to rid our homes of these and other poisons, and begin cleaning up our health and the health of those we care for, we should look to begin making an effort to replace our chemical-based products with those made from clean, natural ingredients.

One organization that can help is the Environmental Working Group – They list the toxicity level of thousands of different personal care products in a searchable database that rates products on a scale between 0 (safe) to 10 (extremely toxic) –

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Making a difference is as easy as swapping out chemical-based products for those made with natural ingredients.

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Many products can even be made at home, for a fraction of the cost of their harmful chemical-based counterparts. In many cases, these homemade products are far more effective than the expensive toxic sludge being sold in stores.

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Switching to more natural products while rejecting toxic chemical versions that are engineered to poison us is another critical step that will help humanity rise out of disease and suffering, and take another step toward freedom.

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