The War On Human Health - Radiation Poisoning

Note: The information contained within the War on Human Health sections is merely a glance at some of the ways by which human health is under attack. It is by no means complete or comprehensive, and is only provided as a rough guide to promote further inquiry and study into these and other related topics. Please do not believe anything until you’ve confirmed its veracity for yourself, and please do not limit your research to that which I’ve presented here.

By continuing, you agree that you have read the Disclaimer.

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Radiation is invisible energy. While some of the radiation people are exposed to comes from nature, there is what can only be described as an intentional effort to increase the amount of dangerous artificial radiation bombarding the human body, while keeping people in the dark regarding the consequences.

Radiation is the perfect silent weapon.

"[The government] figured out that [radiation] may be the greatest weapon known to man... It is invisible, can travel large distances, costs very little, is tasteless, odorless, you can’t hear it and when being hit by it, the enemy has no idea it is even happening."

-Jamie Lee, Tabu Blog

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Scientific studies have shown that excessive radiation exposure leads to cognitive and behavioral problems, and can cause heart attacks, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, infertility, genetic damage, cancer, and much more.

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Even low levels of radiation exposure can cause damage.

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It is disruptive and destructive to life everywhere.

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"Evidence is emerging that the health hazards associated with wireless microwaves are at least comparable to, if not worse than, those associated with cigarette smoking."

-Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Types of radiation include but are not limited to cell phone, WiFi, Bluetooth, cordless phone, microwave, smart meter (digital electric meter), cell phone tower, and radiation from any device that gives off strong electromagnetic fields (EMFs), or provides a wireless signal.

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Different technologies give off different types, strengths, and patterns of radiation.

Radiation is particularly insidious, as it’s invisible and, without specialized equipment, undetectable.

Up until recently, people were in full control of their health. But now, thanks to wireless technologies, that’s no longer the case. Now, most people are being bathed in a sea of harmful radiation at home, at work, at school, and outside playing. There is no escape.

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The damage it does is undeniable. Health effects may not manifest for months or years after exposure.

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Cell phones are miniature microwave ovens, and they cook users' brains in the same way that a microwave cooks foods, using similar frequencies. Cell radiation cooks (damages) whatever is in close proximity, including our body, our children’s bodies, our pets, our foods, and our drinks.

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Cell phones are biological weapons.

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Most people don’t have a clue.

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Children are particularly at risk.

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The government and wireless industry have known of the dangers of cell phones from the beginning, and have done their best to deny and cover them up.

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In December of 2017, the state of California finally released an advisory warning against cell phones that had been buried for over 7 years. It’s suspected that the report was intentionally kept from the public so as to allow the vast majority of Americans to first become addicted to the convenience of cell phones. If that was the intent, it worked.

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"The document that [California Department of Public Health] published today understates the health risks from long-term exposure to cell phone radiation because the preponderance of the research finds that cell phone radiation poses a major risk to human health. In February of this year, the agency argued in a court hearing (Moskowitz v. CDPH) that it was afraid of creating panic among the public if the Department were to disclose the health risks from cell phone radiation exposure."

Bluetooth is another type of radiation that people have ignorantly embraced.

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Bluetooth relies on pulsed radiation. According to Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy:

"[Bluetooth] pulses carried by microwaves are particularly dangerous. This is because their very short wavelength allows the transmission of pulses with extremely rapid rise and fall times, and it is the rate of change of the fields (rather than their total energy) that does the most biological damage."


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Those using bluetooth ear pieces are causing self-inflicted brain damage.

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WiFi is another slow-kill weapon that’s being installed practically everywhere – in offices, stores, restaurants, malls, homes, and even schools. People have accepted this dangerous radiation into their lives and the lives of their children without understanding its nature.

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WiFi used in schools has a catastrophic effect on the health of students.

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WiFi uses the same frequency that microwave ovens use to cook food. Microwaves are designed to contain the radiation within the oven, but WiFi routers do the opposite.

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WiFi also suppresses the immune systems of those who are consistently exposed to it. It is so destructive to life, seeds near a WiFi router will not grow; instead they shrivel up and die.

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This seed experiment had to be done by a schoolgirl as part of a school project, because the government and wireless industry aren’t interested in people learning the truth that they're being poisoned.

WiFi is another violation of the rights of living beings, as harmful radiation cannot be avoided or even detected by those who do not wish to be affected. WiFi has been compared to second-hand smoke, yet is even more insidious as it’s invisible and undetectable.

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It’s practically inescapable.

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This cancer and infertility-causing WiFi grid has also been created to allow for the location tracking of each individual and their cell phone, through the use of 'WiFi scanning' technology.


In some parts of the world, people have realized the dangers of WiFi and are trying to take steps to at least protect children.

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But most remain unaware, and so they and their children will be paying the consequences.

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Barrie Trower is one of the leading experts on the harmful effects of cell phones, WiFi, and other sources of radiation.

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Trower’s report, WiFi – A Thalidomide in the Making – Who Cares? looks at some of the science behind the technology. (

His conclusion is that WiFi is so dangerous, humanity’s future may be threatened.

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Smart Meters (digital electric meters) are another source of harmful radiation, and are being installed everywhere, without people’s consent.

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Spending just a few minutes near a smart meter is enough to cause observable biological damage.

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Microwaves are another source of danger. Scientific studies have shown people who consistently eat microwaved food have a significantly higher risk of various illnesses. This is apparently because the radiation damages the molecular structure of the food and reduces or perhaps even completely destroys its nutritional value. Microwaves turn food into non-food. Studies have also shown microwaves create cancer-causing molecules to form within the food.

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Microwaves also damage liquids. In one incident, a patient in a hospital was given blood that had been warmed in a microwave. The microwave destroyed the structure of the blood and the patient died.

Simply being in close proximity to a running microwave is also dangerous. A typical microwave puts out 400 milliGaus of electromagnetic radiation nearby. Studies have shown that it only takes 4 milliGaus to place one at increased risk for leukemia. And if there’s a leak, which is undetectable without testing, the radiation will escape, and place one at risk for having certain body parts literally cooked.

The eyes are particularly vulnerable.

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"Microwaves are renowned for causing cataracts and blindness."

-Dr. Barrie Trower

Dr. Leonard Coldwell explains that microwave ovens will do nothing but destroy your health.

A toaster oven or a turbo oven are both safe alternatives that can be used instead of microwves.

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So-called "cell phone" towers are another source of harm, and are being installed everywhere, without the consent of those living, working, playing, or even going to school nearby. They are being installed without the slightest regard to human health or well-being.

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While the industry claims the towers pose no threat to health, the scientific evidence paints a different picture.

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The towers are literally cooking those nearby, just like a microwave cooks meat.

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To allow for their proliferation, “cell phone coverage” may have only been a cover, paving the way for the installation of something far worse.

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The amount of radiation affecting humanity has become out of control.

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Humanity is literally being cooked, everywhere.

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In spite of the already dangerous sea of radiation permeating our world, the dangers are in process of being kicked into another gear, with the roll out of 5G.

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5G, or the fifth generation of wireless communication technology, is military weapon radiation. While it can be used for cellular communications, its primary purpose is to harm life.

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Soon, there will be nowhere one can go to escape.

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The industry has refused to conduct safety testing.

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There’s a reason they’ve chosen to skip testing. They and their owners know exactly what 5G will do.

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Scientists, doctors, and others have forewarned that 5G will cause widespread health problems, including mental and behavioral health problems, many new cancers, and infertility, which is already a major problem for many.

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Scientific American: We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe


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5G frequencies have also been shown to trigger the proliferation of deadly bacteria.

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5G is a weapon, and humanity is the enemy.

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5G may also form the foundation for the final stage of the control system to create a totally monitored and controlled citizenry, while cooking people from the inside out.


jharveywrc: #5G isn’t an evolution or an improvement upon the previous #cellular network technologies, it’s a whole new form of communication that can be used in #military applications. 5G is all about the Internet of Things; about everything talking to everything else. As Former #FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler said, “From pill bottles to plant waterers.” Everything will have an IP address. Everything will be categorized, everything will be digitized. It’s about self-driving cars and connecting everything up to a “smart” infrastructure; smart appliances, broadband everywhere.

Everything will become a node on the #Smart Control Grid. The 5G frequency band is also used for crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems. 5G can see through walls, it can see through your clothes and it can see if you’re carrying a weapon. It could be used to target you with a millimeter-band wave and disable you in your house while the police arrive. The potential for abuse of this system is hair-raising.

The #frequencies to be used haven’t been tested for safety. Prior to his departure from the FCC, Tom Wheeler was very forceful in his opinion that no time should be wasted on such testing, so that the US could be first in a market which he said was going to create billions and billions of dollars in new wealth.

5G uses the same #electromagnetic frequencies used for crowd control weapons. It will tie together more than 50 billion devices as part of the #Internet of things. 5G Networks will involve the deployment of millions of antennas nationwide, thousands in each city, because #millimeter waves cannot easily travel through buildings or other obstacles. Proposed installations have led to public outcry in residential areas where homeowners do not want #antennas mounted at their yards or near schools.

AI will become self-aware and it will start running things, which is a very disturbing proposition. A world where everybody is given an economic value and everything is run by AI then it becomes…very dehumanized. Everything will be run according to economic parameters. #Humanity becomes completely expendable at that point. @stop5gflorida

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As if 5G wasn’t a perfect enough weapon, it will also allow for directed mind control: planting voices and other sounds directly into targeted individuals’ heads. While this may sound far-fetched, there is evidence that this technology has existed and has been in use for many years.

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"It's called audio hallucination.... They can beam the pulsed microwaves towards your head or your body and you will hear actual voices and sounds as if somebody was standing right beside you and talking to you... This is used in brainwashing. The dangerous thing is that they can pretend to be an angel or a god or a demon, and they can convince you, if they are a holy spirit, that you need to do this to destroy evil. They can get you to do things that you wouldn't ordinarily do."

-Dr. Barrie Trower

With this technology, which has been called “Voice to Skull” or “Voice of God”, so-called authorities have practically unlimited potential for manipulation and harm. As this is not new technology, it may have already been used to help carry out acts of terror and murder in the past.

As broadcaster Richie Allen has stated, “So you’ll be watching the six o’clock news sometimes and will get a story about a mass shooting event somewhere, and you can’t discount the possibility that the shooter who’s killed lots of people or blown themselves up might be as much of a victim as the people they’ve killed.

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Common sense and safety studies are being cast aside to make way for the roll-out of 5G, and this is because of its extreme importance to the final agenda of the ruling class.

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The ultimate purpose of the 5G network is to create a completely autonomic state of control, and a sick, weakened, and dying populace. It appears to be the final step in what has been a multi-thousand year plan to destroy both freedom and humanity. It is the perfect weapon to carry out both slavery and genocide.

"This has been discussed with leading scientists around the world and the general consensus with leading scientists, is that this is GENOCIDE, forward and simple."

-Dr. Barrie Trower

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Max Igan Video Interview: Global 5G WIFI Will BLANKET the Earth in a MOSAIC of "CELLS"

Humanity’s ignorance, apathy, greed, and unwillingness to do the right thing, combined with sinister actions by those who rule over us, is leading us toward what may be a quick and painful extinction for most, and a horrific technological prison for those who remain.

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In many communities, 5G is already here. Humanity has utterly failed at protecting itself from this deadly danger.

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Most people have no idea they’re being assaulted by deadly radiation on a daily basis, and are in store for something much worse in the near future.

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Transmitters are being installed everywhere, close to roads, homes, schools, and playgrounds, without anyone’s consent.

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5G Apocalpyse – The Extinction Event is a documentary from Sacha Stone that reveals the true purpose behind the radiation assault, and 5G, which may be the final dagger into the heart of humanity. Watch it here:

Another informative interview is Richie Allen’s with Dr. Barrie Trower.

The sea of dangerous radiation was planned long ago, and is part of an agenda drawn up by the ruling class, who all have their underground bunkers to escape to when the time comes.

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They understood that people would fall for the convenience of wireless technologies, and would happily take the weapons that would be used against them into their own homes, and allow them to be installed in their workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods. Not only would these technologies be used to track and control everyone, but contribute to widespread disease and death.

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From Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars (

"When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up."

Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare."

While patriots and others harbor the belief that their guns will protect them, what they don’t realize is they’re being assaulted with an entirely new class of weaponry, one that is silent, and one that will soon be everywhere.

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The ruling class doesn’t need to take our guns or defeat us in a physical battle. They’re defeating us silently.

"There will be nowhere to hide. Your guns are precious, but pale in comparison to the tools of war being used against you already."

-Instagram user 5seconds_to_midnight_

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Years of adding aluminum to food and vaccines, and spraying it in our skies was not done without calculated intent. Aluminum and microwave radiation DO NOT MIX.

Are you connecting the dots yet?

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With 5G, the ruling class will gain the ability to track, trace, and target individuals at will, causing pain, distress, disease, and, if they wish, instant death. It gives new meaning to the term ‘kill switch’.

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In terms of cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, microwaves, and other sources of radiation, people are ignorantly trading their health and the health of their children for convenience and pleasure, and allowing the criminal class to get away with what may ultimately be mass murder.


What are some ways of avoiding excessive radiation exposure?

  • • Using the speaker phone feature when talking on cell phones as much as possible
  • • Avoiding the use of cell phones when signal strength is less than 50%
  • • Avoiding areas in which cell phone signal strength is more than 50%
  • • Avoiding the streaming of videos and music when signal strength is less than 50%
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  • • Not placing our cell phones in our pockets against our skin or in our bra – or, better yet, not having a cell phone at all
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  • • Sleeping with our cell phones in another room, or at least far away from our bodies, on a table or desk at a good distance from the bed
  • • Using airplane mode on our cell phones unless we’re expecting a call or text
  • • Using an ethernet adapter with our phones instead of the cell network or WiFi
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  • • Not using cell phones or Bluetooth in vehicles whose metal frames act as a type of radiation trap
  • • Not letting children use cell phones unless it’s an emergency
  • • Avoiding WiFi as much as possible; avoiding WiFi routers, and turning off WiFi when it's not being used – or, better yet, avoiding WiFi altogether by using wired Internet transmissions
  • • Avoiding stores, restaurants, and coffee shops that offer WiFi
  • • Not using Bluetooth
  • • Avoiding towers and transmitters whenever possible; protesting their installation when they’re anywhere near our homes, work, or schools - SILENCE AND INACTION IS CONSIDERED CONSENT
  • • Avoiding mammograms and CT scans at the doctor's office; instead, looking into thermograms
  • • Avoiding spending too much time near smart meters – or, better yet, hiring a professional to replace smart meters with analog electric meters (WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT YOURSELF)Analog Electric Meter; also see; looking into ways to limit the dangerous radiation emitted by smart meters - Smart Meter Fix
  • • Avoiding microwave ovens; throwing your microwave in the trash where it belongs
  • • Staying away from plugged-in appliances (refrigerators, freezers, microwaves, etc.), as these give off dangerous EMF radiation
  • • Avoiding restaurants, as most have a microwave hidden away in the back to cook or warm food
  • • Avoiding wireless devices like wireless computer mice, keyboards, headphones, and earbuds
  • • Using an EMF meter to learn where the EMF hot spots are within your living space, and then taking steps to either avoid them or mitigate the risk
  • • Using a radiation meter to learn where radiation hot spots are, and then either avoiding those areas, or taking actions to eliminate or block the radiation -
  • If living near a radiation tower, moving to a safer area if possible; cities are most likely radiation death traps, and suburbs are quickly becoming the same
  • • Using special radiation-blocking paint, fabrics, and window covers to limit exposure in homes - Anti-Radiation Window Films and Curtains - Safe Living Technologies is one company that specializes in these types of materials:
  • • Spreading the truth to as many people as possible about the true nature of wireless technologies by any and every means possible
  • • Joining groups online and in local communities that are working to oppose the installation of 5G and other dangerous radiation towers – NOTHING WILL CHANGE WITHOUT ACTION
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Here is the California advisory that provides additional advice for the safe usage of cell phones, which some researchers claim understates the dangers:

And here is an article revealing that authorities were acutely aware of the damage that wireless radiation causes, going back decades:

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For more information about 5G, please see

See this article for tips on how to protect against 5G radiation:

More about 5G and how to protect yourself from Leroy Ford:

Here are videos that may be helpful for protecting against 5G and other forms of dangerous radiation:

Additional informative resources:

Until enough people learn the truth about radiation, how it’s being used as a weapon against them, and begin rejecting it, we will continue down an increasingly dangerous path, and see more and more people fall victim to disease and death. And unless halted immediately, the 5G network may be the final nail in the coffin of humanity.


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