Note: The information contained within the War on Human Health sections is merely a glance at some of the ways by which human health is under attack. It is by no means complete or comprehensive, and is only provided as a rough guide to promote further inquiry and study into these and other related topics. Please do not believe anything until you’ve confirmed its veracity for yourself, and please do not limit your research to that which I’ve presented here.
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The war on human health can only be won when a sufficient number of people understand they’re under assault, and begin taking action to protect themselves and their children.
Independent research leads to the understanding that the vast majority of health advice coming from mainstream sources is flat-out wrong. Knowledge is indeed power when it comes to health, and this knowledge will make the difference between a life of comfort, happiness, and potential…. and one of pain, suffering, and limitation.
Taking control of your health not only means eating well and exercising, but also taking additional steps to protect yourself against the many weapons being directed against us.
We must begin saying NO, in order to regain control of our health and well-being.
Say NO to traumatizing and disrupting the natural development of our most innocent...
Say NO to vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, which do nothing but cause harm and plant seeds of disease…
Say NO to toxic foods and beverages engineered to poison us...
Say NO to fluoride and toxic tap water…
Say NO to toxic personal and home care products...
Say NO to dangerous radiation from cell phones, WiFi routers, and cell towers…
Protecting our health may also ultimately mean taking righteous defensive actions against the weapons that are being used against us, if they cannot be stopped in other ways.
Some have already done what they could...
It’s also critically important that we pass on health-related knowledge to our children, so that they too gain the ability to protect their health. Our children are living in a world that’s far more toxic than the world we and past generations grew up in, and they are being bombarded with government and corporate propaganda 24/7 to keep them from ever realizing they're under an unrelenting assault from a number of different angles.
If we wish to survive as a species, we need to take responsibility for our health and the health of our children as soon as possible. The time to make this change is rapidly running out.
Looking at the big picture, the war on human health is designed to keep humanity in a sick, weakened, and dumbed-down state, ensuring infertility rates continue to rise, and ensuring the ruling class retains its grip of control. It’s time for people to stand up, take back control of their health, and begin carving a path toward a better future for all.
A few recommended resources to learn more:
Dr. Joseph Mercola – https://www.mercola.comBack to the Section 5 Menu
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