Mind Control - 2 of 4

Warning: This section contains adult language.

Continuing with more mind control techniques used against us...

Problem-Reaction-Solution and False Flags

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Nazi military leader Hermann Goering understood how to trick the people into accepting war. It’s a mind control technique that’s been used for thousands of years by rulers all over the world, and is still being used today. It’s called Problem-Reaction-Solution.

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Problem-Reaction-Solution is a strategy by which rulers seek to achieve a goal by creating a problem, waiting for the public to react, and then implementing their pre-determined solution.

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For example, they may wish to start a war, or install full body scanners in airports, or convince people to get a new vaccine. They know that people wouldn’t normally support a war or full body scanners or a new vaccine unless they believed there was a legitimate reason.

So, the rulers create a PROBLEM. This may take any number of forms. For example, the problem may be a so-called terrorist attack, a mass shooting, a plane crash, or a phony virus scare. Regardless of what happens or who gets hurt or killed, the same groups are always behind it. It’s always staged, and always planned well in advance. These staged events are called false flags. (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=false%20flag)

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The mainstream media is used to convince people that the event occurred the way they say it occurred, to place the blame on a particular country, group, or individual, and to induce anger, fear, or other emotions among the public. They often add emotional elements to the story to help reinforce the narrative.

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Attempts at convincing Americans to give up their rights and freedoms often concentrate on the safety and well-being of children.

Since most still implicitly trust the mainstream media, and have not learned to question what they’re told, they believe what they’re seeing, and begin having feelings of fear, anger, hatred, and outrage. They want the government to do something – to mandate vaccines, to protect them from future attacks, or to get revenge against the perpetrators. People may even sign up for military service if they’ve been brainwashed strongly enough. This is the REACTION.

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Once people are fearful and/or angry and have expressed a desire that action be taken, that’s exactly when the rulers roll out their pre-determined SOLUTION. It could be a war. It could be a military strike. It could be the creation of a new law that allows people to be spied on, or forces people to turn in their guns, or requires children be vaccinated. It varies based on what those in control want to accomplish, but it’s always something that increases their power, and removes power from the people they rule over.

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What are some actual examples of problem-reaction-solution false flags that have already occurred?

The list goes on and on.

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There is a long and rich history of governments and their masters using false flag attacks to promote their agendas.

42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks - http://washingtonsblog.com/2015/02/41-admitted-false-flag-attacks.html

The Ever-Growing List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks - https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-07/ever-growing-list-admitted-false-flag-attacks

Virtually all widely publicized acts of mass violence are planned and orchestrated events. Some include actual catastrophes and deaths of innocent people, while others do not.

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By and large these incidents are not carried out by lone criminals, insane individuals, other countries, or terrorist organizations; they are carried out by governments and associated groups serving the control system.

Their objective is to gain more control over YOU.

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force [the] people to turn to the [government for protection]."

-NATO Agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra

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The truth about these and other false flag events has been exposed by independent journalists, investigators, and those brave enough to speak the truth.

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False flags are always used to justify wars.

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Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag designed to create justification for war against Cuba in the 1960s. Its existence was admitted by the mainstream media, years later. Elements of the U.S. Government wanted to murder its own citizens to accomplish the goal of war with Cuba.

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Fortunately, President Kennedy rejected these plans.


But Kennedy was taken out, and attacks against innocent people have continued.

"It's clear to me that Gladio never ended. Operation Gladio was the Pentagon program that operated through NATO, slaughtering Europeans in false flag terror events blamed on leftists during the Cold War. This program clearly never ended. It mutated and when Islam became the new enemy to replace Communism, these terror events then started happening with Muslim patsies, 9/11 being the biggest and most obvious. So clearly there is a continuing Gladio program going on in which deep state operators, professional killers, are massacring civilians."

-Kevin Barrett

In practically every case of so-called terror, the individual or group blamed for the violence has turned out to work for, be trained by, or have some type of involvement with the government itself. Sometimes the government uses patsies (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=patsy), innocent people blamed for certain attacks.

Government intelligence agencies like the CIA, the FBI, and the Mossad have been deeply involved in fabricating most, if not all of these terror events.

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"I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that [the 9/11 attack] was a Mossad operation. Period."

-Alan Sabrosky, U.S. Army War College, Ret.

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson admitted that most, if not all terrorist attacks against the United States have been carried out not by terrorists, but rather by the government itself.

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Often, actors are used to help convince people of the phony narratives. These are called ‘crisis actors’.

Some are better than others.

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Obama pretending to be sad for the non-existent victims of the government-sponsored Sandy Hook incident, while authorizing the daily bombing of innocent children overseas

Some have rehearsed their lines a little too well.

Some actors are re-used for different “tragedies” by a lazy and corrupt mainstream media.

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Sometimes the actors who are supposed to be sad and distraught get caught showing their true states of emotions off-camera.

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Robbie Parker was supposedly a father whose son was murdered in the Sandy Hook school shooting, caught smiling and laughing before pretending to be distraught.

These traumatized students are about to go on national TV after the Florida School Shooting.

Some are just downright bad at their job. In this particular clip, we can hear the actor being fed lines.

Spotting a false flag event is no longer difficult, as many share the same characteristics, and have been exposed by a number of independent journalists.

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But even with repeating patterns and blatant evidence right in their faces, most of humanity continues to fall for false flags, and the problem-reaction-solution scam.

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People just can’t seem to figure it out.

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False flags and the problem-reaction-solution strategy have been so effective, people have ignorantly campaigned for the destruction of their very own rights, and the encroaching police state.

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Boston S.W.A.T. teams setting new violent tyrannical precedents, invading private homes without warrants and murdering first and asking questions later

And the clueless public loves it.

By continuing to fall for the problem-reaction-solution tactic and accepting the solutions offered, we are helping the control system move ahead with its dark agendas. We are helping to promote disease, suffering, war, murder, and a rapid destruction of everyone’s rights and freedoms.

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Freedom will not be a part of the future unless people begin waking up en mass, and rejecting this form of trickery.


Maintaining a Constant State of Fear


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Fear is the most important ingredient used by the ruling class to get what it wants. Rulers understand that humanity can be manipulated with ease if first placed in a state of fear. Fear is the fuel fed to the masses by the mainstream news, and the politicians in their speeches and statements.

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If the ruling class can keep people full of fear, they can convince them of almost anything, and can convince them to do almost anything. Fear keeps people in a state of paralysis, where they're afraid to take any actions of their own. They’re willing to give away their freedoms to those in control. Fear ensures the slaves remain as slaves, as a state of tyranny slowly but surely forms around them.

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A few examples...

  • • Fear of terrorists – so we need to give up more of our rights and freedoms and invade foreign countries
  • • Fear of other countries – so we need to support our leaders, the military, and send our strongest off to die in war
  • • Fear of criminals – so we need to give police bigger and badder weapons along with broader powers
  • • Fear of an asteroid hitting the Earth – so we need to give the government more money for defense and research
  • • Fear of cyber criminals – so we need to increase surveillance and tracking
  • • Fear of mass shootings – so we need to restrict and ban guns
  • • Fear of a virus – so we need to mandate vaccines and infringe upon everyone’s rights and freedoms

The list goes on and on.

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Being told who and what to fear keeps humanity focused on the wrong enemy, as the threats are always manufactured by those who stand to gain the most from them. The television has been the delivery system most effective in promoting this fear.

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Fear also keeps people feeling powerless, and acting this way.

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When people are in a state of fear, the solutions offered seem reasonable. They'll gladly accept new laws, mandatory vaccines, more wars, and less freedoms. As Henry Kissinger admits in this following quote, total destruction of human rights is the end goal, and fear will be used to achieve it.

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And that process to destroy people's remaining rights and freedoms by using fear and a phony enemy is now underway...

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"It's not the germ, it's the false announcement of the germ. It's the concoction of an apparition, a ghost, a phantom. That's how you launch a fake pandemic. That's how you sell fear. That's how you try to make people take their vaccines and keep their mouths shut."

-Jon Rappoport, Nomorefakenews.com


Repetition, Obfuscation, and Word Manipulation

By repeating certain statements, the ruling class has been able to convince people of practically anything, even when the information has no logical or factual backing whatsoever.

Examples include:

  • • Vaccines are safe and effective.
  • • Unvaccinated individuals are a threat to society.
  • • War is patriotic and necessary for preserving peace.
  • • Soldiers are heroes who protect peace and freedom.
  • • Police are heroes who protect us and keep us safe.
  • • The United States was attacked by Arab terrorists on 9/11/2001.
  • • Milk does a body good.
  • • Meat is a necessary and healthy part of one’s diet.
  • • Fluoride prevents cavities.
  • • Government keeps us safe.
  • • More laws will equal more peace and order.
  • • The United States stands for liberty and justice for all.
  • • The banking system is working on our behalf.
  • • Gun control will reduce gun violence.
  • • If you socially distance, wear masks, and self-isolate, you'll be helping to stop the spread of deadly viruses.

The list of lies that are repeated endlessly goes on and on.

Going hand-in-hand with repetition is obfuscation, and the use of words to manipulate.

To obfuscate means to intentionally confuse or make something unclear or difficult to understand.

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The ruling class uses obfuscation to keep people from learning important truths, and from going down rabbit holes that lead to other important truths. Simply put, obfuscation is used to keep people ignorant and misinformed.

Two important words that are obfuscated are ‘occult’ and ‘anarchy’. Both terms lead to important truths, but both have been obfuscated to seem to mean something completely different.

Occult’, from Latin's ‘occultare’, means hidden, but people have been tricked into believing it means evil.

Anarchy’, from Greek, means no rulers and no masters, but people have been tricked into believing it means chaos and violence.

The perceived meanings of these words have been manipulated through endless repetition. By convincing people that the occult is negative and anarchy is undesirable, they prevent people from looking into them further.

They prevent people from exploring hidden (occult) information and considering being free from their rulers (anarchy). This helps keep humanity in the position of passive, ignorant slaves.

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Many other words and terms are used to manipulate. Examples include ‘assault rifles’, ‘gun violence’, ‘insurgents’, ‘terrorists’, ‘marijuana’, ‘weed’, ‘immunizations’, ‘conspiracy theories’, and calling those with darker skin 'blacks'. These and other words and phrases are used to paint particular ideas in people’s heads that have no basis in truth or reality.

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‘Conspiracy theorist’ has been perhaps the most effective term used to keep humanity in a state of willful ignorance. Created in the 1960s by mind-controllers, the term has been used to help convince the masses that information shared by any non-mainstream individuals is untrustworthy, and any conclusions reached by these individuals are merely unproven theories.

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The result is a populace that blindly believes all the lies coming from the government and the mainstream media, while rejecting all that which comes from any non-mainstream sources and individuals, even when the information coming from non-mainstream sources and individuals can easily be proven true.

The control system remains in place, the masters remain in power, and the people remain as ignorant slaves, on a direct course toward tyranny.

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