Morality is the objective difference between Right and Wrong inherent within nature.
It is the most important lesson. Morality or the lack thereof is the foundation upon which our reality is created. It is the primary factor that determines whether we live as free beings, or as slaves.
Morality is not taught in schools and this is not an accident. When people cannot effectively discern right versus wrong, they can be deceived in a number of ways. They can be tricked into committing and condoning immoral behavior, while under the impression that it’s moral and righteous. They can be tricked into allowing others to commit immoral behavior against themselves and others. They can be tricked into supporting entities that masquerade as good but are, in fact, evil. But when people truly understand which actions are right and which actions are wrong, and then act in accordance with that understanding, they can no longer be tricked.
Ignorance of morality is the keystone of the control system in which we live.
When the majority of people lack an understanding of morality, we experience suffering, war, and slavery. When the majority of people possess an understanding of morality, we experience happiness, peace, and freedom.
How does one know the true difference between right and wrong? To determine if an action is right or wrong, he or she can tell by asking one simple question:
If the answer is yes, the action does initiate harm against another living being or their property, then one does NOT have the right to take that action. It is a WRONG action.
If the answer is no, the action does not initiate harm against another living being or their property, then one DOES have the right to take that action. It is a RIGHT action.
(Note: To initiate means to start or take the first step, so to initiate harm means to start or take the first step in committing harm against another living being or their property.)
Right means correct – based in truth – but it also means moral, which means actions that do not initiate harm against other sentient beings or their property.
Wrong means incorrect – not based in truth – but it also mean immoral, which means actions that do initiate harm against other sentient beings or their property.
Let's look at a few examples.
Do we have the right to punch another person, unprovoked? Let's ask the question: Does punching another person, unprovoked, result in the initiation of harm against another living being or their property? Yes it does, so we DO NOT have the right to punch another person, unprovoked. Punching him or her would be a wrong action.
Do we have the right to ride our bicycle in the dark, past the hour of curfew? Does riding our bicycle in the dark, past the hour of curfew, result in the initiation of harm against another living being or their property? No, it does not, so we DO have the right to ride our bicycle in the dark, past the hour of curfew.
Do we have the right to drink a gallon of soda pop? Does drinking a gallon of soda pop result in the initiation of harm against another living being or their property? No, it does not, so we DO have the right to drink a gallon of soda pop.
Do we have the right to bully a girl in school? Does bullying a girl in school result in the initiation of harm against another living being or their property? Yes, it does, so we DO NOT have the right to bully a girl, or anyone. Bullying someone would be a wrong action.
Do we have the right to purchase or own a machine gun? Does purchasing or owning a machine gun result in the initiation of harm against another living being or their property? No, it does not, so we DO have the right to purchase and own a machine gun.
Now that we have an understanding of right versus wrong, let’s see if we can determine if the following actions are right actions or wrong actions.
For each of these, remember that we need to ask:
Do the actions result in the initiation of harm against another living being or their property?
And here’s a reminder of the difference between right and wrong:
Another name for this simple moral rule of peaceful living is The Non-Aggression Principle (sometimes abbreviated as ‘NAP’).
Even very young children can (and most certainly need to) learn the difference between right and wrong. It’s a very simple lesson: Don’t hurt people and don’t take their property.
While the concept is easy enough for a 4 year old to understand and practice, most adults have been deceived and lack even a basic understanding.
Why is there an agenda to prevent people from learning and understanding morality? The reason is because if enough people understood morality, the current control system in place today could no longer exist. The control system is built upon a widespread lack of understanding of morality.
In place of morality, which is the law of nature, people are deceived into believing in the law of man, or man’s laws.
Man’s laws are artificial rules written by individuals and groups who believe they can determine which actions are right and which actions are wrong. Many of man’s laws are not in alignment with morality; they do not follow the simple rule of right versus wrong. In fact, many are nonsensical, unfair, harmful, and even cruel.
For example, in some towns, it’s illegal to feed the homeless.
Does giving food to the homeless initiate harm against other living beings or their property? It does not, so people will forever have the right to do it. The law banning feeding the homeless is wrong (immoral), as are the police officers who mindlessly harass, fine, and arrest those giving out food.
Under man’s laws, any act whatsoever can be outlawed, no matter how unreasonable, and no matter how far removed from morality.
And any act that results in the torture and murder of millions of innocent people can be made legal.
Man’s laws are used by rulers to give themselves and their friends permission to conduct an infinite number of immoral and self-serving activities, no matter who they steal from, poison, imprison, rape, or murder. It can all be made permissible under man’s laws.
Most people do not have an understanding of true right versus wrong; they've been tricked into believing, obeying, and enforcing man's laws, and everyone suffers as a result.
And those in control continue to prey upon people’s ignorance, outlawing more and more rights, forbidding an ever-growing list of peaceful and constructive activities. Many laws are now specifically aimed at preventing humanity from becoming self-sufficient and free.
Widespread ignorance and the lack of morality is a growing crisis, as it is the root cause of what is becoming an increasingly horrific world, a world of increasing levels of suffering and slavery.
The deception of tricking people into believing in man’s laws is made possible in part by simple but effective word play. The words ‘write’ and ‘right’ sound exactly the same, and this is to convince people that lawmakers who are ‘writing’ laws are creating new ‘rights’. Lawmakers are supposedly ‘righting’ certain actions, by ‘writing’ them down. In other words, lawmakers are claiming the ability to create new rules of morality, which can be based on whatever they so choose.
But just because an action is legal does not mean people have the moral right to take that action. And just because an action is illegal does not mean people do not have the moral right to take that action.
‘Law-abiding citizen’ is just another way of saying ‘ignorant, obedient slave’.
If we have a clear understanding of objective right versus wrong, we cannot be tricked into following or supporting harmful laws made by man.
Slaves ask, “Is it legal?” Free men ask, “Is it right?”
Another way of determining if an action is right or wrong is to ask the question: Is there a victim? If there is no victim, then there is no wrongdoing.
No Victim = No Crime
The Has a Crime Been Committed? flowchart is a good reference for determining if a true wrongdoing has occurred.
Another easy way of determining whether an action is right or wrong is by determining whether the living being impacted by that action has provided his or her consent.
If they have not provided their consent, then it’s a wrong action. It's objective and unambiguous.
But thanks to people’s ignorance, in combination with a manipulative ruling class, we’ve allowed rules to be created that are not in harmony with morality at all.
And an ignorant populace ensures that the list of victimless crimes keeps growing.
And this ignorance has opened the door to what is known as “pre-crime”, which is leading us down an extremely dangerous road. Jason Christoff explains:
And those in control are already taking advantage of this bastardized version of law to victimize innocent people.
One of the ways that people can dismantle harmful man-made laws is to simply stop obeying them. This is called non-compliance, or civil disobedience, and it’s a right that everyone has.
As an example, if it's against to law to feed the homeless, people would choose to feed them anyway, because feeding the homeless initiates harm against no one. If 500 people decided to disobey the law and feed the homeless, the lawmakers and police would have no power to stop them.
Civil disobedience isn’t just an option; it becomes our moral duty when laws are resulting in harm, and restricting freedom.
To recap:
In order to create a better world, it is imperative that we learn morality, teach it to our children, and begin aligning our actions accordingly.
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