The Solution - Part 2: The World of Slavery: Our Own Creation

While it’s easy to blame a hidden ruling class for all the problems in the world, the truth is that all fault lies with ourselves. We have refused to look at ourselves and how we have created and continue to create our worsening state of existence. We have allowed the world of slavery to manifest by way of both our actions and our inactions.

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While persistent mind control is used to keep humanity from healing and advancing in consciousness, many people sabotage themselves. There are three main ways by which people keep themselves in boxes of spiritual stagnation.



Ignorance is thinking “I know there are bad things going on in the world, but I'd rather not even hear about them.” It is refusing to investigate claims, and refusing to question information coming from the mainstream media and government. It is also refusing to look at one’s own thoughts, emotions, and actions, and how they’re impacting themselves and others. Unfortunately, ignoring problems or refusing to investigate claims doesn't make them go away; in fact, it makes them worse. Ignorance is NOT bliss. Choosing to be ignorant will retard one’s consciousness and evolution, and allow evil to continue to escalate in the world.

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Apathy is thinking, “I know there are bad things going on in the world, but I just don't care.” It is believing there’s nothing that can be done to make the world a better place. It is also not caring about improving oneself or making changes in one’s own life. Knowing that changes are needed but choosing to not care is the second way by which people limit their growth. It blocks their evolution and prevents them from taking positive actions in the world.

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Cowardice/Laziness is thinking, “I know there are bad things going on in the world, but I'm just too afraid (or lazy) to do anything about it.” Cowardice means people don't have sufficient courage and laziness means they don’t have sufficient willpower to do the right thing. These are the third limiters of consciousness, and they will stop people dead in their tracks, and allow evil to continue to grow.

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These three are the Trinity of Unconsciousness.

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As stated previously, consciousness is expressed in three ways: thoughts, emotions, and actions, and a failure in any of these is a total failure in consciousness.

  • • Ignorance is a failure of the mind (thoughts/the brain)
  • • Apathy is a failure of the spirit (care/the heart)
  • • Cowardice/Laziness is a failure of the body (actions/the gut)

When people allow any of the three – ignorance, apathy, or cowardice/laziness – to keep them from following truth and doing the right thing, they are falling into the trap of unconsciousness.

When this occurs, people are derailing their own evolution, and this ultimately impacts everyone.

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Satanism and the Destruction of Care: The True Religion of Most People on Earth

If people choose to not make the effort to try to heal and improve themselves…

If people choose to allow ignorance, apathy, cowardice, or laziness to stop them from evolving...

...a different way of life results.

The pentacle is an upward-facing, five-pointed star.

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One of the ideas it represents is humanity in higher consciousness, living in harmony with nature and each other.

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But when humanity has decided to become selfish and uncaring, and refuses to do the right thing, the pentacle is turned upside-down, representing the natural order of things being turned upside-down, from good to evil. It’s a symbol representing the rejection of the inherent caring nature and spirit of humanity, in favor of materialism, greed, and violence.

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By replacing the upside-down human with a goat head, we now have the symbol of Satanism.

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Satanism is the religion of most people on Earth, whether they realize it or not.

Satanism is the ideology that it’s every person for him or herself, and that each of us has the right to step on, steal from, and even murder others to get what we want. It’s a rejection of care and compassion for others. It’s the belief that serving the self is of the utmost importance, and there is little or no value in compassion, doing what’s right, or helping others.

Satanism promotes separateness and selfishness. It's survival of the fittest, and therefore survival of the most ruthless.

Me, me, me. How can I benefit myself? Who cares about others? I’ll hurt others, I’ll steal from others, and I’ll do whatever is necessary to benefit myself.

This is the Satanic mindset.

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In Satanism, only the self matters and, in today’s world, most people are only concerned about themselves. Most people, without even realizing it, have become Satanists.

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Satanism is the religion of the ruling class, and those pulling the strings within the control system. Abusing, raping, and murdering children is not only acceptable, but desirable to Satanists, as the feelings and well-being of others are of no importance. In Satanism, only the self matters.

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Those who view themselves as the rulers of humanity have effectively passed their Satanic beliefs down to the majority of the world’s population, who unknowingly live their lives based on the Satanic principles. This mindset ultimately leads to a system and a people who selfishly take advantage of those who cannot defend themselves. Peaceful people. Children. Babies. The unborn. Animals.

Evidence is everywhere.

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Satanism is a perversion of everything it is to be human. It effectively turns people into cold, uncaring beings, stripping away their inherent care, compassion, and morality. These ideals have no place in Satanism.

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The current worlds of business and finance are patterned after Satanism. Jobs that truly help others, help the homeless, or help animals pay little if anything at all. Meanwhile, jobs that involve lying, cheating, stealing, stepping on others, destroying others, or distracting others pay the most.

"[The current system] is not just corrupt, but it’s architected in such a way as to reward and encourage that kind of behavior."

-Andreas Antonopoulos

It’s backwards, and it’s this way because humanity’s consciousness has been infected by the diseased Satanic ideology that places profits over people, and the self over others. This psychopathic ideology is the core characteristic within practically every industry today.

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It also results in the proliferation of millions of scammers, liars, con-artists, and thieves who take advantage of others. In a society based on Satanism, the lowest of the low are not only able to survive, but thrive.

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But these types of scammers are a drop in the bucket compared to the evil that has taken over our world. In our Satanic society, the scammers, liars, con-artists, and thieves who harm people the most have been placed on pedestals, and into the limelight, and given titles as authorities, experts, and official spokespersons. The most dangerous people are these so-called "experts" in government and the mainstream media, as they promote nothing but lies that lead to mass suffering and death.

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As we've blindly listened to and believed these so-called "experts", we now live in an unnatural, evil, upside-down world, where…

  • • The banking system destroys wealth.
  • • The medical system destroys health.
  • • The education system destroys knowledge.
  • • The mainstream news destroys truth.
  • • The legal system destroys justice.
  • • The government destroys freedom.
  • • The Department of Defense destroys life.
  • • Soldiers are honored for murdering innocent men, women, and children.
  • • Police are honored for enforcing immoral rules.
  • • Tax evasion (preventing violent criminals from stealing from us) is a crime, but taxation (stealing people's hard-earned money under the threat of violence) is considered moral.

Everything we're told is a lie and leads to suffering and death because we're ruled by a death cult, a group of Satanists who view humanity as their enemy.

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In a Satanic world, those who commit the most evil are honored, while those who speak the truth and try to help others are punished.

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This pattern of worshiping the wrong kind of heroes is endemic to all of society. In a backwards world where evil and selfishness reign, the wrong people are famous.

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And the wrong types of achievements are celebrated.

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Man’s law is also a product of Satanism. Under Satanism, man gets to decide what actions are allowed and what actions are not allowed. This is called moral relativism. Under moral relativism, the law of morality inherent within nature is cast aside, a corrupt group of men declares themselves God, and any who doesn’t obey their arbitrary dictates can be arrested, thrown in a cage, or shot to death. Under moral relativism and man’s law, the maiming and murdering of women and children is made perfectly legal, while peaceful activities are turned into crimes.

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Government itself is also a product of Satanism, as a small group of psychopaths believe they have the right to decide what’s allowed and what’s not allowed, stealing from everyone through taxation and other financial heists, murdering people through war, and imprisoning anyone who refuses to obey their ever-changing dictates.

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The Satanic pentagram can be seen in the U.S. Military’s medals of honor.

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These are rewards for soldiers who did not care about their fellow humans. They're communicating through symbolism to soldiers, telling them:

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When military members are deceived into murdering others, they're rewarded with these Satanic medals. Soldiers are led to believe they're doing something good and righteous, but instead they’re misled into serving evil itself. Soldiers maim and murder not only their fellow brothers and sisters, but their own souls as well. This is why they’re called ‘soul diers’. Some have suggested that it is the realization of the true nature of the military that plunges many former soldiers into states of suicidal depression.

But it's not just soldiers who have become corrupted by the Satanic ideology; it's anyone who values money, their paycheck, material possessions, and themselves over doing what's right. It’s anyone who serves and pushes this evil agenda. It’s anyone who supports the violent and immoral entity known as government.

But people don’t realize they’re supporting a Satanic agenda when they support government. As a result, those in government have no fear showing their devotion to their God.

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Note the stars on the flag in the back.

Those who are aware and support this sick, evil system exist throughout virtually all levels of society; it's not just those in government, and those who control government.

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Each year, world leaders and other prominent figures within the control system meet in the woods of Northern California at a retreat called Bohemian Grove. At the end of their retreat, they take part in a mock child sacrifice ceremony called The Cremation of Care.

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It is the lack of care within humanity that keeps people in the Satanic mindset, and allows the criminal ruling class to remain in control.

The Satanic mindset is a corruption of the soul, and has infected humanity like a disease, a disease that most don’t realize they have.

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Vernon Howard understood that humanity is infected with the Satanic disease, and that healing requires introspection.

So when we look in the mirror and examine our thoughts, feelings, and actions, are we serving only ourselves? Are we allowing apathy, ignorance, or cowardice to stop us from growing into a better person, and from doing what's right? Are we supporting government, the police, the military, and other immoral and violent entities who are enslaving and poisoning all of humankind?

Most refuse to do the work necessary that will lead to change...

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...and so we remain in a self-imposed prison.

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