The War On Human Health - The Mainstream Medical System Scam

Note: The information contained within the War on Human Health sections is merely a glance at some of the ways by which human health is under attack. It is by no means complete or comprehensive, and is only provided as a rough guide to promote further inquiry and study into these and other related topics. Please do not believe anything until you’ve confirmed its veracity for yourself, and please do not limit your research to that which I’ve presented here.

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Warning: This section contains videos showing graphic content.

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While many urgent and emergency care procedures offered by the mainstream medical system are beneficial and do save lives, mainstream medicine fails in practically every other category. This is not due to a lack of money, understanding, or research, but rather due to the fact that the mainstream medical system has been hijacked by malevolent forces. The control system and associated corporate interests have successfully taken over the medical industry, and are using it to harm and murder innocent people all over the world, all while creating massive profits for themselves.

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With almost half of Americans suffering from one or more chronic conditions, disease has become a highly profitable industry.

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Contrary to people’s belief that doctors and hospitals are always helpful, they are now the third leading cause of death in the United States, trailing only heart disease and cancer.

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And by digging a bit deeper, we’ll see that advice and treatments given by mainstream doctors are, in fact, major factors in the top two causes as well.

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The Pharma Death Clock has been keeping track of those killed by the mainstream medical industry since the year 2000.

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While most doctors and other health professionals mean well and wish to help their patients, they have not been taught truthful information, and their hands have been tied by powerful entities above them. These entities determine what the doctors learn, and what they can and cannot do.

How did this happen?

In the first half of the 1900s, certain financially wealthy families saw an opportunity to make tremendous amounts of money in the medical industry, while at the same time gaining an ability to affect people's health. These families decided to offer large grants (gifts of money) to medical schools, but only in exchange for allowing them to put some of their own people on the boards of directors.

Over time, these new board members changed the direction of the medical schools. Instead of teaching about nutrition, holistic, and natural cures that had been used effectively for thousands of years, the schools began teaching that cures could only come from chemicals.

The Corruption of the Mainstream Medical System by Rockefeller & Carnegie - The Corbett Report

And, conveniently, the families who corrupted the medical schools already owned the chemical companies.

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These families were able to influence not only medical school curricula, but also official government policy.

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The result has been massive corruption, everywhere, even in highly respected medical journals.

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Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of Lancet, the world’s most prestigious medical journal, came forward to make a similar statement:

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness."

-Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, Lancet

After about a century of corruption, mainstream medicine has claimed the number one spot as the top source of suffering and death in the United States.

"It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the U.S."

-Life Extension Magazine, March 2004

Nutrition, one of the primary factors in determining health, is no longer even a part of medical students’ curricula. In the past, doctors were allowed to prescribe foods, herbs, and natural treatments, such as cannabis extract, which has powerful healing properties and works with the body.

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But doctors were eventually forbidden from prescribing cannabis and other natural treatments; instead, their only options became toxic, synthetic, patentable chemicals.

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From toxic vaccines to deadly treatments for cancer to ineffective drugs for heart disease, the list of treatments that do more harm than good is practically endless.

The mainstream medical system is no longer in the business of curing anyone.

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In order to retain its monopoly, the medical system and its supporters use fear to drive people away from holistic health professionals, and back into the predatory net of the mainstream.

As an example, each year, the flu is hyped up in an effort to scare people into getting the flu vaccine. The mainstream media, owned and controlled by the same self-serving entities, is fully complicit in this fraud, and is used to generate this fear.

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Honest research into the subject reveals both fraud and deception.

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It turns out that getting the flu vaccine increases people’s chance of getting the flu.

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It will also increase the chance that the flu will spread to others.

It’s also been shown to kill unborn children.

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Those who received the flu vaccine and felt sick soon afterwards were not sick with the flu, but rather were sick from being poisoned by the vaccine.

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Top 10 Reasons to Skip the Flu Shot

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But it’s not just the flu shot that is harmful – it’s all vaccines, and practically all other non-emergency mainstream medical treatments.

The HIV/AIDS scare has been another scam, one that has resulted in the suffering and deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions. To this day, the lies continue and innocent people needlessly suffer and die.

Independent research has shown that:

  • • The HIV test is not a scientifically sound test, as people have been diagnosed as HIV-positive in one country and HIV-negative in another, and this can also vary based on when the tests are administered.
  • • There is no test that can identify or isolate the HIV virus.
  • • There is no evidence that HIV leads to AIDS.
  • • There is no clear, scientific definition of AIDS.
  • • Many who tested positive for HIV were placed on extremely toxic drugs, some so toxic that they were rejected as chemotherapy drugs (e.g. AZT).
  • • Those who avoided the drugs did not die; most are still alive today, and are living happy, healthy lives (e.g. former NBA player Magic Johnson).
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Wording on the left reads, "Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin, and if swallowed. Target organ(s): Blood, Bone Marrow"

The psychopaths promoting the HIV/AIDS story tricked people into taking toxic drugs, and then blamed their deteriorating conditions on HIV/AIDS, when the drugs were causing their demise.

Again, the government, the mainstream media, and other corrupt organizations were involved in and continue to be involved in promoting this deadly fraud.

"The HIV cult has transported AIDS beyond the domain of science and medicine, and into the realm of mythology. The discourse is controlled by powerful individuals and institutions with a professional or financial stake in HIV, who take it upon themselves to be the sole purveyors of 'truth.' Government institutions have compounded the difficulty of arriving at a true understanding of AIDS by doing everything in their power to suppress the views of scientists who disagree with established opinions."

-David Rasnick, PhD, Biochemistry

HIV/AIDS Scam - Lindsey Nagel - Living Proof (Video)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is another fabricated condition, capturing millions of normal, healthy children in the net of pharmaceutical profit and harm.

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The number of mainstream treatments that are promoted as healthy but are actually harmful is practically endless. A few more examples…

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Mainstream medicine’s birthing process is another disaster, as it’s been designed to cause overwhelming trauma and disease for both mother and baby. This affects people for the rest of their lives and helps disconnect them from love, normal relationships, and the natural universe.

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Circumcision is a particularly heinous act, one that causes permanent brain damage, PTSD, and practically guarantees the boy will grow to be a man who will bow down to authority, and never be a threat to those who rule over him.

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Umbilical cord clamping is another intentional act designed to harm the health of the newborn.

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Ultrasound is not sound at all, but rather dangerous radiation used to cause disease.

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Janice Barcelo is an expert in birth and pre-birth trauma caused by mainstream medical procedures.

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Warning: the following video contains graphic images and is suitable for adults only.

This is but a small sampling of the hundreds, if not thousands of fraudulent and harmful mainstream medical treatments and procedures. With only a few areas of exception, the mainstream medical system is nothing but a disease-causing factory, destroying human health and well-being on a massive scale.

The groups who’ve corrupted the mainstream medical system have also gained control of other key areas, including the legal system, the law enforcement system, and the mainstream media. The result is the truth suppressed, with only a small number of people understanding the true nature of mainstream medicine. It also means that parents who refuse to consent to toxic treatments for their children are routinely chastised by the media, threatened by the courts, and victimized by police and other enforcers of violence.

Forcing children to undergo treatments that are scientifically proven to cause more harm than good is nothing short of evil.

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Threats, legal actions, early-morning raids, and kidnappings are used to keep children from escaping the toxic mainstream medicine trap. Police and other law enforcement agencies are used as pawns, and ignorantly go along with these violent tactics, blindly following orders to ruin these families’ lives.

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These types of violent tactics can only exist when the public is ignorant of the truth, and refuses to stand up for itself, instead kneeling at the feet of authority. As stated in earlier sections, if humanity ever wishes to become free, people must begin recognizing their sovereignty, and begin standing up against these and other forms of violence.

Individuals and groups who oppose educated parents and force toxic treatments upon children are essentially guilty of both assault and, in many cases, murder.

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The dental industry is also set up to cause harm, as it works to ensure patients carry around highly toxic mercury in their mouths, ingest poisons like fluoride, and harbor potentially disease-causing bacteria from root canals. Mercury just so happens to be the most poisonous non-radioactive element known to man, and dentists are placing it in your mouth and the mouths of your children.

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Evidence of Harm Documentary


As the mainstream medical and dental industries have grown in power and influence, the number of people whose lives have been negatively impacted has increased exponentially. The result is massive numbers of people who are chronically sick, dying, or have died. Until people educate themselves and begin taking control of their own health, humanity will continue to be victimized, and remain in a weakened and powerless state.

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