Natural Law

Natural Law is the law that generates the conditions of our reality based on our actions. It is always in effect and it is always affecting us. Natural Law is the teaching and guiding force of the universe, and it is critical that humanity understands it.

Natural Law is the mechanism that takes our actions and determines whether we live as free beings in a paradise, or as slaves in a hell.

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Mark Passio has provided what I feel is the most complete and accurate definition:

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Natural Law has many different names, some of which include:

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Regardless of what we call it, Natural Law is always affecting us. It is constantly creating either:

Positive conditions for us, resulting in order, peace, happiness, and freedom


Negative conditions for us, resulting in chaos, conflict, suffering, and slavery

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The good news is that it’s easy to follow Natural Law, and ensure that we’re creating positive conditions for ourselves and others. Following Natural Law is as simple as acting in a way that does not initiate harm against other living beings or their property. In other words, it's acting morally.

Following Natural Law by acting morally doesn’t mean that we’ll never experience difficulties or challenges in our lives, but we won't be creating any unnecessary self-inflicted suffering, or suffering for others, and we won’t be contributing to our world of slavery and control.

Following Natural Law is living in harmony with the universe.

The ultimate result, if followed by enough people, is freedom for everyone.

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In the following image, the man sitting on the stool has pushed over one of the blocks. What will eventually happen?

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He'll be hit by the blocks, and possibly even crushed by the blocks.

This is an example of Natural Law. When people initiate harm against others, and support the initiation of harm against others, that harm will return to those people, and they will become victims, sometime in the future. Likewise, if people do good for others, that good will return to them, sometime in the future.

Another term for Natural Law is Karma.

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Natural Law/Karma is the great teaching force of the universe.

"Problems or successes, they are all the result of our own actions."

-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Aligning with Natural Law is simply coming into harmony with existence, and respecting not only others but also ourselves. When we fail to do this, we meet with resistance.

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This cause-and-effect law has been built into the fabric of our reality and is no different than any other physical law of our reality.

(Note: Natural Law only applies to those who have the capacity to understand the difference between right and wrong; it does not apply to the animal kingdom.)

Suffering is a guaranteed consequence of acting in ways that are out of balance with nature. This is the teaching that comes from Natural Law.

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The negative consequences that result from one’s wrong actions may present themselves immediately, but the wrongdoer usually does not experience their consequences right away. There is almost always a delay before the offending person or group experiences returning harm.

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This delay could be:

  • • Seconds later
  • • Minutes later
  • • Hours later
  • • Days later
  • • Months later
  • • Years later

This delay occurs because of the complexity of reality. It takes time for circumstances to re-organize, and to re-balance the imbalance that’s been created by the wrongdoing.

But it always happens.

Reality is essentially a mirror, reflecting back what is given out.

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Let's look at an example of Natural Law in action by reviewing some causes and their ultimate effects.

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These bullies are harming others by threatening them, calling them names, and even physically hurting them.


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Years later, the bullies experience suffering themselves. They don't understand that they caused suffering, so now they will suffer.

Another example...

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We reap what we sow, 100% of the time. There is no escape from Natural Law.

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Not only do we create our own personal consequences based on our individual actions, but everyone together creates a collective set of consequences that affects all of us. When billions of people are not acting peacefully, and are initiating harm against others, or supporting groups and individuals who initiate harm against others, what type of a world will we experience as a result?

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Collectively, we can choose to follow Natural Law to create a paradise on Earth...

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Or, we can choose to ignore and refuse to follow Natural Law, and create a living hell on Earth...

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So, how are we doing as human beings? Do we understand the difference between right and wrong? Are we respecting others' rights? Or are we hurting others, stealing from others, murdering others, and causing unnecessary suffering? And are we supporting groups and individuals that commit violence against ourselves and others on a daily basis?

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The answer determines the type of world we experience.

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As a whole, humanity is refusing to act morally, and continuing to support immoral enterprises, and therefore refusing to live in harmony with Natural Law. As a result, increasing amounts of suffering lie ahead.

Natural Law vs. Man's Laws

On the Morality page, we learned that one of the primary deceptions used against humanity is convincing people to believe in and to follow man's laws, which are nothing more than arbitrary rules written on pieces of paper.

Man’s laws are based on complete ignorance of morality. Following man’s laws means that we could be taking an action rulers say we have the right to take in one area, and then we step over an imaginary line called a border, and suddenly we do NOT have the right to take that action.

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”I'm allowed to collect rainwater in Canada, but if I step into the U.S.A. and try to collect rainwater I could be thrown in jail! What kind of garbage is this?”


This is man’s law, in a nutshell. (The map shown is just an example and does not represent any particular geographical area.):

  • “In the orange area, you’re not allowed to defend yourself or your family with a gun.”
  • “In the yellow area, you’re not allowed to sell homemade baked goods.”
  • “In the blue area, you’re not allowed to power your home with solar panels.”
  • “In the red area, you’re not allowed to collect rainwater for your garden.”
  • “In the gray area, you’re not allowed to have a car that gets more than 50 miles per gallon.”
  • “In the purple area, you’re not allowed to give food to the homeless.”
  • “In the green area, you’re not allowed to grow a garden.”
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Disobey any of these ever-changing arbitrary dictates created by corrupt rulers and you may be fined, assaulted, arrested, thrown in a cage, or possibly even shot to death.

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Man's laws are based on Black's Law Dictionary. The reason it's called Black's is because to those in control of our world, black is the color of ignorance, suffering, and death. It’s a book of black magic spells. (Words are created by ‘spelling’ them.) Humanity then falls victim to the black magic spells by believing in them, instead of the common-sense law of morality inherent within nature.

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With man’s laws, rulers can make up any rules they wish. Activities that are peaceful and harm no one can be outlawed. And activities that result in horrific violence and suffering can be, and often are, made legal.

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Often, rulers will create laws that grant themselves and their henchmen the imaginary rights to fine, steal from, enslave, imprison, rape, pillage, and murder anyone they please.

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Rulers believing they can create laws that everyone must follow is a result of ignorance mixed with psychopathic delusion.

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This delusion, combined with the people’s acceptance of this delusion as truth, has resulted in the most horrific suffering and death throughout the ages.

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Some examples of the evils resulting from the belief in and obedience to man’s laws...

Man's laws tricked people into believing that slavery was acceptable...

  • ...that helping slaves escape was wrong.
  • ...that African Americans should be segregated, mistreated, and even murdered.
  • ...that Jews should be imprisoned and murdered.
  • ...that Israelis have the right to murder and displace Palestinians.
  • ...that torture is acceptable.
  • ...that soldiers have the right to murder innocent men, women, and children.
  • ...that police have the right to violently apprehend, assault, arrest, and imprison anyone for any reason whatsoever, including for peaceful activities that harm no one.
  • ...that people have the right to abuse and murder certain species of animals, but they don’t have the right to abuse and murder other species of animals.

And on and on and on. At any time, rulers can create a brand new law that stomps on the rights of innocent living beings everywhere, and people believe they’re obliged to follow it.

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Declaring oneself as a law-abiding citizen is not a badge of honor, rather it is a badge of ignorance that means a person has been tricked into believing in man’s laws.

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The consequences of humanity accepting and living by man’s laws instead of Natural Law lead to nothing but violence and suffering.

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Following Natural Law leads to peace, order, and happiness. Freedom.

Following man’s laws leads to violence, chaos, and suffering. Slavery.

So, should people be following the one simple rule of "do no harm but take no crap"?

Or should they be following what man has written down on millions of pieces of paper and declared as “law”?

Most have been tricked into believing in man's laws, and we all suffer as a result.

And this suffering will continue to get worse until humanity learns this critical lesson… or becomes extinct.


Recommended Viewing:

The Natural Law Documentary Trailer

Mark Passio & The Science of Natural Law Documentary

Mark Passio - Natural Law - Full Seminar

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