Money - 2 of 2

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Central Banking and the Takeover of Humanity’s Money (Currency)


Imagine a game of Monopoly.

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One person demands that they will be the banker, and this person gets to control the money. What if this person happened to be a cheater? And what if they hid all the banking transactions from the other players? And, on top of that, what if they created extra money that they gave to themselves and their friends, while everyone else struggled and did poorly? If this person won game after game, and became richer and richer, would this be fair?

This is precisely the situation in the world today. A group that cheats, lies, and steals has taken full control of our banks and our money supply. Not only are they using this control to make themselves and their friends wealthy and powerful beyond imagination, but they’re using it as a weapon against humanity. The creation and control of the money supply was the basis for their takeover of our world. To this day, it allows them to remain in control, and do anything they please, without consequence.

These banking families lie, steal, manipulate, and murder, and have been doing so for hundreds and likely thousands of years. They get away with it all because they control the money.

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In recent times, these families created what are called central banks.

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Central banks are behind most of the evil that exists in our world.

"Central banking not only impoverishes everyone, but it also finances all of the massive governments, and all the major wars."

-Jeff Berwick

In 1913, central banking families quietly took over the banking system of the United States under the Federal Reserve Act. A few years later, president Woodrow Wilson admitted that it was a catastrophic mistake.

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It was at this point that Congress and the president effectively sold the United States to criminals, and a central bank – the Federal Reserve Bank – was created.

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The Federal Reserve is presented as a legitimate government organization but, upon examination, we will find that it’s not; it’s a private corporation, owned by a number of financially wealthy families, most of whom are not even American.

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Since 1913, the Federal Reserve has been in full control of the U.S. money supply and has used it as a weapon against the people.

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This hijacking of the money system allowed criminal families to get their foot in the door of the United States, and they’ve been growing their power and influence ever since. It’s no accident that the federal income tax was instituted during that same year.

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Central banks, including the Federal Reserve, are rogue agencies that operate above the law, and above the will of the people. Not even the governments of the world can interfere with their actions.

This is more proof that voting and supporting one political party or candidate over the other is nothing but an utter waste of time.

The Federal Reserve and other central banks create money that doesn’t exist and then charge interest on that money, so much interest that it can never be paid back. The total money loaned plus the interest is more than what exists in the entire money supply. The result is a windfall of profits for the banks, plus defaults on land, vehicles, and property, all of which the banks and their owners happily gobble up. It’s nothing but a massive scam.

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The result is ever-increasing wealth for the banks and their owners, while the people become poorer and poorer. Because people don’t understand how money works, it’s used as a covert vehicle to steal their wealth.

This scam has been so effective, the entire world is in massive debt, and it’s growing larger by the day. Since this debt can never be repaid, it’s merely a tool of control and oppression, and will increasingly be used to usher in harder and more overt forms of slavery in the near future.

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The debt isn’t the result of irresponsibility or error; it’s been created deliberately.

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The entire financial system has been structured so that wealth is siphoned from the people, and deposited directly into the accounts of the wealthiest .001% in the world. The middle and lower classes keep getting poorer, while the ultra rich keep getting richer.

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Some have spoken out about this crime.

Others have written about it.

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"This is sort of like a magic trick that nobody noticed was going on. It took a long period of time, but [now] money is generated by the banks, not the governments. And the quantity is determined by the banks, not the governments. And they have total control of the quantity of money, how easy it is to create, and they create it out of nothing. They loan this nothingness out and collect interest on nothing. It's the greatest scam you've ever seen."

-G. Edward Griffin

But most don’t even understand it’s happening.

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The banking families and their cohorts also use money to manipulate, control, and, if they wish, destroy entire nations.

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It is these families who decide which countries go to war, when wars occur, and who wins the wars.

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These families and their masters are the ultimate victors of wars, no matter which nations come out on top. Land, resources, ownership through debt collection, and a culling of the youngest and most able are all spoils for them, and they never send their sons or daughters, grandsons or granddaughters to the battlefields.

Since the Federal Reserve took over, it has turned the United States into an aggressive, warring nation, bombing and invading other countries to expand the central banks’ and hence the ruling class’ sphere of power.

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Countries that do not have a central bank are branded as evil by Western governments and the corrupt mainstream media, and then usually invaded with military force. The invasion serves to remove the current leaders from their positions in the government. New leaders are then installed, ones who switch the country’s money system over to central banking. As of 2020, there are only a few countries left on Earth without a central bank.

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Through banking, the ruling class has also granted itself the power to create any kind of economic conditions within a country, including recession, depression, or even an all-out collapse. Nothing is random; they control everything.

"Everything is not out in the open like we used to think. There are hidden forces behind that pull the strings and most of them have very close and powerful connections to the banking system."

-G. Edward Griffin

Inflation – Covert Theft From The People

One of the primary ways by which the Federal Reserve, other central banks, and their owners steal wealth from humanity has been via inflation. In simple terms, inflation is when an excessive amount of currency is created. This excess results in each unit of currency progressively losing its value. For example, if we save $1,000 in the bank, in a couple of years, that $1,000 may only be able to buy $700 dollars’ worth of items. We would still have the full $1,000, but $300 of its buying power would have been wiped out. The items we wanted to buy would have gone up in price.

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Not only do prices rise, but products get smaller.

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Inflation is usually carried out slowly, so that people don’t realize it’s happening. They think they just need to work harder, work longer hours, restrain their spending, or get another job. They don’t realize that they’re being stolen from by criminals.

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Inflation is slow but sure theft, pure and simple, as people’s financial wealth is leeched from them without their consent.

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"Pay no mind that we technically stole $61.15 of your savings." -Central Banks

If, for example, a yearly inflation rate is 5%, that means 5% of everyone’s savings, paychecks, and spending money is being stolen from them each year. Where is it going? Into the pockets of the ruling class and their banking partners.

"The financial system only serves to better the rich, and keep the poor miserable."

-Ronald Bernard

In the United States, the real inflation rate is actually higher than 5% according to reliable sources, courtesy of The real rate hovers around 10% and, as of early 2020, is on the verge of going much higher.

2022 update: Inflation is now considerably higher than 10%, as millions of Americans are becoming progressively poorer and struggling to survive.

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In a number of countries, inflation has caused the value of the currency to go all the way to zero. Ultimately, currencies based on nothing but confidence always go to zero.

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A one hundred trillion dollar note from Zimbabwe, now worth less than one U.S. dollar

In the United States, the ability to arbitrarily inflate the money supply to destroy people’s savings and earnings was made possible in part by changing from a precious metals based system to one with no backing whatsoever.

In the past, government money was redeemable for silver or gold coins, which was why the U.S. dollar was the world’s currency of choice, or its “reserve currency”. Nowadays, U.S. dollars are created out of thin air with the stroke of a key on a keyboard, or using a printing press, and have no precious metal backing at all. In the United States, money is no longer real. It’s counterfeit and, as a result, subject to massive manipulation.

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Inflation results in a widespread and massive decline in people’s financial wealth...

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...and prices that have skyrocketed.

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Inflation not only impacts everyone’s savings, but also the buying power of people’s paychecks. According to a study conducted by Axios, the median income for young adults in the United States has remained unchanged at $34,000 since 1977, when adjusted for inflation. Meanwhile, other expenses such as housing, food, insurance, and education have all skyrocketed in price, when also adjusted for inflation.

Due to inflation, slowly but surely, each paycheck becomes worth less and less. Eventually, people start having trouble paying their bills and buying food. They may have to sell their home. They may have to get a second or even a third job. They see their standard of living decline. Many people end up on welfare or on the street, unable to pay for food and shelter. Many become dependent on the government, which gives the government even more control of their lives. And impoverished people struggling just to survive are no threat to the control system, and are unlikely to be prepared to deal with a growing tyrannical regime.

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Thanks to the criminal manipulation of our money, it’s now literally impossible to survive working a minimum wage job, or even a job that pays significantly more than minimum wage. People working multiple jobs are still usually not going to make enough. This is by design.

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Since the Federal Reserve took over in 1913, the purchasing power of the dollar has been almost completely destroyed. A dollar now is only worth approximately 4 cents compared to what it used to be worth. And it’s still on the decline. It doesn’t matter who the president is or which political party is in power. The trend remains the same, because the real rulers exist behind the scenes, and they are in full control of the money supply.

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Inflation is nothing more than a way for those in control of the money supply to steal wealth from the people without their knowledge or consent.

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When combined with corporate greed and a profit-over-people mentality, the middle class is effectively turned into the lower class, and the lower class struggles to stay off the street.

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Many now cannot even afford an apartment, and must live in makeshift shelters, if they're fortunate to have any shelter at all. And this was before the COVID scam lockdown that obliterated the economy.

This extreme level of poverty and homelessness is a direct result of the takeover and intentional destruction of our money supply and economy by individuals and groups who know exactly what they’re doing. They know that people struggling to survive don’t have the time, the energy, or the resources to resist their oppressors, or create any widespread positive change. They know that those who are struggling will willingly submit to the government.

Those who are connected have all the money they need, while the rest of humanity struggles to simply survive.

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Minorities are placed at a disadvantage and, again, this is not an accident. It’s all about control.

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The government always claims that the economy is booming, and unemployment is at a historic low. But they use manipulated statistics to come to these conclusions. According to more reliable sources (, as of 2019, about a quarter of Americans are unemployed, with probably many millions more underemployed, unable to pay for basic living expenses.

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But even the real unemployment rate means nothing when sometimes working two and even three jobs isn’t enough to survive.

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The ruling class and their banking friends use their self-granted financial powers to create and sustain conditions of poverty, homelessness, and starvation all over the world. Inner-city hoods and droves of abandoned houses did not come about by accident; they are the result of deliberate economic and monetary policy.

And a mere fraction of the money stolen by these families could be used to solve all the world’s ills, many times over. But that never happens.

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The devaluation of money and associated corporate greed has also resulted in millions being only able to afford unhealthy, processed foods, which results in the poisoning of vast numbers of children and adults.

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Again, this is not an accident. People who cannot afford healthy food will fall into the mainstream medical system trap, not be able to think clearly enough to see that they're being taken advantage of, and, as a result, be no threat to the ruling class.

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Another goal of the devaluation of money was to force millions of mothers out of the home and into the workplace, where they must remain in order to help provide for their families. This effectively prevents parents from staying at home, and forces children into the hands of the state to be indoctrinated.

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As if the covert theft of people’s wealth wasn’t enough, banks also punish those who are already struggling.

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By creating vast amounts of poverty, stress, suffering, and dependency, the control system and its central banks are effectively turning millions, if not billions of people into debt slaves.

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"We're not free; we're slaves. Our slave chains are made of paper, and that paper is the Federal Reserve note."

-Michael Rivero,

In order to pay for a car, or a house, or a college diploma, most people must take out loans. This sentences them to years of paying back the money they borrowed with added interest. This interest can sometimes be so much that it makes repaying the borrowed money impossible.

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Once enough people have gotten themselves into serious debt, the financial manipulators typically cause the economy to slow, creating layoffs and making it next to impossible to pay back the loans. It’s a grand manipulation scheme that ensures humanity remains in a state of poverty and stress, spinning its wheels, just trying to survive.

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Many obsess about their credit score, which is essentially a financial leash used to control, as well as differentiate the good slaves from the bad slaves.

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Instead of being free to do what they may feel passionate to do, many people’s debts sentence them to being corporate or retail or service workers, usually for the rest of their lives.

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All this while the banks themselves are immune to debt, and are bailed out from their debts and financial crises all the time.

"The big banks are fully backed by the money printer and their debts are not a problem. On the other hand, the man on the street becomes a debt slave and will suffer the consequences if he is not able to pay the debt. So the banks can merrily lend money to anybody, even if he cannot afford to pay as the money printer will always bail out the banks. This is a one sided game and unconscionable."

-Chris Chong

Many end up in jobs that are immoral, and choose the immoral job over finding a moral way of supporting themselves.

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Because it’s run by criminals, everything in the financial world is rigged and manipulated, and is designed to generate incredible wealth for the already-wealthy, while covertly stealing what little the middle and lower classes have left. Even mainstream magazines like Rolling Stone have been forced to admit this.

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And because the bankers and their owners control everything, they know exactly when the values of various investments and currencies will go up and down. They manipulate and control all the markets. This allows them to place bets on anything and everything, and make billions. They never lose, while the average citizen is forced to endure never-ending risk, and loses all the time.

Not only do the bankers take advantage during economic downturns and financial crashes, but they’re the ones creating these situations in the first place. The bankers and their masters caused the stock market crash of 1929, as well as the financial crisis of 2008, and took advantage of both situations. They bought properties, stocks, and other investments for pennies on the dollar, while the people were left with virtually nothing. The game is rigged, and always has been. And the same will occur with the intentional financial collapse of 2020 and beyond.

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Thanks to their financial wealth, individuals within and associated with the banking families are immune to legal prosecution... can influence the passage of laws... can bribe judges... can get certain politicians elected... can destroy people’s careers... can hire hitmen to carry out murder... and can get away all of this and much more. This is why Mayer Amschel Rothschild stated the following:

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Those who control the money supply control the world, and can do anything they please, without consequence.

While people are arrested and sometimes even murdered for peaceful acts such as selling loose cigarettes ( or possessing the leaves of a plant, bankers who steal billions of dollars and use murder to cover it up get away with their crimes without punishment.

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It’s because they’re in “the club”, and you’re not.

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Prominent individuals have understood the implications of the takeover and corruption of money.

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Nothing that happens in the financial realm is accidental or random; everything is by design. The ultimate goal is total control – masters working toward permanent control of countries, resources, and the people, whom they consider to be slaves.

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In the near future, when everyone has been converted away from cash, and over to government-controlled digital money, it will be as easy as pressing a button to shut off someone’s money supply, to prevent them from purchasing anything, including food.

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It will be at this point that rulers will have ultimate control over the people, having created a permanent and inescapable state of slavery.

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As of early 2020, those in control are in the process of driving us over a financial cliff, into economic collapse, turmoil, hyperinflation, and depression, the likes of which the world has never seen.

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But don't worry; the ultra wealthy will be just fine, because they're the ones rigging the game.

What are some solutions? Below are a few ideas that have come to mind. Please note that none of these is to be taken as financial advice.

  • • Learn how money works, how we’re being deceived, stolen from, and enslaved by the banking system, and then share this information with others. To learn how money is created and used as a tool of manipulation, watch Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money series: Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets of Money Episode 1. And for a deeper look into the Federal Reserve, watch James Corbett's Century of Enslavement - The History of the Federal Reserve
  • • Stop doing business with big banks; move money to locally owned, independent banks or credit unions; by using big banks, you are financing your enemy
  • • For ideas on how to protect and even grow your money, look at the information shared by those who understand the banking and fiat currency scams - Mike Maloney (, Peter Schiff (Schiff Report), and Jeff Berwick (, for example.
  • • Don’t leave large amounts of money in banks, as any number of situations could cause that money to be inaccessible or lost
  • • Avoid using credit and debit cards and digital payment systems on phones – use cash instead to avoid being tracked and controlled; refuse to do business with companies that will not accept cash; the financial elite get a cut each time we use a credit card; by using credit cards, you are financing your enemy
  • • This is not investment advice, but look into investing in and using alternative currencies and forms of wealth, such as cryptocurrencies (preferably ones that are not controllable or trackable by authorities); every time a dollar or euro or another government currency is exchanged for a cryptocurrency, the murderous central banking cabal's units of control lose a little more of their influence
  • • This is also not investment advice, but look into investing in and using gold and silver; gold and silver are real money that cannot be manipulated, and have stood the test of time; use the Silver & Gold Payment Calculator and start transacting with gold and silver in your local communities
  • • Barter and move away from relying on government-controlled money as much as possible
  • • Get out of debt and avoid getting into any new debts, especially with credit cards, as they charge extremely high interest rates
  • • Think twice about getting a mortgage to buy an expensive house – the word 'mortgage' literally translates to 'death contract', and property taxes, already out-of-control, continue to skyrocket
  • • Refuse any offerings of microchips or other digital tracking technologies, no matter how convenient they may be and no matter how many benefits they'll provide; note that microchips may now be injected via vaccines, as microchip technology has become incredibly advanced
  • • Reject any new forms of government or corporate-controlled digital money (central bank digital currencies or CBDCs), or other financial conveniences that remove anonymity and allow for centralized control
  • • Stop supporting wars as they are always meant to expand the control and influence of central bankers and their masters
  • • Stop paying taxes, which do nothing but fund the criminal enterprises that make everyone's lives miserable

But the most important step people can take is to educate themselves about the nature of money and the banking system, and then spread that knowledge to others. Nothing will change as long as the people don’t understand what’s happening.

"As long as people don’t realize how [money] works, how they’re deceived, how they’re being robbed, how the real value, their value, is taken away from them to enrich to the rich even further… as long as people don’t see this, as long as they are not aware, nothing will change."

-Ronald Bernard

When enough people realize they’re being taken advantage of and decide to do something about it, we’ll have a real chance to create a permanent solution, rather than trying to just survive within the current corrupt system, while becoming poorer and poorer.

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What new innovative technologies can we create to circumvent the financial controllers and their system? How can we exclude government-controlled money from our lives?

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Can cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin shift at least some of the power out of the criminals' hands, and back into the hands of the people?

"[The idea of cryptocurrencies] is actually a revolution in money and banking. For the first time in history, as far as I know about history, people actually have the opportunity to be the owners of their own money, and actually be their own bank as well. And that's incredibly important. That actually gives the power back to the people and takes it away from the central banks."

-Jeff Berwick

Perhaps, if enough people begin using them. Make the bankers and their government money irrelevant and we will pave a path toward freedom.

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