Warning: Some videos in this section contain adult language.
If a person is placed in a state of fear, that person can be controlled and manipulated. If an entire society is placed in a state of fear, that entire society can be controlled and manipulated.
In the United States, most have been in a state of fear for their entire lives. Are the reasons people have been fearful valid, or have they been based on lies? The mainstream media, owned and controlled by the ruling class, has told people who and what to fear.
“The Nazis are coming to get us!”
“The Communists are coming to get us!”
“The Russians are coming to get us!”
“The Arab terrorists are coming to get us!”
“The North Koreans are coming to get us!”
“The domestic terrorists are coming to get us!”
“The Russians are coming to get us (again)!”
And in 2020... "COVID-19 is coming to get us!"
Have these all been legitimate enemies to fear? Or have they been manufactured enemies?
When people unquestioningly believe what they hear, read, and see on the mainstream news, they're easily led into a state of fear. With headlines and images like these, who can blame them?
But where did ISIS and other so-called terrorist groups come from? If we shut off the mainstream propaganda, do our own homework, and search for the truth, we'll find that elements within and associated with western governments created these organizations for their own benefit.
The evidence is everywhere.
Terrorism is an artificial creation of governments and those who control governments. Its purpose is to place people in a never-ending state of fear. In this fearful state, people support their leaders, unlimited war, and willingly give up both their money and their freedoms. It’s nothing but a scam.
With a fearful populace, government and the ruling class get exactly what they want, which is more power and more control, along with a blank check to bomb and invade anyone they please.
In the case of the current War on Terror, the ruling class has effectively demonized Muslims, allowing for the invasion and takeover of their resource-rich lands.
When one phony enemy starts losing its effect, they simply roll out a new one.
It’s all just a charade. There are no authentic terrorist groups; there is only the criminal ruling class, and the slave class (the people).
Those atop the control system have a long and rich history of arming and training others to be “the enemy”, with the sole intention of generating fear among the people. Their goal is to scare you, so they can control you, and get what they want. And they have been perfectly successful using this tactic for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
The September 11, 2001 (9/11) Attacks were the biggest, most in-your-face, fear-producing string of events in the history of the United States. They were designed to create a state of fear in people so powerful that it would convince them to give up their freedoms, plus take part in never-ending wars in the Middle East and elsewhere.
Did 19 Arab hijackers operating under the direction of Osama bin Laden really crash planes into the towers, causing them to collapse? Or were there other organizations that planned and carried out the attacks?
While most believed exactly what they were told by those on TV and in the newspapers, some sensed that something wasn't quite right.
Those who investigated independently found significant problems with the official story.
Today, there are numerous groups and individuals who have presented their findings about what really happened on that day. These are honest, well-educated, intelligent men and women who realize that we were lied to, and that we continue to be lied to. They feel it is their duty to report the truth. Some of these groups include:
These groups and others have thoroughly debunked the official 9/11 story put forth by governments and the mainstream media.
Some of the evidence that’s been collected includes:
On 9/23/2001, 12 days after the attacks, the BBC reported that a number of the so-called hijackers were alive and well. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1559151.stm
A third building, World Trade Center Building 7, collapsed late in the afternoon on 9/11, yet it had not been impacted by a plane. The government claimed that the collapse was caused by normal office fires, but a modern high rise building had never collapsed from fires before. The building also collapsed in perfect symmetry, at free-fall speed, something that’s impossible without carefully placed demolition charges, cutting every single support beam at the exact same time. Link 1, Link 2
Demolition experts have conclusively stated the building collapsed due to professional demolition, not due to fire. A study done at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks also concluded that the building collapsed due to demolition.
Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC complex, admitted that he gave the go-ahead to have WTC Building 7 demolished. However, the demolition of a building cannot be done without significant planning and preparation. Just months prior to 9/11, Silverstein purchased insurance against terrorism, and was awarded over $4 billion dollars as a result of the attacks. Link
The BBC reported that WTC Building 7 collapsed before the collapse actually occurred. Police and firefighters on the scene were told that the building was going to be “blown up”, and ordered emergency personnel to clear the area. Other individuals reported a countdown and subsequent demolition of the building. http://www1.ae911truth.org/faqs/682-how-did-they-know-examining-the-foreknowledge-of-building-7s-destruction.html
WTC Building 6 showed a massive hole in the center of its structure which extended down into the basement levels. This building was not impacted by any plane.
Photographic evidence shows that the two towers’ main support beams were cut at an angle. This is a technique used by professional demolition teams that requires special cutter charges placed at specific locations, well in advance of the demolition process.
Other photos show V-cuts in the steel beams, another type of specialized cutting technique used by professional demolition teams.
Structural engineers, including the engineer who designed the WTC complex, stated that the buildings were built to withstand plane impacts and could not have been destroyed by even multiple airliner impacts. http://www1.ae911truth.org/faqs/655-faq-9-were-the-twin-towers-designed-to-survive-the-impact-of-the-airplanes.html
Squibs (puffs of debris) were seen coming from the towers as they collapsed. Squibs are the product of professional demolitions, as material is forcefully ejected during the demolition process.
Basic high school level physics tells us that the buildings could not have collapsed from the top-down; the lower levels, which were structurally undamaged, would have prevented the collapse from continuing. Video and photographic evidence show explosions occurring as the buildings are turning into dust. Some of these explosions ejected massive steel beams laterally hundreds of feet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hUJnxDpl9k or https://odysee.com/@EndYourSlavery:8/9-11-A-Short-Physics-Lesson-by-Steven-Jones:c
Europhysics Magazine, one of Europe’s most respected scientific publications, published a report written by four experts that concluded that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.” http://www.wnd.com/2016/08/911-conspiracy-gets-support-from-physicists-study/
Just prior to September 11, large financial bets were made against the airlines that would reportedly be used in the attacks, as well as against some of the banking institutions that were about to be impacted. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigated, thinking they would be led to the terror organizations but instead, the evidence they uncovered pointed to non-Muslim financial groups. The SEC dropped the investigation. (Note: The SEC is corrupt, just like every other government agency, so there was no chance they would ever expose the true culprits.) http://911research.wtc7.net/sept11/stockputs.html & http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/06/sec-government-destroyed-documents-regarding-pre-911-put-options.html
In spite of it being one of the most heavily guarded and surveilled spaces in the country, there is no photographic or video evidence of any plane approaching or impacting the Pentagon. The government confiscated all video evidence with the exception of a few frames from one low quality security camera. These frames do not show any plane and appear to be missing a frame. Former U.S. Major General Albert Stubblebine III has come forward and stated, “I can prove that it was NOT an airplane [that hit the Pentagon].” YouTube Link or Odysee Link
Firefighters reported numerous bombs going off in the buildings. This testimony was intentionally left out of the 9/11 Commission Report. YouTube Link 1 or Odysee Link 1, & YouTube Link 2 or Odysee Link 2
Eyewitnesses report a bomb went off in the basement of the North Tower PRIOR to the impact from the first plane. Link 1, Link 2
Unreacted thermite was found in the dust, indicating the presence of planted explosives that could have been used to destroy steel within the towers. The official government investigation done by NIST did not test for the presence of explosives.
Firefighters reported seeing molten metal, indicating the presence of artificial accelerants. Officials have denied these claims. Link
Steel from the destroyed towers was quickly removed from the scene before any investigation that may have shown traces of demolition materials could occur.
The official government investigation was conducted by the 9/11 Commission. Six out of ten commissioners working on the report believe the investigation was set up to fail, and that it was not accurate, honest, nor complete.
On September 10th, 2001, one day prior to 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon had “lost” $2.3 trillion dollars. Normally, this would have been enough to warrant his firing, but the announcement had been timed perfectly to ensure no one would pay much attention.
War games were scheduled to occur on September 11, 2001, providing the perfect cover to help prevent any interference from military personnel who might have normally gotten involved. http://911research.wtc7.net/planes/defense/wargames.html
No indestructible “black boxes” from the hijacked planes were found, and the destruction was severe enough to turn solid steel and concrete into dust, but supposed hijacker Satam Al Suqami’s passport survived and was found in near-mint condition on the street. http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/deceptions/passport.html
The Patriot Act was written well before September 11, 2001. The 9/11 attacks allowed its passage into law. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/12/ron-paul-%E2%80%9Cthe-patriot-act-was-written-many-many-years-before-911-and-the-attacks-simply-provided-opportunity-for-some-people-to-do-what-they-wanted-to-do%E2%80%9D.html
After the attacks, letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to two Senators – Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle. Leahy and Daschle happened to be the two Senators who opposed the Patriot Act. It was later discovered that the letters did not come from Arab terrorists but rather from one or more labs within the United States. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/sep/15/anthrax-iraq
Osama bin Laden, blamed for masterminding the attacks, repeatedly denied having any responsibility. The FBI admitted it had no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to the attacks and made no mention of wanting bin Laden for having been connected with the attacks. http://edition.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16/inv.binladen.denial/index.html
Individuals within and with close ties to the U.S. Government were forewarned about the impending attack. One example is San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who was warned the day before. http://rense.com/general66/pre11.htm Former Senator Al Franken was also told to avoid the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. http://www.bollyn.com/sen-al-franken-admits-being-warned-about-9-11-beforehand-2/ Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC complex, was also conveniently absent from work in the towers that morning, attending a doctor’s appointment instead.
Experts have spoken out...
Full documentary:
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted the official government-sponsored scientific investigation into the collapses of the towers. Years later, NIST employee Peter Michael Ketchum came forward and admitted that his organization did not conduct an honest investigation:
Former NIST Employee Speaks Blows Whistle On Dishonest 9/11 Investigation
The study done at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks concurred with those questioning the official story, concluding that WTC Building 7 was professionally demolished; it did not collapse due to normal office fires as stated by the government, the mainstream media, and mainstream science.
More evidence of trickery, deception, and fraud is presented in a number of documentaries, independent projects made by real journalists, journalists who have done the jobs that mainstream journalists have failed to do, and are continuing to fail to do.
Loose Change - Final Cut
September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor
Nine Eleven - Hibbeler Productions
In order to determine who was behind the attacks, we simply need to look at who benefited.
Some clues...
General Wesley Clark admitted that the presence of oil in the Middle East was a motivating factor behind the planned invasion of 7 different countries.
In the year 2000, Neoconservative think tank group Project for a New American Century wrote that they needed a “new Pearl Harbor” before they could begin the military siege of the Middle East. PNAC members included Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Paul Wolfowitz, all of whom happened to be serving in the Bush Administration and had the ability to influence foreign policy decisions at the time. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Project_for_the_New_American_Century
Five Israeli men, two of whom were Mossad intelligence agents, were seen videotaping the attacks from a nearby rooftop, and then celebrating when the towers collapsed. They admitted that they had foreknowledge of the attacks and were there to record the events of that day. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/fiveisraelis.html
U.S. Government officials quietly allowed members of the Saudi royal family to fly out of the country, at a time when all other flights had been grounded.
Researcher and author Christopher Bollyn connects the dots in his book Solving 9-11 – The Deception That Changed The World.
He discusses his findings in presentations.
James Perloff is another 9/11 researcher.
Alan Sabrosky is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, a graduate of the U.S. Army War College, and another who’s connected the dots.
Dr. Judy Wood is another 9/11 researcher. She examines the body of unusual evidence from that day in New York, and correctly states that empirical evidence is the truth, and that our theories must be in alignment with the evidence for them to have merit. Based on the evidence, Dr. Wood suggests that some type of directed energy frequencies may have been used to bring the towers down, and turn them into dust.
The truth is that 9/11 was a sophisticated false flag operation. False flag attacks are mind control operations whereby elements associated with governments attack their own people, or friendly targets in other countries. This is done to create fear and anger, to force the public to focus on an enemy of their choosing, and justify wars along with the destruction of people’s freedoms. The 9/11 false flag was designed to create anger and fear in the minds of Americans, to allow for the build-up of a police state, to frame Arabs as the perpetrators, and to leverage the military might of the United States to wage a never-ending series of wars against the enemies of Israel in the Middle East to allow for the seizure of the oil-rich lands for the ruling class and its supporters.
The ruling class is behind both Israel and Zionism, and has used them as vehicles to steal the land and resources of the Middle East, while shielding themselves from discovery.
Peaceful Arabs have been painted as terrorists, while the real terrorists wrote themselves a blank check to invade, murder, and seize their land.
9/11 was no surprise to many in the U.S. Government, who not only knew the attacks would occur, but were involved in the planning, execution, and subsequent cover-up.
James Perloff concludes:
Those in governments and the intelligence communities all over the world are well aware of the truth about 9/11.
"[There’s] a strong body of evidence showing the official U.S. Government story of what happened on September 11, 2001 to be almost certainly a monstrous series of lies."
-William Christison, 28-year Senior CIA Analyst
While the overt goal of 9/11 may have been to push the United States into destroying Arab countries in the Middle East, those in control also used the attacks to curtail significant liberties within the United States and elsewhere.
Terrorism was and continues to be used to justify new legislation all over the world that infringes upon people’s privacy, freedoms, and rights.
In the United States, the passages of the Patriot Act and the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) were great victories for those who wish to see a progressive destruction of American citizens’ rights.
It also paved the way for the setup of the framework for a global totalitarian police state.
Since 2001, the mainstream media, working on behalf of the control system, has done their best to ignore and suppress blatant evidence that shows how the 9/11 attacks occurred, and who was really behind them.
Equally corrupt mainstream pseudoscience publications have assisted in the cover-up.
But when challenged, Popular Mechanics and others pushing the official story run away with their tails between their legs:
..or they choose to not answer the difficult questions:
Their arguments are easily debunked:
Debunking the Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can’t Face Up To Reality – Part 1
The fact that the government, the mainstream media, and other mainstream institutions in the United States continue to cover up the truth about 9/11 means that they were and continue to be complicit in the crime.
"If the government and media are lying to us about 9/11, it means they are controlled by the same people who carried out 9/11."
-Christopher Bollyn
While some researchers may blame Israel and stop there, the truth is that the government of Israel is merely the product of an ancient ideology, one that relies upon deception, intimidation, and violence to dominate others.
Financially wealthier families higher in the food chain of the control system are the ones pulling the strings, and they and their many agents are the ultimate beneficiaries of the war, suffering, and death caused by the phony War on Terror.
Slide from 2018 Christopher Bollyn presentation showing Rothschild agents involved in 9/11 planning
"Ashton Carter and John Deutch were working for a company called Global Technology Partners, which is an exclusive affiliate of Rothschild North America… The Rothschilds, these big bankers, are always one step removed from the actual [9/11] crime, or from the actual plotting of the crime, but in every place, you find their footprints."
-Christopher Bollyn
9/11 was planned and carried out by elements within the control system, a vast criminal network of financially wealthy families who control governments, banking, the mainstream media, and practically every other aspect of society. This network relies upon deception, coercion, and murder to get its way. It is an ancient evil, and it is still in full control of our world to this day.
But to the vast majority of the American public, the truth about 9/11 remains hidden, and those who dare to question the official story are censored, ridiculed, and sometimes physically attacked.
"The real perpetrators [of 9/11] are still out walking around, knowing they have a tried-and-true successful template in their pocket to redeploy at a time of their choosing in an updated fashion."
-Gordon Duff, Veteranstoday.com
And this group has already redeployed this template to create massive amounts of fear and terror in the minds and hearts of the masses, and this will be used to usher in even more tyranny, totalitarianism, and death.
Those who’ve researched the subject all reach the same conclusion – it’s governments, intelligence agencies, and those who control them who were behind 9/11. They also discover that these groups have been behind practically every other so-called terror attack both before and after September 11th, 2001, along with other so-called disasters, including phony pandemics.
"It is always the intelligence agencies that let these events happen, force them to happen, make them happen, shepherd them along, protect them, and make sure they get their agenda out of them."
-James Corbett
The idea of terrorism and practically every other fear-inducing event in history have been nothing but scams used by the ruling class to tighten their noose around the people.
In spite of overwhelming evidence and admissions, to this day, most Americans still believe that they were attacked by Arab terrorists on September 11th, 2001. This belief has resulted in wars maiming and killing millions, the horrific torture of thousands, and the progressive destruction of everyone’s privacy, rights, and freedoms.
Entire countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 have been destroyed. In one estimation, upwards of 32 million innocent Arab men, women, and children have been murdered as a result of the 9/11 deception.
The people’s collective failure to recognize the truth about 9/11 and other so-called terrorist attacks has also led to the creation of a Homeland Security Department in the United States, along with increasingly militarized police departments.
These have essentially become military forces within the country’s borders, effectively sidestepping the Posse Comitatus Act and following in the footsteps of the German Gestapo.
And with government forces granting themselves ever-increasing spying, surveillance, and kidnapping powers, thanks to the Coronavirus scam, we are well on our way toward a ruthless Orwellian future. The Nazis never lost World War II; they continued on, and collaborated with the Socialists and Communists to find covert ways of destroying their enemies and, as of early 2020, are close to being victorious.
The War on Terror has been a dream-come-true for the control system, as there can never be an end to it.
It’s all based on fraud.
9/11 was just one of many false flag terror events used by the ruling class to maintain and further its control over the people.
We are now in the later stages of this strategy, and the opportunity to extricate ourselves and prevent a painful future is quickly vanishing.
The true terrorists are those who control governments, banking, the mainstream media, and practically every other industry – the same criminal network that has ruled and dominated humanity for centuries.
They have successfully turned police forces into domestic military forces, like they have so many times throughout history…
...and convinced people that their enemy is someone else...
...or something else.
While some have realized the truth, most remain under a state of mind control, blindly believing what they’re told by those on TV and in their government...
...and having no idea who our real enemy is.
And while we may believe we're safe because we're not terrorists or criminals, or we're following the nonsensical rules that are supposed to keep us safe, the government and its masters continue to tighten their chokehold on all of us.
Those in control don’t want an informed, self-educated populace that realizes it's being lied to about practically everything. It is these awakened, authority-questioning individuals who are their ultimate enemy, and pose the greatest threat to their monopoly of domination.
From the very start, the “terrorist” label was created with the ultimate intent of using it against those who were awakening out of their mind control, realizing that government is illegitimate and immoral, and humanity has the inherent right to live free. This is why they label those speaking out against any form of authoritarianism as terrorists.
The slave masters of our world fear the slaves awakening and understanding the truth that they should NOT be slaves.
Will those in the control system continue to get away with framing and murdering innocent people in their never-ending War on Terror, while progressively destroying the freedoms of peaceful Americans and others all over the world? Will they be successful in setting up their inescapable, Orwellian police state, under the guise of keeping everyone safe from a phony pandemic that doesn't even exist? The answer to both questions is a resounding yes if the people continue to blindly believe what they’re told by the government, the mainstream media, and other corrupt mainstream institutions, while supporting the police and military as they carry out the acts that will lead us into this prison.
"We must expose, indict, convict and incarcerate the liars, the murderers, and the traitors, and then replace them with patriots devoted to the truth, and to service to the people."
-Lt. Col. Robert Bowman
The only way to truly stop the coming suffering, death, and destruction of freedom is for a sufficient number of people to learn the truth. This means sharing the information presented here and other truthful information with as many people as possible.
With knowledge of the truth, actions can be taken that will end wars…
...stop the progressive destruction of our privacy, rights, and freedoms...
...and halt the buildup of militarized forces and infrastructures that are being used to usher what will soon be a horrifying dystopian society.
Learning the truth about 9/11, the War on Terror, and other scams, and then acting based on that truth is especially important for soldiers and others in the military who take part in the illicit bombing and invasions of other countries, as well as police and others in law enforcement who use violence to implement the ever-increasing tyrannical state upon the people. It is these individuals who are being used as the violent pawns of the ruling class, and will be used to carry out genocides, only to find themselves and their families victimized in the end too.
People in large numbers need to become aware of the truth of 9/11, terrorism, false flags, learn who our real enemy is, and become part of a shift in consciousness whereby we no longer allow ourselves to be controlled or victimized by anyone.
With the successful rollout of the COVID-19 pandemic scam, we are now on the verge of complete tyranny, and are likely close to experiencing something far worse, if we don't begin calling out the liars, and standing up for our rights and freedoms.
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