
Warning: This section contains some disturbing images.

Note: In this section, my intent is to provide information that helps soldiers and others in the military to see through the lies and propaganda so that they can free themselves, and become part of the shift toward a better world.

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Right behind the police, the military is the second group that causes the most harm and suffering in our world.

This is because, just like police, soldiers do not understand that what they’re doing is wrong. Soldiers have been tricked into believing that their behavior is right, good, and even honorable. They believe that, because they’re wearing a uniform and have been ordered to commit violence, they have the right to commit violence.

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Soldiers, who are first victimized by the divide and conquer strategy, terrorize, injure, and murder innocent fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents, children, and even babies. They destroy families and ruin lives.

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Soldiers simply follow orders to murder, and carry out that murdering without question. Many are victims of mind control.

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Adam Kokesh, a former U.S. Marine, interviewed a soldier who showed his level of blind obedience. While this soldier may have been afraid to respond differently on camera, the fact remains that this obedience to authority is exactly what has led to the bloodshed and death of hundreds of millions of innocent people all over the world.

The attitude of most soldiers is: “I just do as I’m told, without thinking about it.

Following orders and taking actions without determining whether those actions are right or wrong is a complete and total failure of consciousness.


The Disrespect

Those within the ruling class, the very ones sending young men and women soldiers off to murder and be murdered, have no respect for them. This is because they see that soldiers are ignorant of morality, and are willing to commit violence against their fellow brothers and sisters. They view them as nothing more than blind, unconscious animals. They call them their “dogs”, and this is exactly why soldiers are given dog tags.

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Henry Kissinger was less subtle.

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The disrespect continues after soldiers have returned home. Many suffer from health problems, PTSD, depression, and end up homeless on the street. Are they cared for by the government and those who sent them off to risk their lives in battle? Not at all; they’re treated like trash.

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Health problems, mental problems, and guilt plague returning soldiers.

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While soldiers may have believed they’ve been part of something positive, the truth is they’ve simply been misled.

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The Death of the Soul

The word ‘soldier’ means one whose soul is dying or has died. Soul-dier. Soldiers’ souls are dying or are dead because they're not being human; they've been tricked into being unconscious monsters.

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Soldiers, victimized by mind control, help to create a literal Hell on Earth.

The result is innocent families all over the world living in a constant state of terror, knowing that a bomb or missile may strike their home and kill them or their family members at any moment, or fearing that an invading force may break down their door and shoot them or their family members, at any time of the day or night.

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A conscious individual could never commit such horrific violence; but an unconscious one can.

And they do... all the time.

Others working in supportive roles in the military share the guilt, as they do the jobs that allow for the efficient torture and murder of the innocent.

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All the death and destruction comes from several critical failures of consciousness, including blindly obeying orders, not understanding personal responsibility, and failing to choose right actions over wrong actions.

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Lies and Mind Control

Lies are always used to sell the military and war to the people. The real reasons countries go to war are never what we’re told.

All wars are sold using mind control. Every single one of them.

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Wars and other military actions are planned well in advance, sometimes many years in advance, and are orchestrated by groups and families that have very different goals than what’s stated by those in government. Deception is always used to trick people into war.

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Wars have absolutely nothing to do with the will of the people.

"I've met a lot of people in my life and I can't, to my knowledge, recall anyone who wanted a war, or even had any interest in war."

-David Icke

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It’s the ruling class that’s always behind wars, but never has to fight in them.

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Mind control is effective at selling the idea of the military and war to the people, who fall for it, hook, line, and sinker.

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Nonstop propaganda on TV and elsewhere helps to convince the public that being part of the military and going to war are upstanding, patriotic decisions to make.

Be All You Can Be

The Few, The Proud

Aim High… Fly-Fight-Win

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The youth are particularly targeted.

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Other, more subtle tactics are used to help sell the idea that war and murder are not only acceptable, but honorable.

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Sometimes young people are drafted into the military – forced to murder and be murdered without a choice. The success of military drafts are fantastic accomplishments for the criminal ruling class and their mind control operations.

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No matter how it’s presented or how much pro-military propaganda is shoved down people’s throats, committing violence and murdering others can never be moral, brave, or patriotic.

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But thanks to the fantastic success of the propaganda, soldiers and their supporters believe they’re acting as heroes when bombing, invading, and occupying other countries.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Wars occur when financially wealthy families and social engineers working for those families trick young people into murdering each other. Wars are human sacrifice rituals, creating massive amounts of fear, suffering, pain, and death. And they make certain corporations and families controlling those corporations an exorbitant amount of money. War is a dream-come-true for the control system and its benefactors.

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A Lesser-Known Reason for War

Not only do wars result in a windfall of so-called riches for the ruling class and others within the control system, but they also serve to consistently weaken and eliminate the strongest and most able youth from societies. Soldiers are targeted with a variety of toxins, with some examples being Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, depleted uranium during the Iraq War, and poisonous vaccines administered during the Gulf War and in years prior. Soldiers are deliberately and consistently poisoned by the psychopathic ruling class.

None of this has been an accident.

"One facet of [the ruling families' goals is] to target the strongest human specimens in all global societies for extermination, through fake wars and any other means possible. Fake wars are another primary ingredient to this agenda, enticing the strongest males into fabricated war situations via false flags and propaganda, where they are poisoned with vaccines prior to combat and then fed poisonous food throughout their tours of duty. In each war, both sides are fully controlled by the same ancient [families]. Once the strongest males are systematically eliminated, resistance over the long run would be lessened and global domination would in turn be lubricated."

-Jason Christoff

Those who die in combat or due to other intentional poisonings don’t die fighting for freedom or against evil; they are victims of a manipulative, psychopathic few.

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Behind the Curtain of War

Those who orchestrate and profit from wars, their children, and their grandchildren, never have to set foot on a battlefield.

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They understand the nature of war, and use it enrich themselves.

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Soldiers are pawns of the ruling class, and they’re used to destroy countries, murder innocent people, and steal resources.

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In the end, the ruling class always wins, and the soldiers and people always lose.

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Certain families are always behind wars, and these families fund both sides of wars. They rely on the ignorance of the people to never realize this, and to keep the never-ending war machine going.

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And no matter how many problems exist in the world that could be solved with just a tiny fraction of the money used for military budgets, with psychopaths in control, getting soldiers to murder others in war will always be priority number one.

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But it’s not the psychopathic rulers or their bosses who are committing the harm. It’s the men and women who have fallen victim to mind control, and blindly obey their orders. The military’s “I’m just doing my job” mentality has been what’s led to the slaughter of hundreds of millions of innocent people.

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And it continues.

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The Horrors of War

When young men and women in the military are tricked into obeying any orders they’re given, while believing that they’re doing something good and righteous, without using their own moral compass, this is often the result:

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But because it’s happening to someone else’s children, children who have a different skin color, in a far away land, very few people care. They ignore these crimes against the innocent while waving their flags, drinking their beer, going to their casinos, and watching their football games and TV shows, willingly paying taxes that finance these attacks.

The mainstream media, owned and controlled by the same corrupt corporations and families that profit from war, use these and other images to roll out even more deception, to further stoke the flames of hatred, and promote even more violence, war, and mass murder.

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Consciousness Grows in Some

Some soldiers, at some point during their lives, broke out of the mind control to see that what they were doing was wrong.

The most decorated U.S. Marine at the time of his death was Smedley Butler. Butler wrote an entire book about how war is always a scam and young men and women who join the military are nothing more than victims of brainwashing.

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Former soldier Harry Patch figured it out.

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Adam Kokesh awakened to see the truth.

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Ken O’Keefe is another who now has a clear understanding of the true nature of the military, and who’s really behind it.

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Mike Prysner is another former soldier who's spoken out.

Pat Tillman realized what was going on, so they silenced him before he had a chance to do anything about it.

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And some current members of the military show signs of awakening in consciousness, at least on some levels.

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This partial awakening within the ranks may be one reason most American soldiers are usually stationed overseas, far away from the land they’ve pledged to defend.


Our Real Enemy

Before we ever have a chance at putting an end to all the terror, war, and violence, soldiers must realize that our and their enemy is not a certain country or terrorism; our enemy is all around us. It is the control system under which we live, and which we currently support. It is us, living in our current state of unconsciousness, allowing a small ruling class to dominate and murder.

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Our enemy is not “out there” somewhere, like we’ve been told to believe, time and time again.

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But Don't We Need a Military?

Having a defensive force ready to repel invaders is not immoral, and does not violate Natural Law. The violation of Natural Law occurs only when that force is manipulated and turned into a violent attacking group that initiates harm against others.

As long as those who constitute the force understand morality, Natural Law, personal responsibility, and act in a defensive capacity only, that force is not only acceptable, but essential. When this intelligent defensive capability is spread across the whole of the people, a militia is what results.

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A militia, a capable spread-out defensive force, has been proven effective not only at keeping communities safe, but entire countries safe.

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And when a sufficient number of people understand they have the right to defend themselves from the initiation of harm, there would be no tolerance for violence of any type in our world.


The Solution

As long as people continue to allow themselves to be manipulated by propaganda, join the military, and support the military without question, we’ll continue to see our world travel down a dark path, a path of increasing suffering, misery, and death.

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In order for us to see lasting positive change in the world, sufficient numbers of soldiers need to awaken to the truth of what’s happening, how they’re being manipulated, and make the choice to get out.

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Or, never join in the first place.

Wake up, members of the military! You're being manipulated by people who don't care about you or your families... at all.

You're being used and abused by a psychopathic ruling class to bring tremendous amounts of harm and suffering unto others. If you value your own souls and legacies, you should want no part of that.

Become a true warrior, one who fights for what's right, not one who blindly follows orders and commits violence on behalf of a criminal class.

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A true warrior, a true hero, acting with true courage and intelligence, invariably says “No, I will NOT commit violence against others, no matter what.” And then backs it up with ACTION.

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Women also need to repossess the incredible care and compassion that exists within them, and stop supporting their boyfriends, husbands, brothers, and fathers as they're being used as hired murderers. It doesn’t matter who it is; wrong is wrong, harm is harm, and murder is murder.

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The best way to support the troops is to do whatever we can get them out of the hell they've gotten themselves into. Spread the truth and expose the lies and the liars behind military propaganda and war. Explain to current and prospective soldiers what they're really being used for. Without widespread knowledge of the truth, young men and women will keep falling victim to the war propaganda machine, and the never-ending cycle of suffering and death will continue.

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People thinking of joining the police or military forces need to be forewarned before they make the fatal mistake.


9 Reasons Not To Join The United States Military

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People everywhere need to see through the lie that those in the military are heroes.

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Soldiers fail in consciousness by falling victim to propaganda, blindly following orders, and taking actions that result in the initiation of harm against other living beings. Soldiers are helping to create a literal Hell on Earth, and helping to usher in what will be a dark and painful future for all of us.

This hell will also come back to them, as it is a guaranteed effect of Natural Law.

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This is what we need more of, and it may need to come from those who have not yet been indoctrinated:

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When soldiers gain an understanding of morality, personal responsibility, and begin taking actions to do the right thing, NO MATTER WHAT, the result is a conscious individual, and one who can no longer remain a soldier.

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While some police and military members have quit and are doing their best to educate people, how can we help others to do the same? If we aren’t able to do this on a massive scale, and do it soon, the entire human species may not have any future to look forward to.

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Our future?

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