Artificial Scarcity and Modern-Day Slavery

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Who owns the rivers? Who owns the seas? Who owns the land? Who owns the skies? Who owns the sun? Who came along one day, claimed ownership of all these things, and then said to everyone else, “This is ours. If you want to use them, you have to pay us.”?

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Who made the decision that everyone needs to “earn a living”, as if no one has the right to even exist without working for someone else?

Who made the decision that no one can find a piece of land and live there peacefully, free from coercion, extortion, and control?

Who made the decision that most people have to work five days per week, and only get two days off?

And why do we accept any of this?

These are all scams put in place by those who’ve seized control of our world and view humanity as worthless slaves on their plantation. To those in control, we are all just “useless eaters”, as stated by Henry Kissinger.

The truth is that Earth provides enough land, food, water, shelter, and energy for everyone, many times over, and there is no need for the majority of people to work tirelessly year after year. It's only through a manipulation of people's minds that most believe there's a scarcity and therefore a requirement to work and pay to live, while competing with others. There is no scarcity; there is the exact opposite: overwhelming abundance.


We could all have free electricity and fuel provided by the sun, or from a variety of free-energy or overunity generators invented over the years. Nikola Tesla figured out how to give free energy to the world in the early part of the 1900s. Stanley Meyer developed a way for cars to run on water and others have done the same. Why don't we all have these technologies today?

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We could all have free food, grown in abundance, all over the world. If we simply invested in permaculture, worked with nature, planted fruit and nut trees along the sides of roads, and converted some of the empty lots, fields, and undeveloped areas to growing food, we would have much more than we could ever eat. Food would be free for everyone, and no one would ever go hungry or starve again.

We could have all the water we need, without having to pay for poisoned municipal supplies for drinking, bathing, and other uses. The Earth provides this for us in springs, underground aquifers, and other natural sources, in unlimited amounts.

We could all live in good homes and own our own land, without having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, with taxes added as insult to injury. There are enough resources and there is enough space for everyone to own a large plot of land and a nice, comfortable home. In fact, studies have shown the entire population of Earth could easily fit in a portion of Australia alone, with each person having enough land for a shelter and to grow enough food to feed themselves and others.

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We could all do what we wanted with our lives, rather than being forced to pick a career in the corporate industrial machine, spending our entire lives working and struggling to make someone else rich, just to pay bills and survive.

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"Why haven't we got edible forests everywhere?"

-Max Igan


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"Don't think people starve because the world is overpopulated. The world isn't overpopulated at all."

-Max Igan


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So what happened? Why don't we have these conditions? Why aren't we thriving? Why are so many struggling just to get by?

The answer is humanity’s collective failure to grow in consciousness. This failure allowed psychopathic families who believe they have the divine right to dominate others to gain control over everything and everyone. These families decided to steal all the land, murder most of the inhabitants, and claim the land, its resources, and the people as their own. And they are still in control to this day.

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The ruling class simply decided it would become the ruling class, and destroyed any and all who stood in its way.

"If you want a shortcut to how they pulled this off... they stole our land. And before that they stole the Indians' land. They stole the Aborigines' land. And they stole the Batak land and the Maori land... [and] they [now] own most of the world."

-Dean Henderson

Ever since, these ruling families have suppressed and prevented any revolutionary technologies from disturbing their stranglehold on humanity and the resources of Earth.

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But their greatest accomplishment has been to suppress human consciousness, which has allowed them to remain in control, while the rest of humanity wastes their lives running in circles, never going anywhere.

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They created a working (slave) class, and the idea that everyone else needs to work, in order to benefit themselves, and themselves only.

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But the truth is there is no reason that anyone has to work beyond the tasks needed to be self-sufficient.

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The necessity of working for others is a scam set up by those who consider themselves humanity’s slave masters.

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But when the majority falls for this scam, practically everyone is forced to participate.

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"Gotta get to work, gotta get to work, gotta get to work, gotta get to work, gotta get to work..."


When people are tricked into believing there's a lack of something – money, food, water, shelter, land, or energy – they feel the need to compete against each other for the last acre, the last breadcrumb, or the last dollar bill.

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People believe that if they don't get their portion, they'll be poor, starve, or end up on the street.

It is this mentality that leads to actual poverty, homelessness, and starvation, as the system that people have accepted breeds these conditions.

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Instead of doing what their hearts desire, people trade their time, energy, and talents to generate profit for someone else.

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Forget about your dreams; you need to make more and more money just to survive.

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The idea that we need to have a job working for others to earn money to survive is just a trick that keeps the already-wealthy rich and comfortable, and profiting off our labor.

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It has successfully transformed people from free beings into slaves, and few have figured this out.

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Most people willingly give their time, their energy, and the best years of their lives making someone else rich, working for companies and bosses that don’t care about them.

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Stefan Molyneux explains how this came to be.


Within our current system, one must pay ever-increasing charges for rent, food, water, heat, electricity, transportation, insurance, and on and on. And, on top of that, up to half of what people make is stolen from them in an act of robbery called taxation. After all is said and done, many have little, if anything, left. Add in the intentional devaluation of government-issued currencies via inflation, and many can no longer afford to make ends meet. This is not an accident.

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The entire school/work/retire/die cycle is nothing more than a cycle of slavery.

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It results in people wasting away their lives.

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But people blindly accept this, and never even imagine that there could be a better way. Society is set up to keep everyone busy spinning their wheels in order to generate profit for a select few.


This is not how we’re meant to live!

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On top of forcing people to spend most years of their lives working to simply survive, the ruling class has also been slowly but surely encroaching upon people’s natural rights and freedoms.

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When people believe in government and man's laws, a slow but sure loss of freedoms is what invariably follows.

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People must obey their ever-increasing arbitrary rules, or be subjected to violence.

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They get away with this because they've successfully programmed most people to be ignorant, and believe in and even support that which enslaves them: external authority, government, taxation, voting, and other scams.

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The system of slavery has been designed to be invisible to the slaves.

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The Matrix movie series was an attempt at a wake-up call for humanity, and revealed the truth of the situation.

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The message couldn’t have been any clearer.

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Unfortunately, The Matrix had little effect on awakening the populace, as most still believe they’re free.

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Our state of slavery is a result of our acceptance of how things are. We've allowed ourselves to be placed into tiny boxes of limitation, and we’re content to live only within those boxes.


We’re content to not make any changes in our own lives to make things better.

No one is forcing us to be slaves; we're doing it to ourselves.

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Need more evidence? It’s everywhere.

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Simply put, if you are ignorant of your rights and your sovereignty, and believe that others get to make rules and laws that you have to follow, then YOU ARE A SLAVE.

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Meanwhile, overt slavery still exists in a number of countries, resulting in extreme misery and suffering, for the sole purpose of generating a profit for a dominant few.

Your new iPhone or television was built on the suffering of others, especially children. But no one cares, because it doesn't affect them.

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And in many parts of the world, millions of people, including children, are starving to death.

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The Ultra Wealthy Would Like World Hunger and Starvation to Continue


While millions of children starve to death, queens and kings that call themselves princes sit on thrones made of gold.

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When we take a step back and look at the big picture, we will see that:

  • People believe they’re free, but they’re not free at all; humanity is in a state of ever-worsening slavery
  • Ideas and technologies exist that could transform our world into a paradise for everyone, but humanity’s refusal to grow in consciousness is preventing that from happening
  • People are living their lives competing against one another, while the ruling class feeds off their stress, labor, and toil, making themselves ever richer, while everyone else becomes ever poorer

Still don’t think we’re slaves? Try opting out of society. Try not sending your children to school. Try not paying taxes. Try living off the land. Try surviving without having or making money. Try not obeying the 50 million and ever-increasing laws, rules, and regulations handed down by government. Try leaving the country without permission. See how far you get.

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We were never given an option; we were born into slavery. It has never been legitimate.

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We have allowed ourselves to be placed in a state of duress far beyond anything that we should be tolerating. And we're accepting of all of it. We are the reason we are living in a state of slavery. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

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As long as we continue to accept things the way they are, without imagining and then working toward a better way, we will never see a better world.

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And we'll continue wasting away our lives.

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Life is meant to be full of joy, creativity, caring, sharing, freedom, love, wonder, and adventure… not stress, pointless work, selfishness, greed, taxes, war, disease, and suffering.

The choice to remain as slaves or become free is entirely in our hands.

  • • What would the world look like if every person on Earth had all the food, water, shelter, and energy they needed, and didn’t have to exchange most of their time and energy for it?
  • • How would people’s lives improve if they weren’t violently forced to hand over up to half of what they earn in an act of outright extortion called taxation?
  • • What if people decided to be brave for once and stood up to illegitimate laws and taxation, and acted in righteous self-defense when assaulted by violent law enforcers?
  • • What if people realized that they don't need permission from the government to do anything, that government itself is illegitimate, and started living the way they wanted to, rather than how they’re told to live?
  • • Instead of spending the majority of their lives trying to make money just to survive, what if everyone had the freedom to do whatever they felt passionate to do, and then used that to help others, and make the world a better place for everyone?

What kind of a world would we create?

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