Endgame: The Ultimate Goal of the Dark New World Order

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What kind of a world do we have to look forward to if we don’t awaken, rise up, and take our power back from those who control us and consider us to be slaves?

When we collect and then connect enough dots, learning the truth about what's really happening in the world, we come to a disturbing conclusion.

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Not only do those in control wish to place humanity in an ever-worsening state of sickness, suffering, and slavery, but we discover that there's another agenda, one that's even darker. We discover that one of the ultimate goals of the ruling class and its control system includes eliminating the vast majority of people on Earth.

While this may sound outlandish, when one does enough research and puts it all together, it becomes clear.

Their plans had been carved into the Georgia Guidestones, which were anonymously-built stone monuments in Georgia that foretold the future they’re working to create. These stone carvings were destroyed in 2022, but photographic and video evidence lives on.

The first directive was to depopulate Earth.

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The monument, written in 8 different languages, declared that the human population should be under 500 million.

If there are approximately 7.5 billion people alive today, how many people alive today must be murdered? How many people must be sterilized?

This monument served as a literal declaration of war against all of humanity.

The leaked document Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars also speaks of genocide, and explains that it is necessary to protect the current way of life for the ruling class.

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Henry Kissinger stated that depopulation is the number one agenda. He and his so-called elite owners see humanity as a virus that needs to be eradicated.

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Others like Microsoft CEO Bill Gates and CNN Founder Ted Turner have also publicly spoken about drastically reducing the world's population. Their plans have been laid out in the open, for any who cares to read about them.

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"The first task is population control at home…. One plan often mentioned involves the addition of temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple foods. Doses of the antidotes would be carefully rationed by the government to produce the desired population size."

-Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, 1968

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"...To cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call “useless eaters”, ..The committee commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. This paper was produced under the title “Global 2000 Report” and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State, for and on the behalf of the U.S. Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report the population of the U.S. is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050."

-Gerald O. Barney

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"In the 1950s they suddenly put all the known female synthetic estrogens into the food supply. They put it in baby foods. Procter and Gamble were the first ones to admit to it after investigation 40 years later that they were using a rinse to supposedly sterilize the baby bottles and it contained Bisphenol-A (BPA). An odd thing to rinse baby bottles with. And Bisphenol-A is the very thing that attacks young male children at that age and stops the testes from developing properly."

"...the cosmetic industry was using a technique where certain carriers are put into the creams themselves, and these creams then absorb into the skin carrying other chemicals with them, they carry the payloads into the target (the bloodstream). We find that the women were highly toxic with the artifical Bisphenol-A and other ingredients, and therefore within the first 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy with a male child, there was a very good chance that male would grow up to become almost completely sterile."

"Now it's in all the beer cans, targeting the males again. They line the cans with it."

-Alan Watt

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"The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through diseases like the Black Death."

-Thomas Ferguson, U.S. State Dept. Office of Population Affairs

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"All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class….the most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

-Margaret Sanger, Founder, Planned Parenthood

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"There are many ways to make the death rate increase."

-Robert McNamara, former U.S. Secretary of Defense

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"The present vast over-population, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of the number already existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary."

-United Nations Eco-92 Earth Charter

Humanity in its current numbers is a potential threat to the lifestyle of the ruling class, for if even a small percentage of people snapped out of their mind control and awakened to the truth of the situation, the ruling class would be in grave danger. This is why depopulation is their primary goal.

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Those who wish to extinguish the vast majority of people are getting exactly what they want, as infertility rates are increasing exponentially.

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Humanity is dangerously close to extinction. The rapid decline in fertility should be causing alarm bells to go off all over the world. It is a major crisis, and perhaps the most significant crisis in human history. But no one is sounding the alarm, or even talking about it, and this is because it’s all part of the plan.

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"The negative, the evil, the Luciferians, the Satanists, whatever you wish to call it, is real... There really has been a moment of separation from the manifestation of light in which a group went their own way and are carrying an intense hatred, an anger... This is an all-annihilating force that hates our guts. It hates creation. It hates life. And it will do anything to destroy us completely."

-Ronald Bernard

Best-selling author Jim Marrs wrote an entire book about the plans to kill off the vast majority of people. He was one of many who put the pieces together and came to the same disturbing conclusion.

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When we understand there’s an agenda to depopulate Earth, through poisoning, sickening, and murdering as many as possible, we might now be able to make sense of many other topics that may not have made sense previously:

  • • Fluoride
  • • Vaccines
  • • Chemtrails
  • • Toxic Foods, Water, Personal Care, and Home Products
  • • GMOs
  • • Pesticides and Herbicides
  • • BPA, BPS, and other Chemicals Designed to Cause Infertility
  • • Toxic Pharmaceuticals
  • • Chemotherapy and Other Toxic Treatments for Diseases that Do More Harm Than Good
  • • Cell Phone, WiFi, 5G, and Other Harmful Radiation
  • • Smart Meters
  • • Wars
  • • Government Genocides

And on and on and on…

The ruling class is using the shotgun effect, murdering people in a variety of different ways, and using various methods to reduce overall fertility levels.

"You can [reduce fertility] with chemicals from the sky, chemicals from water, from glyphosates on your crops, from a lot of different sources. Vaccines contain those things. Mankind is getting bombarded from many different sources, primarily to reduce his reproductive rate."

-G. Edward Griffin

And with most people falling for the Coronavirus Pandemic scam, a "kill-shot" vaccine, to cripple or even wipe out many millions or even billions of people, may be what comes next.

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Dr. Carrie Madej - Urgent Information on the COVID Vaccine

2022 Update: As of late in 2022, it's clear that the COVID vaccine program was nothing more than an attempt to kill as many people as possible. For details about this attempted genocide, visit the COVID Vaccines resource page.

As stated previously, those in control of this world are not like us. They believe their blood is superior to everyone else’s blood and, as a result, they have the right to do as they please to those who are not like them. They view humans as nothing more than rats or cockroaches in need of extermination.

The document Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars reveals the ruling class’ plan to place humanity in a permanent state of slavery, while conducting quiet genocide to drastically reduce the population. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is another of the ruling class’ declarations of war against the people of the world.

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Links to the full document:




Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is also included in William Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse book, published in 1991.

Here is a good summary of the objectives and strategies stated in the document:

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is essential reading for those who wish to understand what the ruling class really thinks of the rest of humanity, and the plan they’re currently carrying out, while meeting with practically no resistance.

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Are people recognizing that they're being poisoned to death? Are people recognizing that they're being sterilized? So far, the vast majority are not. And so the plans to dumb-down, sicken, and ultimately extinguish humanity continue, full speed ahead.

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The World at the End of the Negative Path

Hand-in-hand with the plans to reduce the world's population by 95% are plans to create a new way of life for the few who remain - a Dark New World Order. They plan to have this new world established by the year 2030.

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Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984 collectively depict the world the controllers are working so hard to create. It's an extremely anti-human world, one with no privacy, no freedoms, no rights, and no individuality. It’s what’s coming the very near future, if humanity doesn’t awaken and take action to stop it.

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The new world they’re building is based on control, violence, and slavery, with a one-world socialistic government calling all the shots. And with so many people still asleep at the wheel, they’re well on their way to making it happen.

The hell world that awaits is not solely the doing of evil, but mostly the result of humanity’s failure to defend against evil. Instead of doing the right thing, humanity has chosen ignorance, apathy, selfishness, and an unwillingness to evolve. The result will be unimaginable suffering for everyone. Such will be the result provided by Natural Law.

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For those who survive the depopulation agenda, the world in which they find themselves will look very different from the world of today:

  • • A brutal, tyrannical one-world government controls everything; police act as the enforcers, committing violence against anyone who dares to even speak out against the government or its increasingly oppressive laws
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  • • No one has any rights or freedoms; any temporary rights or freedoms are granted by the government


  • • All decisions are made by corrupt authorities, authoritarian groups, and so-called experts; people no longer have any decision-making authority over themselves or their families
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  • • Anyone can be kidnapped, imprisoned, or murdered by the government (or any agency that considers itself an authority) for any reason whatsoever


  • • People's thoughts, writings, texts, emails, chats, phone calls, and conversations are all monitored and recorded – people who think or express anything that contradicts the mainstream narratives are fined, arrested, and sometimes either imprisoned or murdered without a trial; most people had already provided all their life data years before through Facebook, a government-run data-gathering and spying operation
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  • • The Internet is completely censored; this began years ago as Facebook, Google, YouTube, and others incrementally implemented a complete ban and blackout of all independent online expressions, while the people chose to continue to use these services without even protesting
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  • • All data is stored on centralized cloud services; locally stored and owned data is illegal; anyone who does not obey the rules of or speaks out against the state will lose access to their personal files on the cloud services


  • • Everyone is tracked and monitored 24/7, 365, by video surveillance, audio surveillance, and smart grid surveillance – this is done through cell phones, laptops, tablets, TVs, voice recognition devices, various smart appliances, and mind-reading devices
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  • • Cameras are everywhere and drones fill the skies, watching everything and everyone below; drones are armed with sophisticated weapons used to attack anyone deemed a threat to the state; biometric facial recognition is used to identify and monitor each individual; any actions taken to avoid or thwart tracking are illegal
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  • • No one can travel without permission. Electric vehicles, along with EZ Pass and other automated toll systems are used to monitor and restrict travel; anyone who speaks out against the government, questions authority, or expresses anything not approved by the government has their travel permissions revoked, and their electric vehicles shut down
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  • • All vehicles are electric and self-driving. All routes must be approved by agencies connected to the government. All efforts to drive somewhere unapproved are rejected; those whom the government deems unfriendly to the state are unable to travel anywhere; self-driving vehicles are also used to murder certain individuals in “unfortunate” accidents; millions of electric vehicles turn into death traps, cooking drivers and passengers inside
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  • • No one can own any guns, knives, or other items that could be used to defend themselves; only the government and its enforcers own these; in the United States, the Second Amendment was eliminated a number of years ago after a series of government-sponsored mass shootings, which opened the door to the confiscation of all weapons owned by the people
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  • • Since only the government, its brutal enforcers, and criminals have weapons, the streets are extremely dangerous for those traveling alone, especially at night
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  • • Everyone is microchipped and has an ID number, for tracking and monitoring purposes; those who refuse to be microchipped are not allowed to participate in society and cannot purchase anything, including food or water
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  • • Practically all people are forced to live in congested and unhealthy urban areas called "smart cities", or "resilient cities"; no one is allowed to live outside of these areas or in nature; people were told this was to curb greenhouse gases to stop climate change; the forced resettlement of people was accomplished over a number of years with the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), weather weapons, and other technologies which were used to create artificial storm surges, floods, and so-called “forest fires” which destroyed millions of homes and vehicles, but left trees unharmed
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  • • Natural gas, gasoline, propane, and other oil-based energy sources are banned; everyone is forced to use electricity from the grid for everything; that electricity can be restricted, limited, and stopped at any time as a way of punishing those who do not comply with government mandates


  • • No one is free to choose their partner in life; people’s partners or lack thereof are determined for them by the authorities and based on genetics
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  • • Personal property ownership is forbidden; everything is owned and monitored by the government or corporations connected to the government; practically all technologies are patented by corporate entities, restricting and limiting their use


  • • All money is digital (Central Bank Digital Currencies or CBDCs) and it's controlled by the government; the government can monitor everyone's balance and usage, and freeze or seize anyone's money for any reason whatsoever; all other forms of money are illegal and possession is punishable by imprisonment or death; cash was eliminated from society years ago after people were forced to exchange it for the new digital government currency after falling for the COVID-19 hoax
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  • • Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, once beacons of hope for humanity, had been hijacked by the government years ago and turned into tools of surveillance and control; eventually, all cryptocurrencies became illegal to own and use after governments made encryption illegal
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  • • All transactions are completed digitally and tracked; cash and anonymous transactions no longer exist; the government can block the sale and purchase of any items or services to anyone at its discretion
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  • • Every piece of technology is connected to something called “The Internet of Things”, a smart grid which allows the government to monitor, control, and disable the technology, and use it to surveil and identify those who do not support the government and obey its increasingly oppressive laws; those who fall into this category find that their smart devices are deactivated and can no longer be used; devices that are not “smart” or are not connected to the grid are illegal


  • • The smart grid exists on the 5G network, which requires towers practically everywhere; the 5G signal bathes humanity in extremely harmful radiation, creating an epidemic of memory problems, mental instabilities, heart problems, infertility, and cancers; practically everyone has cancer in one form or another; the pharmaceutical and cancer industries have become exponentially wealthier than they were in years past; humanity failed to recognize the fact that 5G was a nothing more than a weapon system when it was first implemented
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  • • 5G towers and connected technologies are used to monitor and surveil everyone, even in the comfort of their own homes, thanks to years of metallic bioaccumulation from chemtrails; using this technology, officials can tell who has a weapon; no one has any privacy
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  • • Alternative news sources are illegal; they were eliminated years prior by branding them as pushing “fake news”, and associating them with extreme right-wing domestic terrorism; years earlier, Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter worked to eliminate all accounts that posted information contrary to official government stories; all news and information now must be approved or come directly from the government and its associated media companies
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  • • All independent and family-owned businesses are out of business; all medium and small businesses were destroyed after the COVID-19 hoax allowed the governments to shut down the entire economy; the only retailers now are Walmart, Target, Amazon, Costco, and a few others; if a product isn’t sold by one of these corporations, then it is not available for purchase; items and goods useful for self-sufficiency are no longer available for sale
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  • • Practically everyone is diseased due to years of toxic air, water, food, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, chemtrails, and radiation; IQ levels have dropped between 35% and 55%, on average; humanity utterly failed at protecting itself from the many poisons being directed at it and is now completely powerless to do anything about it
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  • • Practically everyone is infertile due to the widespread degradation of human health; 5G wireless radiation combined with COVID vaccines finished off what little fertility remained in the healthiest of individuals; no one is able to have children without special government permission plus medical assistance; only those who meet certain genetic criteria are given permission to reproduce
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  • • Babies are created and grown in laboratories only; traditional parent/child relationships no longer exist
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  • • The only babies allowed to be born naturally are those within the ruling families, or those whom the ruling families plan to use to serve them in some manner; those who are born to serve the ruling families are genetically modified to be of low to average IQ at best


  • • There are no longer any traditional families – no more mothers, fathers, brothers, or sisters; the government is now considered everyone’s parents
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  • • Traditional genders of female and male are no longer considered normal; normal is now a spectrum based around gender-neutral; this trend, which was started by social engineers working for the ruling class, helped to destroy the traditional family unit a number of years ago
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  • • Most Africans and African-Americans have been eliminated due to decades of covert attacks targeting their fertility
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  • • People are merged with machines to increase worker productivity and capacity; eventually, in many industries, humans are eliminated completely in favor of robots and artificial intelligence; very few jobs are left for humans, leading to widespread poverty and starvation
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  • • Most people’s minds are integrated with an artificial intelligence cloud that manipulates their thoughts and actions; free will no longer exists; those who choose to not integrate are treated as outcasts, and are not allowed to be a part of society
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  • • Artificial intelligence and robots are used to enforce increasingly draconian laws, maintaining obedience and compliance
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  • • Those who question authority, speak the truth, or speak out against the government’s policies are targeted with directed energy weapons (DEWs) and other technologies; 5G towers are used to carry out the attacks, directing painful radiation at anyone from afar, causing a variety of maladies, diseases that will manifest at a later date, or even instant death; there is nowhere anyone can go to escape these attacks, and there is no defense against them
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  • • No one is able to choose what they do with their life; this is determined for them before they’re born based on genetics, and how they could benefit the ruling class


  • • No one is allowed to grow or produce their own food; gardening and growing homegrown food is forbidden; family and small-scale farms have been destroyed by relentless government attacks, and are illegal; all produce must now come from large-scale corporate farms controlled by global government entities
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  • • People are only allowed to consume food that has been produced and approved by the government or government-approved companies; natural meats, dairy, fruits and vegetables are no longer available for sale as they're not considered "climate-friendly"; instead, people are forced to eat bugs and lab-grown synthetic meat, along with genetically modified produce; people are told this food is healthier, but it actually causes disease
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  • • Alternative, holistic, and natural medical treatments are illegal and being caught practicing them is punishable by imprisonment or death; holistic and naturopathic doctors have all been silenced or murdered by a campaign of violence against them that began years ago
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  • • The government gets to decide what medical treatments people receive; no individuals can choose treatment for themselves or their children, and no individuals can refuse treatment for themselves or their children; all treatments are based on toxic synthetic drugs; natural treatments are banned
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  • • The government gets to decide who lives and who dies, supposedly for the good of the overall gene pool; individuals determined to be above a certain IQ level are sterilized before they have a chance to reproduce
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  • • Vaccines are mandatory; non-compliance is punishable with heavy fines, imprisonment, or death; unvaccinated individuals are not allowed to participate in any aspect of society; the COVID vaccines killed 40% of those who received it within 5 years, while those who did not die from the vaccine became infertile, and many suffered from cancer in the years that followed; those who refused to be vaccinated were forced out of society and onto the streets
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  • • The ruling class uses state-of-the-art life-extension technologies (http://2045.com), while the rest of humanity is left to suffer in a state of ever-increasing disease and poverty; life expectancy among the general public has been plummeting for years


  • • No one is allowed to creatively express themselves; art, writing, music, dance, and other creative outlets are all prohibited without government permission and supervision
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  • • People are genetically and pharmaceutically engineered to be emotionless, except for feelings of sadness, fear, rage, triumph, and humiliation
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  • • Love and healthy connections between people no longer exist, as these were extinguished through a series of mandates years earlier, starting with rules requiring people to wear masks and "socially distance" during the COVID pandemic hoax.
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Many of the developments and new technologies of today reveal that we’re already rapidly moving toward this type of a world.

The technologies and ideas that people are willingly accepting today will be used to enslave them tomorrow.

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We are quickly moving away from a world of freedom and harmony with nature and each other, and toward a world of total slavery, suffering, and oppression, thanks to the willful ignorance, apathy, and greed of most people.

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Because many of the steps have been implemented slowly over a long period of time, most are clueless as to where it’s all leading. And this applies not just to Americans, but to people all over the world.

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Researcher and author David Icke calls this process of slow but sure changes toward an Orwellian future ‘The Totalitarian Tiptoe’. Humanity is the frog in the pot of soon-to-be boiling water, not realizing the water is becoming dangerously hot.

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Wake up, people. This is our future if we don’t stop it.

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In the book 1984, author George Orwell describes a mind control technique used against the people called Doublethink, where the people are told everything bad is good, and everything good is bad. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

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Is this similar to what we're experiencing today? We're told that war will bring us peace. We're told that if we have too much freedom, we won’t be safe. We're told that it's better to be ignorant and just let the news tell us what's true. We're told that toxic vaccines and synthetic drugs will bring us health. And the list goes on and on.

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In this new dark world, Natural Law, love, and compassion are rejected, and replaced with man’s law, force, and brutal violence.

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A financially wealthy group of families declares themselves to be God, and anyone who does not follow the anti-human laws and rules they make up is punished with torture, imprisonment, or death.

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Those who have been working hard toward this future are quite confident that they'll get what they want. In a 1991 speech, the late former U.S. President George H.W. Bush declared that they will be successful.

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And others, such as the late David Rockefeller, have mentioned being on the verge of accomplishing their goal.

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When we look at the world around us, we see that this is true, as many of the end-stage goals are already being implemented, with little to no resistance from the people, as most don't have a clue as to what's happening.

Humanity is asleep at the wheel, and the psychopaths in control are in the process of taking full advantage.

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By choosing to remain ignorant, silent, and inactive, humanity is fastening its own chains, and digging its own grave.

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While humanity continues to believe everything it sees on TV, is distracted by shows and movies, plays video games, and attends sporting events, the control system is busy moving full steam ahead with its plans to eliminate more and more freedoms, steal people's remaining wealth, cause massive amounts of disease and death, and use increasing levels of violence against anyone who dares to even speak out.... Genocide is now on the horizon.

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Note the "Rescue Vehicle" wording on the tank. Build-ups to genocides are always couched in phrases like "for your safety".

In the United States, in spite of fierce denials, prison camps have already been built.

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The government has been seeking workers for these prisons, and likely has all positions filled at this point.

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FEMA has also acquired many millions of portable burial vaults. To anyone with open eyes, it’s clear to see what the government is preparing for. Starvation. Riots. Martial Law. Genocide.

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The writing is on the wall.

Judge Andrew Napolitano understands what’s coming, and what needs to be done to stop it.

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"Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Smith, your daughter posted something online questioning COVID vaccines. You're all going to have to come with us."


The police and military who are "just doing their jobs" will be the ones who will ignorantly carry out the kidnapping, torture, and genocide that's planned.

Meanwhile the Department of Homeland Security has acquired enough ammunition to shoot every American man, woman, and child, several times over.

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is also being armed with enough ammunition for an upcoming war within the country.

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The large-scale purchases of ammunition may be part of Plan B, because Plan A (disarm the American public) has not gone as smoothly or as quickly as planned.

Alex Jones' 2007 documentary Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement goes into the dystopian nightmare the controllers of our world are working hard to manifest.


"The goal is to break everything apart, and then roll out a “new and improved” society consisting of a ruling class, and disposable masses that will be controlled through technology-driven social engineering and control mechanisms like surveillance, “biosecurity,” CBDCs, electric cars, gene therapies, carbon credits and social credit scores."

-Dr. Joseph Mercola

Will enough people awaken to the agenda and do something to stop it? Will we change our course from a future of darkness and slavery to one of light and freedom? Which path will we take?

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From Freedom to Fascism

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In the early 2000s, filmmaker Aaron Russo set out on a quest to make a film about whether there was a law requiring Americans to pay an income tax, or if the tax was merely a fraud. (Reminder: ALL taxes are illegitimate, which is self-evident to those who understand morality and their rights.) While conducting research for the film, Russo discovered “something much more dangerous and frightening”. He stumbled upon the plans and evidence for this Dark New World Order, rapidly approaching in our future.

He presents his findings in his film America: From Freedom to Fascism

In the end, Russo explains that it's up to us to stop this terrible future from becoming a reality. It's not a foregone conclusion. We have the power to change our story. We can change it from a negative ending to a positive ending. It's completely in our hands.

So… what will humanity decide? Will we stand up to our oppressors and the technologies being used to control us? Will we learn our rights and then stand up to defend them? Or will we cower in fear, allowing our rights and freedoms to be stolen from us, and allowing ourselves to be enslaved, and ultimately destroyed?

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"The future depends on you. Will you choose freedom... or slavery?"

-Aaron Russo

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