Better Ways of Living

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Do we want to live free or do we want to be dependent on a criminal ruling class, a ruling class that controls us, poisons us, dumbs us down, and murders us?

Government seeks ultimate control over its subjects and one of the ways it gains and maintains this control is by creating a dependent populace. How do rulers create dependency? First, they create an increasingly poor and helpless populace by manipulating the money supply, causing recessions and depressions, and stealing people's wealth through inflation and taxation. They also poison people in every way they can possibly imagine. Then, as people struggle and suffer, they offer to help with various programs. In the United States, these include but are not limited to:

  • • Social Security Benefits
  • • Unemployment Benefits
  • • Medicare/Medicaid Benefits
  • • Low-Income Housing
  • • Welfare
  • • Food Stamps
  • • Socialized Medicine (‘Obamacare’)

But these are essential programs that help people!

The problem is the government first helped to create a poor, sickly, and dependent populace, and then happened to offer solutions. It’s nothing but a trick. This pattern is repeated over and over by those in control. The government and ruling class create the problem, and then offer a solution that ensures they remain in control, gain even more power, and the people maintain a favorable view of the government and their handouts.

This slowly but surely removes power from the people, and transfers it to the government.

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When it’s easier to remain unemployed and collect welfare or disability payments than it is to spend 40 hours a week at a job that won’t come close to paying for the cost of living, why would anyone choose the job? The result is exactly what government and the control system want: significant numbers of people completely dependent on government, unable to live independently and care for themselves and each other.

Creating dependency allows government to continuously tighten the noose on people, and slowly remove their freedoms, while maintaining their unwavering support and obedience. It allows them to easily manipulate order-followers (police, military, and other government workers). For these individuals, it's either arrest, imprison, and murder others, or not receive a paycheck from the hand that feeds them. Most of the time, they will choose the paycheck.

"The social welfare program is nothing more than an open-ended credit balance system which creates a false capital industry to give nonproductive people a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. This can be useful, however, because the recipients become state property in return for the 'gift', a standing army for the elite."

-excerpt from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

The latest method of creating mass dependency has been by way of the COVID scam, which has destroyed the livelihoods of billions of people, all over the world.

Creating a dependent populace also allows the government to pull the rug from beneath people at any time of its choosing, effectively creating massive amounts of joblessness, poverty, homelessness, and starvation.

If we ever wish to become free, we must shed our dependency on those who wish to control us, begin taking back responsibility for our lives, and begin looking at better ways of living.

Rather than resist the current parasitic systems, in many cases, it’s easier to simply build superior systems that make the current ones obsolete.

While the control system seeks to do as its name implies – control us – we can take steps to remove ourselves from that control, at least on some levels. And when enough of us decide to stop playing their crooked games, their entire house of cards will collapse. The control system and those who believe they have the right to dominate us will both become irrelevant.

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Let’s take a look at some ideas that involve taking the ball away from the ruling class and their violent control system, so we can start playing on our own terms.



What is anarchy?

Chaos? Mayhem? Violence? Disorder?

This is what they want people to believe anarchy is:

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But this is actually what anarchy is:

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How could this be?

The truth is anarchy is the exact opposite of how it’s portrayed.

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The confusion surrounding the term ‘anarchy’ is caused by obfuscation, which is the act of making certain words or terms confusing or difficult to understand.

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Through repetition, the government and mainstream media have successfully convinced most people that anarchy means violence, chaos, and disorder. The true meaning of the word ‘anarchy’ can be understood by breaking it down:



An = ‘An’ means 'without'.

Archy = ‘Arch’ means 'ruler'.

If we put these two parts together, we get the true definition of anarchy: Without Rulers.

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Anarchy does not mean chaos. It does not mean mayhem. It does not mean violence.

Anarchy is a state in which no one has the right to rule over others and use violence to force them to conform to their will.

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It is the state of being left alone to live in peace and allowing others to do the same.

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It is based on logic, reason, and historical fact.

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Anarchy is the state of being in which there are no rulers or masters. If there are no rulers or masters, can there be any slaves? This is why those in the control system do their best to convince people that anarchy is a bad and dangerous idea. If people believe that having no rulers or masters leads to chaos, mayhem, and violence, their reaction to it will always be negative. This is those in the control system playing the fear card, making people afraid of a world without them as their rulers.

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"No one to rule over us, poison us, steal from us, and throw us in a cage if we disobey? Oh dear, what will happen?"

The unjustified fear of anarchy allows those in power to remain in power. It helps keep government and its owners as the masters of humanity, and the people as willing slaves.

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The truth is that people don’t need a violent authoritarian force to rule over them, make arbitrary laws, threaten them, and then punish them with violence if they disobey. This is what they don’t want people to know.

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While anarchy means ‘no rulers’, it does not mean ‘no rules’. In order to live peacefully and harmoniously with each other, morality and Natural Law provide us with the guidelines for creating that type of society. And certain rules can still be incorporated, so long as those rules do not infringe upon on anyone’s rights.

People have the ability to rule themselves when they understand morality and they’re following Natural Law, and people should rule themselves. To be free and live peacefully with each other is humanity’s natural state.

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It is only through a massive and relentless propaganda (mind control) campaign that keeps humanity from realizing this.

The truth is that if people simply began ignoring the rulers and their petty laws, and refused to pay taxes en mass, those rulers would lose their power overnight, and the control system would be in big trouble. The people have the power, not the rulers. The rulers’ power is only imaginary.

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Anarchy would never work! There would be a power vacuum! There would be chaos! People would kill each other and the most ruthless would form into predatory gangs and terrorize everyone!

This is already occurring under governments all over the world, as governments and their employees invariably form into ruthless, predatory, violent gangs who use coercion, theft, and violence against anyone they wish.

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Hundreds of millions of victims from all over the world, many of whom are now in spirit, would attest to this.


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Governments are the ruthless, violent gangs that we’ve been told to fear in a system with no rulers.

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Believing that government is needed to protect people from the most violent and ruthless is essentially believing that one supreme group should be violent and ruthless toward everyone. Intelligent psychopaths understand this and gain positions within the government, as it affords them the ability to carry out their psychopathic and violent actions without consequence.

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What happens when the violent entity known as government is removed from the picture, and replaced by the widespread understanding of morality and Natural Law? The people experience overwhelming peace, prosperity, and freedom.

Researcher Daniel Hawkins uncovered evidence that anarchy not only worked in the past, but it produced some of the most peaceful and longest lasting civilizations in human history. One such society existed in ancient Ireland, lasting for over 9000 years. The Hopi Native Americans are another example. They had lived for thousands of years, peacefully, without any ruling government, garnering the nickname ‘The Peaceful People’.

Even today, societies living peacefully with anarchist ideals exist in places such as Denmark, Vietnam, Tibet, and Mexico. (

Liberland is a new country in Europe in which many anarchic ideals have already been implemented.

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Groups like New Hampshire’s Free State Project are working on ways of living free from government violence.

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In Mexico, several regions have broken away from government rule and, as a result, have experienced overwhelming improvements in conditions for everyone.

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These independent areas are the result of Mexicans learning about their rights, the true nature of government, and how to live free.

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The elimination of government combined with a widespread understanding of morality results in happiness, peace, and prosperity. Life becomes a party, full of cooperation, adventure, joy, and abundance. It’s how humanity is meant to live!

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In order to keep people from realizing that breaking free from government results in peace, freedom, and abundance, the mainstream media in the United States and elsewhere tries to scare people about Mexico, the anarchist Mexican regions, and other areas where freedom is abundant.

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But those who’ve traveled to or live in these areas have reported that they are many times safer than the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries with overbearing governments, high rates of crime, out-of-control taxes, and violent police forces.

Any society can choose to live in peace and prosperity. All that's required is a widespread understanding of morality and a collective intolerance for those who wish to initiate violence against others.

Peace, prosperity, and freedom are the guaranteed results for a society that removes government, and replaces it with a widespread understanding of morality and Natural Law.

But anarchy is not a specific social or socioeconomic system. Anarchy is simply peace between individuals, and this occurs every single day, in everyone’s lives, all over the world. An example of anarchy is a homeowner and his neighbor, peacefully coexisting... or a farmers’ market where farmers sell their produce to customers.

Anarchy is the state of freedom in which beings live in peace and harmony with each other, without violence, which was the natural state of our world, before it was hijacked by a small group of psychopaths who sought to control us.

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But in an anarchist society, how would we handle THIS situation, or THAT situation?” and “In an anarchist society, THIS problem would occur, or THAT problem would occur!

No one claims to know exactly how every little detail would work in such a society, but what is clear is that it would be many times more peaceful, prosperous, and fair for all compared to what currently exists under the artificial rule of man.

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For those who wish to delve further, answers to numerous questions about how things would work, and how things would work infinitely better in an anarchist society are in the book The Market for Liberty (

For a simplified explanation of anarchy and how it would create a vastly better civilization than what we have today, read the short book, The Anarchist's Guide to the Galaxy.

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But how would we handle psychopaths if government didn’t exist? Wouldn’t the most ruthless take over, form gangs, and bully everyone?

As stated earlier, we already have the most ruthless bullying and stealing from everyone; they call themselves government, and the ruling class which hides behind it.

But if there were no governments, and therefore no safe havens for psychopaths, how would a peaceful society deal with these individuals and groups? One way of dealing with them would be similar to the way native tribes have dealt with people in their own communities who refused to follow the basic law of morality: they would be cast out of their society, which would have been akin to a death sentence. They solve this problem by teaching their youth morality, personal responsbility, and Natural Law, and anyone who wishes to remain in their society must live by these fundamental principles of behavior. When combined with people being able to exercise their right of self-defense, the result is a society based on peace and cooperation. In an anarchist society, violence is not tolerated, and therefore governments cannot exist.

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Another term for anarchy that approaches the subject from a slightly different (and likely more approachable) angle is Voluntaryism. Voluntaryism is a philosophy that says that all forms of human interaction should be voluntary.

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Under Voluntaryism, no one has the right to force anyone else to do anything against their will. Every interaction is voluntary, consensual, and agreed upon by each individual.

  • • In a voluntaryist society, police would have to find new jobs, or at least find different ways of doing their jobs, because they wouldn't be able to use violence anymore. They would need to work for private security firms, offering help and assistance only when voluntarily asked. They would no longer be free to roam around looking to catch people disobeying arbitrary and harmful laws.
  • • Soldiers would have to become part of a strictly defensive force, and could never initiate harm against others.
  • • Tax collectors could still exist, but the only people who would pay taxes would be those who agreed to do so voluntarily in exchange for specific services of their choosing. So, they wouldn’t be collecting taxes, but rather payments for voluntarily requested services.
  • • All interactions and services would be voluntary. Nothing would be forced upon anyone. And no one could be forcibly medicated or vaccinated against their will.

Voluntaryism’s motto is “Don’t Tread On Anyone” - a simple but powerful concept that leads to peace and freedom for all.

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An anarchist or voluntaryist society is a peaceful society in which people are free to live their lives as they wish, as long as they're not initiating harm against anyone else.

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In a voluntaryist/anarchist society, the purchase and sale of any items would be allowed, as long as the people buying, selling, and using those items did so voluntarily, and without initiating harm against others.

People could even choose to have rulers if they wanted them, but no rulers could be placed or remain in power over people involuntarily. The instant someone felt their ruler was no longer fairly representing them, they could dismiss them or disband themselves from the relationship. This would be infinitely better than the obsolete and downright stupid form of representation we have through government today.

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What would happen if suddenly no one could be forced to do anything against their will, provided they weren’t harming others? What would happen if rulers and their enforcers no longer had any right to use violence against anyone, and could be dismissed at the drop of a hat? What type of a world would we create?

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For more information on Voluntaryism, visit:, and



Agorism is doing business or other activities without the interference of government or other unwanted parties. It's doing business “below the radar”, so government and its owners can't control us, steal from us, or forbid what we're doing. According to author John Vibes, Agorism is: simple as finding a need in your community for a particular good or service, and attempting to provide that value without any sort of interaction with the government or any other unchosen third parties. In other words, the basic idea is to try solving the problem yourself, with your community instead of waiting around for [the government] to make the problem worse.

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Examples of Agorism include:

  • • Bartering
  • • Using cash or an alternative currency to buy and sell goods with individuals without paying or collecting taxes
  • • Running a small home business without licenses
  • • Growing your own food
  • • Doing work for a neighbor or someone who will pay you in cash, an alternative currency, or goods or services
  • • Selling a food, product, or craft for cash, an alternative currency, or goods
  • • Children running a lemonade stand, without approval from the local government, and without charging tax

Agorism is basically excluding all forms of government from our business and our lives, no matter what we’re doing. Government always wants us to get its stamp of approval, obtain licenses and registrations, pay fees, and give them a cut of any money made. But with Agorism, they're out of luck; they get none of these from us.

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People practicing Agorism are helping to take the power away from government and the criminal groups behind it. The more people who exclude government from their business, the less power government has.


Suppressed Technologies


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Tesla discovered how to give free electricity to the world over a hundred years ago, but those in control made sure that didn't happen. Water-powered vehicles and overunity devices are two examples of more recent technologies that have the potential to free humanity from the control system.

Former Honda Engineer James Robitaille demonstrating the QEG Overunity device:

Stanley Meyer's Water-Powered Car:

Bob Lazar has one:

Others have come up with similar devices:

The reason we don’t have these technologies today is not because they are scams, but because they are suppressed by the ruling class, and the current system of greed, profit, and violence. Until humanity rejects these and chooses to live in harmony with nature and each other, these technologies will continue to be suppressed.

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"The manifestation of Free Energy through Tesla Technology is entirely dependent upon a particular type of Spiritual Paradigm Shift that must take place first in the body of Humanity. This Paradigm Shift was hinted at by Tesla himself, but unfortunately, that necessary shift in consciousness still has not occurred at the level required to break the stranglehold of our current corrupt, polluting, and unsustainable energy systems."

-Mark Passio,


Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains, and Decentralized Technologies

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Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that exist outside of the central banking system, and some even pose a serious threat to governments and their masters.

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Cryptocurrencies offer many advantages compared to fiat (government-controlled) currencies, including scarcity, transferability, and some offer privacy.

As a reminder, banks and the financially wealthiest form the majority of the upper levels of the power hierarchy:

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The control of money is vital to keeping the ruling class at the top of the pyramid, maintaining the structure of the pyramid, and keeping humanity at the bottom, in a state of perpetual slavery. This is why cryptocurrencies have the potential to help free humanity. Make the financial system upon which the entire control system is built obsolete and the tower of control will begin to collapse.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, are examples of popular cryptocurrencies.


Though still in their infancy, the technology and ideas associated with cryptocurrencies offer freedom from government theft (taxation), monetary manipulation (inflation), and financial control.

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Governments and the ruling class have already placed targets on the backs of those who are using and profiting from cryptocurrencies, as they understand they’re a threat to their current state of control and domination.

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The battle governments and other criminal agencies like the IRS are waging against cryptocurrrencies in order to track and tax users, ban private cryptos, and shut down exchanges is one of the key battles in the war between humanity and its oppressors.

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Note that "tax cheats" are mentioned, but the tax agencies and governments are the only ones cheating others by stealing their money.

Cryptocurrencies provide humanity with a potential path toward freedom, if enough people start using them, and if developers play their cards right.

"[Cryptocurrency] is the only money that doesn't require permission from an overseer; therefore it is the only money appropriate for free people. You cannot have a free market when the most important good, money itself, is centrally planned and controlled."

-Erik Vorhees, CEO of Shapeshift

But similar to suppressed technologies, the potential of cryptocurrencies will not be realized until humanity chooses to elevate its consciousness by learning and then acting in accordance with morality and Natural Law.

Humanity must also tread carefully in this realm, as one of the ruling class’ endgame goals is the elimination of cash, and one or more centrally-controlled, trackable digital currencies (a Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC). If Bitcoin (BTC) is already under governmental control, they may use it or something similar as an on-ramp to their government-controlled digital currencies, which is something that they’ve been planning for years.

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The Economist Magazine, January 1988 issue, predicting a new world currency in 2018... it might be here in 2022 or 2023

While the main branch of Bitcoin (BTC) receives the majority of attention and praise, some have suggested that it has already been co-opted and corrupted by elements of the control system, and now has no actual utility, making it essentially worthless. It seems that certain elements of the banking industry may have taken control of Bitcoin (BTC) and crippled it, ensuring that it will never be used as it was originally intended, as peer-to-peer currency to replace government-created fiat currencies.

In addition, Bitcoin (BTC) has a publicly viewable ledger which government and its masters can and do use to identify, surveil, tax, criminalize, and sometimes jail anyone they want.

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Is this why the mainstream media and governments have no problem bringing attention to and even promoting Bitcoin (BTC)?

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If Bitcoin (BTC) were an actual threat to the financial system and the ruling class, it would be talked about and treated much differently by the government and the media, and not as just another investment. Therefore, it is my opinion that Bitcoin (BTC) will not be humanity’s ticket to freedom.

Better than Bitcoin (BTC), Monero is a privacy-based cryptocurrency that does not have a public ledger and, at this time, cannot be used to identify, track, surveil, or tax users. In my opinion, Monero, or a coin like Monero, does have the potential to help humanity become free.

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The use of privacy coins like Monero, combined with decentralized exchanges (, results in financial privacy, financial independence, and financial freedom for humanity.

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For those who may still not understand how cryptocurrencies can be a ticket to human freedom and are most certainly a major threat to government rule everywhere, watch John McAfee’s short speech from Barcelona’s Blockchain Week:


But more people must choose to use cryptocurrencies in order for them to overtake the current criminal-run fiat money system.

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Spawned by cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is another new development, one that has the potential to create honest, accountable record-keeping that can be used to eliminate corruption and censorship.


Thanks to blockchain technology, social media networks, video hosting sites, and other sites on the Internet can be programmed to be literally uncensorable.

Eliminate censorship and one of the tools used by the ruling class to maintain its grip on information will come to an end.

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Unstoppable Domains is one company that's already built a platform for uncensorable, undeletable, blockchain-based websites.

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In addition, innovative, decentralized technologies like 3D printing threaten to make many limiting and controlling systems and laws obsolete. For example, if governments declared that their citizens are not allowed to own tools for self-defense (guns), 3D printing makes that declaration null and void.

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Thanks to 3D printing and decentralized platforms, gun control seems as if it's in its final days of stripping the people of their sacred right of self-defense.

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Unstoppable Freedom with Deterrence Dispensed

Whether used for making guns to defend against government violence, creating a fair monetary system, or sharing uncensorable truths that threaten the grip of the control system, innovations like 3D printing and decentralization can help us to effectively wrest power away from the criminal ruling class, and place it back in the hands of the people, where it rightly belongs.


Moving Toward Freedom

Now that we know that there are better ways of living, along with ideas and technologies that can transform our world, in the remaining topics, we’ll look at what needs to be done to make it happen.

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