Government: The Enforcing Organization Behind Human Slavery - 2 of 2

Warning: This section contains some disturbing images, disturbing video footage, and adult content.

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Never-Ending Government Transgressions

In addition to giving permission to police, soldiers, and intelligence agents to coerce, capture, imprison, torture, and murder innocent people here and abroad, while stealing people’s wealth through taxation and other financial tricks, government and its controllers also routinely commit a practically unlimited number of other heinous crimes. A few examples:

Poisoning its own citizens using any and every delivery method it can think of - While government and its owners try to convince everyone that viruses and germs make people sick, they're busy poisoning people with the real causes of disease, in every possible way they can imagine: pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, fluoride in water, fluoride in mouthwash, fluoride and other poisons in toothpaste, mercury in food, aluminum in food, GMOs, trans fats, fake foods, anti-foods, artificial sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, processed sugar, caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, arsenic in chicken feed, cancer-causing hormones in milk, microwaved food, vaccines, Glyphosate (Roundup) contaminating practically the entire food supply, chemtrails, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, ultrasounds, toxic pharmaceuticals, BPA/BPS, Atrazine, poisonous cleaning and household products, poisonous deodorants and antiperspirants, poisonous shampoos and soaps, poisonous makeup, poisonous hair dyes, poisonous hand sanitizers, mercury teeth fillings, Teflon cookware, toxic sunscreen, poisonous tap water, chlorine, chloramine, lead, radiation poisoning from WiFi, Bluetooth, cell phones, wireless technologies, cell towers, 3G, 4G, 5G, and on and on and on. Practically everything in our lives has been turned into poison and then aimed directly at us, and this is not an accident. Government always has the poisoning of people as its number one priority, as doing so keeps them in a dumbed-down, weakened, and sickened state.

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"If the meat is rotten, the maggots will form....and you can't interfere with nature, no matter how good your intentions. Government is the maggot and always needs a rotting host to survive. This is why your government pumps the fluoride into your water, provides you poison as medicine, indoctrinates you instead of educates you, and approves poison as food in your grocery you stay ROTTING. So government can grow off your decaying spirit."

-Jason Christoff

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Murdering innocent men, women and children – For example, the U.S. Government murdered over 70 innocent people, including approximately 25 children in Waco, Texas, using tanks and other military equipment, taking a page right out of Communist China and other violent totalitarian regimes. Brutally murdered were peaceful families, husbands, wives, and children, all of whom had done nothing wrong. ( Equally disturbing is the fact that no one stood up for the families. Where were those willing to protect their fellow Americans? Where were those willing to stand up against all enemies, foreign and domestic? There was nothing but silence and inaction from the people and others in government, as the government was able to burn innocent citizens to death without resistance or consequence. And the mainstream media faithfully painted the murderous government forces as the “good guys”, and the peaceful families as the “bad guys”, ignoring the fact that dozens of women and children were murdered in the criminal assault.

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Note the U.S. flag on the tank, reinforcing the brainwashing that murder of innocent women and children is OK if it's done by the upstanding U.S. Government.

Less than a year before the Waco terrorist attack, the government attacked and murdered members of another peaceful family in rural Idaho, after tricking the husband into purchasing what they deemed an “illegal” weapon.

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In 1995, recognizing a growing anti-government sentiment spreading throughout the populace, the U.S. Government bombed one of its own federal buildings in Oklahoma City, killing 19 children, 15 of whom were in a day care. Blamed on domestic terrorists, all evidence points to the bombing being nothing more than a government operation.

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Human experimentation, torture, and abuse – Examples include spraying toxic chemicals on unaware civilians in St. Louis, allowing soldiers to be subjected to dangerous radiation without warning them of its effects, torturing innocent children and adults as part of Nazi mind control projects (National Geographic CIA Secret Experiments), one of which was called MK Ultra, and dumping toxic fluoride in the water supplies of most major cities (which is still going on to this day). Also still going on is the deliberate drugging of foster children with dangerous and toxic psychotropic drugs. A number of projects targeted and continue to target African Americans and other minorities.

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Caption reads: "Un-identified white female between the age of 8 and 10 years old. Subject underwent 6 months of treatment using heavy doses of LSD, electroshock and sensory deprivation. Experiments under codename: MKULTRA about early 60s. Subject's memory was erased and her brain is that of a newborn baby."

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The government injected syphilis in African-Americans, disguising it as free health care.

The ruling class and others within the control system are incredibly racist, believing their blood is superior to other races’ blood and, as a result, they have the divine right to control, suppress, abuse, and ultimately murder minorities.

But there's another reason for the relentless attacks against Africans and African-Americans. The ruling families understand that Africans and African-Americans are genetically superior, especially in terms of height, strength, and overall physical ability. Because of this, they view them as the biggest threat to their domination, and attack them more than any other ethnicity.

Mike Adams - The Science Agenda To Exterminate Blacks

Robbery of its citizensmoney – Using extortion and violence, the government steals billions of dollars from the people through immoral taxes, licenses, and fees, and then uses that money to build programs and weapons to use against the very same people from whom they stole the money. A greater scam could never be imagined.

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Dealing Drugs and Causing Addiction – The government and related agencies manufacture, traffic, and distribute harmful drugs within the United States, especially in poor inner-city areas. This allowed them to create a phony War on Drugs to victimize millions of innocent people, while calling for ever more laws and police powers to fight the epidemic of addiction and crime that they created.

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Trafficking, abusing, raping, torturing, and murdering children - John W. DeCamp and his book The Franklin Cover-Up exposed a child trafficking ring involving members at the highest levels of the U.S. Government. Government officials did their best to destroy all copies of a documentary exposing these crimes, but at least one copy survived and was leaked to the public.

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson discovered evidence of child trafficking, rape, torture, and murder at The McMartin Preschool in California and elsewhere throughout the country, harbored and protected by the government itself. Link

Decades earlier, Alfred Kinsey was allowed to torture and rape babies and children as young as 5 months old under the cover of government-approved “scientific research”.

In England, children came forward to explain that they and other children were being raped and abused by a network of connected individuals. This abuse also included violent and heinous acts such as murdering babies, and drinking the babies’ blood. This became known as the Hampstead Cover-Up which, according to the children, involves an entire network including schools, child care services, police, and parents.

And in late 2016, a citizen investigation uncovered more evidence pointing to government-sanctioned child trafficking involving politicians and a local Washington D.C. pizza shop. This became known as Pizzagate, and has still yet to be officially investigated, in spite of the fact that mainstream media outlets have repeatedly claimed the story is fake. Pizzagate and these other exposes are merely glimpses into the world of a much broader worldwide problem known as Pedogate, which involves not only governments around the world, but also people in other places of power, such as Hollywood, the Catholic Church, certain school systems, and within financially wealthy families. The horrific abuse against children is rampant and continues on a daily basis, is sanctioned by the governments of the world, and goes all the way up the pyramid of the control system.

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The abuse is so widespread and so deeply ingrained, anyone who tries to share information about the kidnapping, trafficking, rape, and murder of children is immediately censored and attacked by multiple groups who work to protect the network of abuse.

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It is important to note that some individuals in the FBI and other law enforcement agencies are aware and occasionally do take action against some smaller-scale child abuse operations.

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But they won't go after the big fish, as those big fish are the ones who sign their paychecks.

More details on this network of government-sponsored child abuse are presented in a later section.


Imprisoning, torturing, and murdering people who spoke out against wrongdoings or threatened government control or the control system itself – For example, Chelsea Manning spoke out against government crimes and was jailed and tortured as a result. Pat Tillman, former NFL player turned soldier, was about to lead the anti-Iraq War movement until he was murdered by "friendly fire". Other examples include John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Bob Marley, Ross Ulbricht, former Senator Paul Wellstone, author Philip Marshall, author Gary Webb, and writer Michael Hastings. The list is long and grows longer by the day.

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The government and its controllers do whatever they can to discredit and smear those who they feel threaten to create significant positive change, spread widespread awareness of truth, disrupt the plans of, and/or expose the crimes of government and the control system. For those who they cannot easily discredit, they resort to murder.

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Protecting corrupt corporate interests and families that feed on war at the expense of the people – For example, in spite of overwhelming public opposition, the United States FCC (Federal Communications Commission) voted to end Net Neutrality, which opened the door to limits and controls placed on the Internet. And both Obama and Trump promised to bring troops home and end wars but, when they got into office, they did the exact opposite.

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Using coercion to force people into purchasing health insurance – Under the Affordable Care Act, known colloquially as Obamacare, people have been forced to purchase costly and usually worthless health insurance or pay a fine. So the punishment for not being able to afford insurance is having the government steal more money from those people. Another ingenious government scam.

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Using coercion, intimidation, and violence against those who do not submit to toxic mainstream medical treatments – Government and its tentacles threaten and use violence, including kidnapping, against children of parents who refuse to submit their children to harmful treatments such as vaccines and chemotherapy, while simultaneously preventing the use of effective natural treatments. It also attacks and shuts down natural healers and clinics with proven track records of helping and curing people. Rick Simpson, Jason Vale, Stan Burzynski, Harry Hoxley, and Rene Caisse are just a few of the many they’ve worked to discredit or eliminate.

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Passing an ever-increasing number of laws that destroy the people’s rights and freedoms – In the United States, the Patriot Act and the NDAA are just two examples of legislation that deal critical blows to people’s privacy, freedom, and rights, under the cover of “keeping everyone safe”. At this point, the government has literally given itself permission to kidnap anyone for any reason whatsoever.

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And criminal groups who control government constantly slip in legislation that further erodes the freedoms of the people, hidden within what the government claims are “beneficial” programs.

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Demonizing Muslims – The U.S. Government along with other governments falsely blamed a religion and a people who had no ill will toward Americans and who never attacked Americans, and started a never-ending aggressive war campaign against these people in their own lands. In Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere, governments tricked soldiers into committing horrific torture against innocent people while holding them for more than ten years without criminal charges. Tens of millions of innocent Arabs have been murdered, with many millions more displaced from their homes in illegal and illegitimate wars, all of which were based on complete government lies.

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The real criminals who planned and carried out 9/11 and created the Phony War on Terror got away with it, and are still in complete control of our world today.

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Those in government know how brainwashed the people are, and have no problem joking about the lies that led to the violent deaths of millions of innocent, peaceful people. Note that the following video was taken was at a dinner with mainstream TV and radio news correspondents, the people paid to lie to your face, and then laugh about it later.

Suppressing Innovative Technologies – Government also routinely threatens, steals from, and murders those who invent and use innovative technologies that would help free humanity from its control.

Control of energy is control of people, and that’s why violence is used against those who threaten the current energy monopolies.

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The list of transgressions against freedom, life, liberty, and humanity goes on and on and on…

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The above is just a tiny glimpse into some of the evils done by government. It goes on and, according to William Blum, is actually far more extensive and far more horrific than what can even be imagined.

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Jason Christoff explains government's constant need to poison everyone, dumb everyone down, and make the world a miserable place for everyone except themselves and their masters (note: contains some profanity):

"Government maintains and grows its power by destroying yours."

-Jason Christoff


Governments Just Can’t Seem To Catch Those Pesky Criminals

In spite of unlimited funds along with the most advanced surveillance technologies on Earth, the government and its spy agencies always seem to miss all the real criminals.

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It’s obvious to anyone who’s looked behind the curtain of propaganda that the government and its masters are intimately involved in these types of activities and, in most cases, are the primary orchestrators.


Government-Sanctioned Mass Murder

Government, particularly the U.S. Government, has a long and rich history of bombing and invading countries all over the world, maiming and killing millions of innocent men, women, and children who had no ill will towards Americans and had done absolutely nothing wrong.

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The U.S. Government, which is nothing more than a pawn of the controlling families, portrays itself as promoting freedom and liberty, yet it has a track record of murdering hundreds of millions of innocent people. What part of “liberty and justice for all” involves brutally bombing, invading, raping, and murdering innocent men, women, and children all over the world?

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The U.S. Government has a long and rich history of committing atrocities. Those working for government (soldiers) have been tricked into the false assumption that they have the right to do whatever they’re ordered to do, regardless of who they hurt or kill. While most people in the United States fear terrorists, what they don't realize is that their government and those who carry out its violent orders are the terrorists.

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Governments have also been the driving forces behind practically all mass shootings, acts of terror, and other violent attacks and sieges against innocent people. Governments carry out what are known as false flags in order to manipulate the minds of the people. More on this is provided in the Mind Control section.

Actor Donald Sutherland from The Hunger Games recently came forward to share that our world is traveling down a very dark path because we're blindly supporting government. He said that we’ll soon be living in a reality that resembles the dystopian world in The Hunger Games series, because we're allowing our government and the controlling forces behind it to get away with anything they please. Sutherland says that blindly supporting our leaders in government will “get you dead”.

In 2012, Judge Andrew Napolitano gave a short speech on Fox News during which he exposed a number of truths about the U.S. Government, presented as “what if” statements.

Napolitano lost his job at Fox shortly thereafter.


While politicians and newscasters pretend to cry on camera when children are killed during co-opted school shootings, they seemingly have no concern whatsoever for the many thousands of innocent children that the government and its order-followers have maimed and murdered with air strikes, drones, and invading forces. Apparently because there were American flags painted on the sides of the bombs and on the helmets of the invading troops, the murder of these children is not considered a tragedy.

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The vast majority of Americans and others in the world are completely blind to the truth, are continuing to support government, and this means that something much worse is on the horizon.

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When we do our own research, we see that government and the groups that control it have been employing a variety of techniques in their war against the human family all along. They’re all working toward the same goal.

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Governments and the control system are all on the same team, and humanity is their enemy.


Israel – Another Murderous Regime

Joined at the hip with the U.S. Government, Israel is another country portrayed as innocent and peaceful by the mainstream media. Yet, when we look at the actions of its government, we see that its order-followers kidnap, bomb, torture, and murder innocent people, especially in Palestine. Since 1946, Israel has almost wiped Palestine and the Palestinian people off the face of the Earth. No one has been safe, not even women or children.

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Palestinian family forced to destroy their home to make way for Israeli occupation


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All these crimes have been and continue to be sanctioned and supported by the U.S. Government and numerous other governments around the world.

The Israeli government's brutal treatment of innocent people has not been limited to Palestine. Even before the establishment of the state of Israel, Zionist forces had been carrying out violent assassinations, bombings, and other terror attacks all over the world.

Some examples:

The assassination of Lord Moyne, British Minister for the Middle East -

The 1946 attempted letter bomb assassination of British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin and other British officials –

The 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist agents dressed as Arabs –

The failed bombing of the Colonial Office in London in 1947 –

The attempted assassination of former U.S. President Harry S. Truman –

The 1948 bombing of the Semiramis Hotel

The 1948 massacre of the Palestinian village Deir Yassin –

The assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations Peace Negotiator –

The wave of terror attacks in Egypt known as the Lavon Affair of 1954 –

The 1964 bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty, killing or wounding over 200 American servicemen -

And the deception, violence, and threats of violence continue.

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Why all the violence?

The truth is that Zionism and the state of Israel were established by the Rothschilds and the British so-called royalty (link 1 & link 2) along with the Nazis (link 3).

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Its actions are expressions of a diseased ideology that has existed for thousands of years, coming from the same psychopathic ruling families who believe they have the right to steal from, dominate, and murder others.

"Israel is ruled by the Nazis, by the white supremacists, which is their underlying ideology. That’s why it’s an apartheid state. It’s because the Palestinians are not white. And that comes from the eugenics movement that created Hitler. Where’d that come from? The City of London. Where’d that come from? The Rothschilds. Where’d that come from? Obsession with bloodlines – ‘our blood’s better than your blood.’ That’s the essence of Nazism, of fascism, it’s ‘our blood is better than your blood, therefore we have the right to rule over you.’ And that’s the divine right of kings."

-Dean Henderson

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Israel is a nation that was created by the wealthiest and most influential families in the world, the same families who are behind most of the other governments of the world, as well as the control system itself.

"Israel is a Rothschild proxy."

-James Perloff

Getting people to point the finger at Jews or Israeli citizens for these crimes and/or the world’s ills is a divide-and-conquer tactic, and has been an extremely effective way for those in the upper levels of the control system to deflect attention from themselves and the real root cause of this violence. Real Jews are victims themselves, and many are acutely aware of the wrongdoings of the Israeli government and its police and military forces, and actively protest against them.

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It’s not authentic Jews who are behind the violence.

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Israel is controlled by the same groups that control the U.S. Government: a vast network of criminals including international Zionists, the so-called royal families, the Catholic Church, the international banking families, secret societies, and all of their masters.

But evil is an expert at hiding itself, and getting people to focus on the wrong enemy.

"Ask most people about Zionism and they will say ‘that’s the Jews’, but while this is the impression the Rothschild network in politics and the media have sought very successfully to ‘sell’ as ‘common knowledge’, it is not true. It represents only a minority of them and many others who are not Jewish."

-Gilad Atzmon

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Zionism is a creation of the Rothschilds, the so-called royal families, and others within the upper ranks of the control system as a covert means of stealing the resources of the Middle East.

Michael Tsarion - Middle East Conflict & Zionism

Theft of land and resources is always a high priority for these families, who again have always believed they have the right to dominate others, and take whatever they want for themselves.

"Zionism is not Israel, and is not Jewish. No, it comes from the City of London, Theodor Herzl. It comes from the bankers. It’s what they wanted to do to set up an oil monopoly in the Middle East, so they had to come up with Zionism. It’s always about money for these people. They don’t have an ideology… They believe that they’re here to dominate nature, dominate other people."

-Dean Henderson

Rothschild Zionists, Israel, the financial elite, and other dark forces have successfully infiltrated the U.S. Government, which agrees to hand over billions of dollars to Israel each year, while a number of cities within the United States are literally falling apart, and people are increasingly forced to live on the street.

As of 2019, the United States has given Israel over $134 TRILLION dollars.

It doesn’t matter which president or political party is in charge. They’re all sellouts to evil, and have no intention of biting the hand that feeds them.

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If you’re an American, your tax dollars are used to pay for the murder of innocent men, women, and children in Palestine, while you become progressively poorer.

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Israel and the Zionists behind it may be friends to the U.S. Government, but they're not friends to the American people.

"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." (Source)

-Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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Claims of anti-Semitism are used against any who questions Israel, its influence, or its acts of manipulation and violence. This is an effective scare tactic that prevents people from actively speaking out against its crimes, and shields the villains who control it.

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Meanwhile lawmakers in the United States and elsewhere are doing their best to prevent people from even thinking about speaking out.

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The western mainstream media, owned by the same families that control Israel, is also willing to cover up its acts of violence against others.

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Authentic Jews are used as scapegoats, while the actual criminals continue to get away with their crimes. At the top, the real criminals’ religion is not Judaism or Christianity or Islam, but rather Satanism, or Dark Luciferianism.


Just Doing My Job!

While government and its rulers are the conductors of the orchestra of violence against the people, they require mind-controlled slaves to play the instruments. When we look at the harm caused by governments, it’s not the elected leaders or the controlling families who drop the bombs, shoot the guns, torture, arrest, imprison, or murder innocent people. No, they remain in their mansions, sipping wine, smoking cigars, and counting their ever-growing piles of money. It's those who follow orders. It's soldiers, private contractors, police, and other government agents who are "just doing their jobs" who commit all the violence.

The only reason government and the control system have any teeth whatsoever is because of the many people they employ who are under complete and total mind control.

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Looking back at the information presented in the Authority, Order-Followers, and Personal Responsibility section, we learned that the order-followers (the police, military, and others who are “just doing their job”) are the ones morally responsible for carrying out the horrific evils of governments and the control system, NOT their commanding officers, the politicians, or those above the politicians. It is those who are blindly following orders who carry out the genocides, the mass murders, the bombings, and the progressive destruction of everyone’s freedoms.


True Patriots

The real meaning of a patriot is one who understands morality, rights, and personal responsibility, and fights for truth, justice, and liberty for all non-violent beings, not one who blindly supports their country, and their government and its violent ways.

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A true patriot is not a soldier, not a police officer, not a politician, not someone who votes and supports the police or the military or one political party over the other.

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A true patriot is able to think for him or herself, and is willing to question and challenge authority. A true patriot says “No, I will NOT initiate harm against another sovereign being.” A true patriot refuses to support the immoral, violent entity known as government. A true patriot is a dissident and only serves truth, justice, and that which is right.

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Snapping Out of Mind Control

When we believe that government is there to represent us, protect us, and serve us, plus spread freedom throughout the world, we’re demonstrating that we’re nothing more than victims of mind control.

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Holding this belief in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary means we’re setting ourselves up to become victims of terrible violence in the near future. Governments will continue to rape us of our rights, until we have none left.

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The truth is government is always based on violence and coercion, and can never be legitimate. Its rule over others is based on mind control against an ignorant populace.

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By its very nature, government will always expand its power until it has full control over the people, and then it’s free to carry out whatever violence against those people that it desires. The end result is tyranny, and then usually genocide.

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A critical step to awakening to the truth of our world is understanding that governments are not on the side of humanity. They never have been and they never will be.

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The existence of governments is preventing humanity from becoming what it was meant to be, and how it was meant to live.

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Mind-controlled individuals (police & military) working for governments are committing horrific crimes against innocent people, here and abroad, every single day. They are effectively wiping out freedom, liberty, and life itself, all over the world.

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But will enough people realize this and start standing up for themselves and others, against an increasingly violent monster that’s growing bigger and stronger by the day, before it's too late?

To this point, the answer has been ‘no’.

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The general public has chosen to remain ignorant, uninformed, and uninterested. And so the monster continues to grow, and tyranny continues its steady progression forward…

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In the end, it doesn’t matter who rules over us. As long as we the people remain ignorant, passive, obedient, unwilling to stand up for ourselves and our rights, and unwilling to recognize and accept our own sovereignty, we will continue to be dominated, and remain on the path toward total annihilation.

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