The War Against Animals

Warning: This section contains extremely disturbing information, graphics, and videos. Some videos also contain adult language.

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One of the symptoms of a populace that’s chosen to remain in a state of unconsciousness is when that populace takes advantage of animals and other innocent lifeforms in selfish and careless ways, ignorant of their feelings, well-being, and right to life.

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To this day, the vast majority of people support the captivity, abuse, torture, exploitation, and murder of animals for purposes such as:

  • • Food
  • • Drink
  • • Clothing (belts, shoes, wallets, gloves, bags, coats, etc.)
  • • Components of Various Objects (leather couches, baseball gloves, car seats, steering wheels, etc.)
  • • Experiments
  • • Entertainment (zoos, circuses, rodeos, sea exhibitions, etc.)
  • • Hunting
  • • Sport
  • • Tattoos (most tattoo ink)

Based on an understanding of morality, we know that we cannot force another living, sentient being to do something against their will, as this is a wrongdoing called coercion. When the result is an imprisoned, abused, injured, or dead being, we have committed assault and even murder, egregious acts of violence and additional violations of Natural Law.

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While most people are not committing the acts of violence themselves, by continuing to purchase meat, eggs, dairy, leather, and products tested on animals, as well as pay for entertainment with animals, they are supporting the harm being done. They are creating the demand for the violence. They are paying for the low-wage workers to torture the chickens, the turkeys, the cows, and the pigs, and then slit their throats as they bleed to death in a state of terror. They are paying for the circus trainers to verbally abuse and whip the elephants, causing them to bleed and cry. They are paying for the chemical and pharmaceutical companies to burn, cut, poison, and murder the dogs, mice, and monkeys as test subjects for the sake of corporate profit. They are making corporations that care nothing about the well-being of animals (or even our well-being) financially wealthy beyond belief. The result is countless numbers of innocent, peaceful animals experiencing unimaginable suffering on a daily basis.

These events are the direct result of the choices we make.

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They are also the result of our inaction.

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Animals are beautiful, friendly, intelligent beings, just trying to live their lives in peace…

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Many are compassionate and caring, and at a level of consciousness higher than that of most people...

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"Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms."

-George Eliot

And what is their reward for being so good to each other and to us? This:

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Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and butter are not cruelty-free either. In fact, they usually result in more pain and suffering for the animals, who are sentenced to a life of torture before they’re brutally murdered.

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The final fate of abused dairy cows is not a life free in the pasture, rather it is a life cut short, and then this:

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We have created a literal hell of horrors for billions of peaceful, intelligent, kind beings each year. A literal never-ending holocaust.

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The documentary Earthlings provides a comprehensive look into the different ways by which we take advantage of animals.



Instead of taking legal action to stop these types of harmful acts, some lawmakers have done the exact opposite, by passing legislation making it illegal to film abuse at factory farms.

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These are more examples of government and man’s law being used to protect violence and corporate greed, while morality and Natural Law are cast aside.

Propaganda from the meat and dairy industries has been effective at hiding the suffering and death.

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They also use certain words and terms in an attempt to pass off their activities and products as moral and ethical, or at least more moral and ethical.

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But the captivity, abuse, and murder remain the same.

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While practically all people disapprove of animal abuse, very few are willing to take actions to end their part in that abuse.

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Animals are in a state of slavery, but this is not the result of their ignorance, apathy, or unwillingness to do the right thing. Instead, it is the result our ignorance, apathy, and unwillingness to do the right thing. It is the result of our failure to stand up to wrongdoing and evil.

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A little inconvenience in people’s lives is too much for most to handle; they’d rather look the other way and make excuses, and allow animals to continue to suffer and die.

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Opposing the cruelty and murder of animals in heart and mind but continuing to support that cruelty and murder in action is a complete failure of consciousness. It is equally as immoral as fully supporting the abuse and murder of animals.

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Our actions are all that matter.

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Being Vegan

Being vegan means choosing to no longer support the imprisonment, abuse, torture, and murder of animals, in all three expressions of consciousness: in mind, heart, and action.

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It means refusing to consume animal flesh, animal secretions (milk, cheese, and other products made with milk), and refusing to buy clothing and other products made with animal parts.

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It also means avoiding products tested on animals, and refusing to support activities that involve the captivity and abuse of animals.

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While some may see becoming vegan as too much of a challenge, it’s not as difficult as it sounds, and it’s getting easier all the time.

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Becoming vegan not only benefits animals, but it also greatly benefits those who make the decision to become vegan.

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But don’t we need meat to get our protein? Won’t we wither away if we don’t eat meat and cheese, and drink milk?

The idea that people need high amounts of protein is a lie promoted by those who profit from the disease and suffering that these products contribute to.

Dr. Garth Davis: Meat and Protein Are Killing Us

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Most people (even vegetarians and vegans) have fallen for the protein lie, are completely overloading themselves with protein, and will suffer as a result.

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But what about wild, organic, grass-fed, and ‘humanely-raised’ meats?

According to a number of experts, the human body is not designed to consume any animal products, and that includes meats from the cleanest of animals.

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Humans are fruit eaters, not meat eaters. Consuming meat causes nothing but problems.

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Dr. Robert Morse’s #1 most harmful food on the planet is meat.

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Eliminating meat and other animals products while ensuring one's diet is varied and wholesome leads to health, energy, good looks, and longevity.

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Annette Larkins, shown in the bottom left in the above image has been featured on the news. At this point, she’s probably over 80 years old, but still looks like she’s no older than 30.

Eating primarily a raw fruit-based diet reverses disease and practically halts the aging process.

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Please note that the world is now awash in unhealthy, processed vegan foods, many of which are more toxic than their non-vegan counterparts. Consuming these fake foods will contribute to the destruction of your health.

For more information about the negative effects of consuming animal products, please visit the The War on Human Health – Poisonous Foods - Part 2 page.

And please note that a pure plant-based diet may not be right for everyone.


But plants have feelings too.

Some who oppose a shift toward a more compassionate way of life insist that plants have feelings and the desire and right to live, and therefore we might as well consume animals and animal products too. Plants are living beings that have an innate desire to live, but the facts remain that:

For each animal raised and killed for meat, many more plants are killed in the process to feed that animal than if only the plants themselves were consumed. To simply support the areas in which to raise animals, millions of acres of forests and other wild lands must be cleared, resulting in a massive amount of death for all lifeforms, large and small. Animal agriculture results in a much greater overall loss of life.

Many plant-based foods require no loss of life at all, allowing one to eat truly “karma-free”. Examples include apples, peaches, pears, apricots, plums, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, squash, zucchini, beans, peppers, cucumbers, avocados, coconuts, melons, mangoes, walnuts, almonds, figs, and many more. In fact, if these are not picked from the plants, many will rot and may attract disease. And lettuces, broccolis, cauliflowers, and many others can be cut and will continue to grow.

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Eating a plant-based diet is the compassionate choice, the healthy choice, and the choice most closely aligned with morality and Natural Law.

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If you’ve reached this point and understand that you need to make a change in your eating habits or lifestyle, don’t beat yourself up. Just do the best you can, and do what you can to move in a more compassionate direction. Even starting off with one cruelty-free meal per week will begin to make a difference.

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While some have made a change, the mass torture and genocide of animals continues on. Who is standing up for those who cannot speak and cannot defend themselves?

Very few.

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Most choose to take no action, look the other way, and either actively or passively take part in continuing the cycle of cruelty and murder.

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Saying nothing and doing nothing is no longer an option.

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As long as humanity continues to turn a blind eye to the harm being done to animals, we will reap the karmic consequences in our lives. We will be caged, raped, abused, and murdered. We will be treated like animals that do not have a right to exist by those who consider themselves our masters. We will be slaughtered, just as we slaughter those we wrongly believe are beneath us.

Until sufficient numbers of people choose to stop the suffering of animals, we will remain in an ever-worsening state of suffering ourselves.

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Ending our slavery goes hand-in-hand with ending the slavery of animals.

Advancing to higher levels of consciousness leading to our own freedom requires that we look in the mirror at our actions, and then adjust them to come into alignment with morality and Natural Law. A better world for all beings everywhere is within our grasp, if we simply choose to change our ways.

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