Warning: Some videos in this section contain adult language.
How has the ruling class been so successful at getting people to believe ideas that are not true? They use mind control and, in recent times, television has been their main delivery system.
Television has been the greatest and most effective mind control tool ever invented.
There’s a reason governments have pushed widespread television ownership, and it’s not because they care that their citizens are entertained.
Those who form their opinions and beliefs based on what they see and hear on television have been led to believe in a fake reality, one that bears little resemblance to the actual reality in which we live. The ruling class has designed this fake reality to keep people trapped in a box of limited awareness. In this box, people are essentially powerless.
Why has television been such an effective mind control tool?
Researchers discovered that people who watch television and other programs designed for television go into a zombie-like trance within one minute. Evidence of this can be seen in the faces of the viewers.
While in this trance, a very important part of the mind is shut off: the part that can critically analyze.
This means that viewers have opened up their minds and will accept and believe anything they see or hear. Television has been engineered for this exact purpose.
Whatever is presented on television will be accepted by the viewer’s subconscious as truth, and eventually becomes a part of their belief system. This is precisely why television shows are called ‘programs’. They are literally programming people’s minds.
Another clue revealing the nature of television is the fact that the signals going out are called ‘broadcasts’. Mind controllers are casting a mind control spell over a broad range of the population.
When people watch movies, television, or programs designed for television, their minds are being programmed, without their knowledge or consent. They are being forced to accept views and opinions that are not theirs, but someone else's.
Television and other mainstream programming is psychological warfare used against the people.
Since the invention of the television, governments and the ruling class have used it to program people to think the way they want them to think...
...and ultimately behave the way they want them to behave.
Television and related programming has been a dream come true for those in power – to be able to manipulate the way people think, feel, and act, right in their homes. Television has been, and continues to be the perfect psychological weapon.
Television also serves as a pacifier, keeping millions of people sitting on a couch, passive, inactive, focused on trivialities, like good, obedient slaves.
The most important weapon delivered through television is “the news”.
Mainstream news programs are the most harmful programs for human consciousness. This is because viewers believe they’re being told the truth, and thus form their beliefs based on what they’re told. They shut off their desire to question, research, and discover the truth themselves, assuming it’s all being handed to them. They shut off their ability to think and reason, and instead accept what the news tells them, no matter how incorrect, harmful, or outlandish it may be. And they reject anything to the contrary.
The result is masses of people who do not think for themselves. Their thoughts, ideas, and beliefs are programmed into them by individuals and groups friendly to governments, the ruling class, and the control system.
The mainstream news is a product of the mainstream media, which is comprised of over 1500 newspapers, 1500 television stations, and over 9000 radio stations. While one might assume there would be diversity among the voices coming from such a large number of sources, this is not the case. This is because they're all owned by only 6 corporations.
When all the outlets are owned by the same corporate interests, they all get their marching orders from the same bosses, and everyone reads from the same script.
Because these so-called news agencies are owned by such a small number of corporations and families, they were easy to co-opt, and became nothing more than corrupted propaganda outlets, protecting financially wealthy families, big business, the pharmaceutical industry, the banking industry, the military industry, and the government.
Mainstream news nowadays is nothing more than propaganda put out by the most evil and self-serving people and groups in the world. It serves the ruling class, not the people. It conditions viewers to accept changes that are slowly but surely leading us into what will be a totalitarian prison.
Some of the tactics used by television and other mainstream programmers to manipulate viewers include:
Outright Lies – For example, convincing people that vaccines are safe and effective, chemotherapy/radiation/surgery are the best treatments for cancer, fluoride is good for one’s teeth, all the mass shootings would stop if we had more gun control, war will help bring peace to the Middle East, and fake news only comes from the independent media
Propaganda (More Lies) – For example, convincing people that their respective country is the best, their government is looking out for their best interests, it would be wise to bomb and invade other countries, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are the enemies, and the banks, the pharmaceutical industry, the military-industrial complex, and other corrupt entities are working in everyone’s best interest
Hate Mongering – Convincing people to hate others because of their skin color, their nationality, their religion, their political affiliation, or for any other reason
World View Poisoning – Limiting people’s understanding of what’s happening in the world, propagating a version of reality that benefits those in control, convincing people that voting is the best way to create change, and that they're small, insignificant, powerless, and can never create any change themselves
Subliminal Messages – Manipulating thoughts and beliefs by inserting hidden messages that only the subconscious part of the mind sees, along with non-hidden messages that also affect the subconscious
Distractions and Deliberate Avoidance of Discussing Issues That Really Matter – Ensuring only unimportant topics are discussed, such as scandals, political drama, celebrity news, weather, sports, and mindless entertainment; never discussing any truly important issues or issues that get to the root of the problems in our world
The Deliberate Destruction of Decency, Love, Compassion, Strong Family Values, and Morality – Replacing these positive ideals with greed, money, superficial sex, violence, and materialism
Social Engineering – Promoting new fads, ideas, trends, and ultimately shaping culture to the benefit of the ruling class
The Cover-up of Ongoing Crimes Against Children – Covering up the horrific crimes of all those involved in the global child trafficking/torture/murder network, while at the same time branding anyone who attempts to expose this network as a "crazy conspiracy theorist"
Fear Mongering – Making people fearful about anything and everything; terrorists, other countries, criminals, the flu, measles, COVID-19, guns, mass shootings, climate change, etc., in an effort to keep everyone afraid, submissive, always focused on the wrong enemy, and always willing to support government, law enforcement, wealthy corporations, and authorities in general, all while being willing to give up their privacy, rights, and freedoms
Most of these manipulations come from the lips of a good looking woman or a man speaking in pleasant, soft tones. Your friend, the smiling local newscaster, would never lie to you or manipulate you, right?
They do it all the time, while reading from scripts given to them by individuals and groups who are not friendly to humanity at all. These newscasters and reporters are just doing their job; most probably believe everything they're saying, and don't even realize they're being used by malevolent manipulators.
While people are lied to and distracted endlessly by those on television, their rights are being stripped from them, along with their money…
...they’re tricked into supporting and taking part in immoral and illegitimate wars…
...they’re convinced that there is no child abuse network run by the governments of our world…
...they’re tricked into accepting a variety of poisons, including vaccines for themselves and their children...
From CNN (obviously)
From Fox News; Both the phony left-wing and the phony right-wing protect those poisoning you and your children.
...they’re manipulated into thinking differently about others, and about how families and society should be structured…
...they’re convinced to believe in a completely different reality than the reality that actually exists...
...they’re tricked into believing that the world is a scary and dangerous place, but don’t worry, because the government has everything under control... you'll just have to keep handing over your rights, freedoms, and privacy in order to remain "safe".…
"Most of [what comes from the mainstream media] is a "don't worry about things" message. This is bad and this is bad but we're on it! We're going to take care of it! Here's the guy on the white horse; he's going to take care of it, so just vote for him! Don't worry; you don't have to get involved. We're just telling you about it, and aren't you grateful that we’re here taking care of it? That's the kind of message that comes through. "Oh, I'm so glad the police or the military or the President or the Congress are going to solve that problem." It's all designed to make you feel that there are big problems out there but we're taking care of it. Don't worry about it. Just keep your taxes coming in and go vote for whichever candidate we put out for you."
-G. Edward Griffin
The fake reality created by television and other mainstream programming allows those in control to remain in control, and keeps the people toiling as ignorant slaves.
Major news stories, whether on the television, radio, Internet, or in the newspapers, are almost all planned, scripted, and presented in such a way as to intentionally manipulate the minds of the viewers, to push certain control system agendas…
...and to allow the criminals in charge to continue to get away with their crimes, all while framing the innocent and those speaking the truth.
Malcolm X's quote suggests that newspaper readers simply need to be careful, but newspapers and other sources of mainstream news are practically nothing but propaganda and disinformation designed to produce this backwards state of awareness in people.
When one agenda begins losing its effect, they simply roll out another one.
What happens when those working within the mainstream media do try to report the truth?
People who watch, listen to, or read the mainstream news are programmed to believe a long and ever-growing list of lies.
They end up...
Never does the mainstream media let people know that they’re slaves, or how we can all become free.
Instead, people’s minds are played like a fiddle.
The "news" caught using photos from years ago to try to scare people about the non-existent COVID-19 virus
And more fakery and lies from the mainstream media to promote the never-ending COVID-19 pandemic scam:
The above examples don't even scratch the surface. There is an almost endless supply of lies, misinformation, disinformation, and distractions coming from the mainstream media, all designed to keep people in a state of fear, keep them away from the truth, and paint a reality favorable to the government and the ruling class.
They get away with it because they know people won’t double check what they’re being told. Critical thinking was never taught in government schools.
The mainstream media literally controls people’s minds.
Operation Mockingbird was an official U.S. Government CIA program to manipulate the minds of the public by controlling the news.
The implication was that the American public would blindly believe and then repeat what they were told by those on television, like a mockingbird that repeats other birds’ songs.
It’s worked practically flawlessly, as most people do not have an original (or true) thought of their own.
The CIA is still in control of American mainstream media news broadcasts to this day. Former CIA Director William Colby has stated, “The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” Others high in the CIA hierarchy have admitted the same.
The result of the government takeover and corruption is a news media that has lied and continues to lie about practically everything. A few examples:
Add to these examples the countless false flag attacks carried out by groups within the control system, and then used by the mainstream media in an attempt to sway people’s minds to wage war and relinquish their freedoms.
In the case of the phony ‘weapons of mass destruction’ claim in Iraq, the mainstream media lied day after day for months on end. The result was a deadly war, a country destroyed, and millions of innocent people murdered, with millions more displaced.
After that horrific example, why would anyone continue to believe anything the mainstream media says? But they do…
And the mainstream media continues to lie, protecting all of its previous lies, and promoting false and dangerous ideas that result in never-ending ignorance, disease, war, and death.
The disinformation is not just limited to television programs:
In fact, the newspaper is where this mass mind control initially began, as psychopathic rulers understood that they could manipulate the minds of readers if they controlled what was printed in the papers.
Jefferson knew that those who read newspapers were victims of psychological warfare.
The same can be said of those who watch the mainstream news on television, or view it on the Internet, or listen to it on the radio, or read it in a magazine. As the news has migrated from newspapers and magazines to radio and television, and now to the Internet, the same groups remain in control of what people read, see, and hear.
U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People
In spite of the threats and harm they would likely face, a few brave souls who worked in the mainstream media industry decided to come forward to tell people the truth – that the mainstream news outlets are nothing but liars.
CNN Journalist ‘Governments Pay Us To Fake News’, Shocking Expose
Others have admitted the same.
One current reporter, Ben Swann, seems to have been given permission to tell some truths about some topics, essentially contradicting a number of false mainstream narratives.
But Swann’s work is a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the massive propaganda campaign that has captured the minds of the masses, and is leading an ignorant populace down an increasingly dark path.
The truth about propaganda continues in Part 2.
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